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Last active August 28, 2023 10:57
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algolia instantsearch history clone, adapted to the next.js router.
import { Router, UiState } from "instantsearch.js";
import NextRouter from "next/router";
import qs from "qs";
* This file is a copy of the InstantSearch.js router middleware:
* It's internals have been adapted to use the NextJS Router (singleton) instead
* of native browser history.
type CreateURL<TRouteState> = (args: {
qsModule: typeof qs;
routeState: TRouteState;
location: Location;
}) => string;
type ParseURL<TRouteState> = (args: {
qsModule: typeof qs;
location: Location;
}) => TRouteState;
type BrowserHistoryArgs<TRouteState> = {
windowTitle?: (routeState: TRouteState) => string;
writeDelay: number;
createURL: CreateURL<TRouteState>;
parseURL: ParseURL<TRouteState>;
// @MAJOR: The `Location` type is hard to simulate in non-browser environments
// so we should accept a subset of it that is easier to work with in any
// environments.
getLocation(): Location;
const setWindowTitle = (title?: string): void => {
if (title) {
// This function is only executed on browsers so we can disable this check.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
window.document.title = title;
class BrowserHistory<TRouteState> implements Router<TRouteState> {
* Transforms a UI state into a title for the page.
private readonly windowTitle?: BrowserHistoryArgs<TRouteState>["windowTitle"];
* Time in milliseconds before performing a write in the history.
* It prevents from adding too many entries in the history and
* makes the back button more usable.
* @default 400
private readonly writeDelay: Required<
* Creates a full URL based on the route state.
* The storage adaptor maps all syncable keys to the query string of the URL.
private readonly _createURL: Required<
* Parses the URL into a route state.
* It should be symmetrical to `createURL`.
private readonly parseURL: Required<
* Returns the location to store in the history.
* @default () => window.location
private readonly getLocation: Required<
private writeTimer?: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>;
private _onPopState?(url: string, options: { shallow?: boolean }): void;
* Indicates if last action was back/forward in the browser.
private inPopState = false;
* Indicates whether the history router is disposed or not.
private isDisposed = false;
* Indicates the window.history.length before the last call to
* window.history.pushState (called in `write`).
* It allows to determine if a `pushState` has been triggered elsewhere,
* and thus to prevent the `write` method from calling `pushState`.
private latestAcknowledgedHistory = 0;
* Initializes a new storage provider that syncs the search state to the URL
* using web APIs (`window.location.pushState` and `onpopstate` event).
public constructor({
writeDelay = 400,
}: BrowserHistoryArgs<TRouteState>) {
this.windowTitle = windowTitle;
this.writeTimer = undefined;
this.writeDelay = writeDelay;
this._createURL = createURL;
this.parseURL = parseURL;
this.getLocation = getLocation;
safelyRunOnBrowser(({ window }) => {
const title = this.windowTitle && this.windowTitle(;
this.latestAcknowledgedHistory = window.history.length;
* Reads the URL and returns a syncable UI search state.
public read(): TRouteState {
return this.parseURL({ qsModule: qs, location: this.getLocation() });
* Pushes a search state into the URL.
public write(routeState: TRouteState): void {
safelyRunOnBrowser(({ window }) => {
const url = this.createURL(routeState);
const title = this.windowTitle && this.windowTitle(routeState);
if (this.writeTimer) {
const loc = window.location.href;
this.writeTimer = setTimeout(() => {
// console.log("write", this.shouldWrite(url), url);
if (this.shouldWrite(url) && loc === window.location.href) {
// window.history.pushState(routeState, title || "", url);
this.latestAcknowledgedHistory = window.history.length;
this.inPopState = false;
this.writeTimer = undefined;
}, this.writeDelay);
* Sets a callback on the `onpopstate` event of the history API of the current page.
* It enables the URL sync to keep track of the changes.
public onUpdate(callback: (routeState: TRouteState) => void): void {
if (this._onPopState) {"routeChangeComplete", this._onPopState);
this._onPopState = (url: string, { shallow }: { shallow: boolean }) => {
if (this.writeTimer) {
this.writeTimer = undefined;
this.inPopState = shallow;
// const routeState = event.state;
// At initial load, the state is read from the URL without update.
// Therefore the state object is not available.
// In this case, we fallback and read the URL.
// if (!routeState) {
// callback(;
// } else {
// callback(routeState);
// }
safelyRunOnBrowser(({ window }) => {
// window.addEventListener("popstate", this._onPopState!);"routeChangeComplete", this._onPopState!);
* Creates a complete URL from a given syncable UI state.
* It always generates the full URL, not a relative one.
* This allows to handle cases like using a <base href>.
* See:
public createURL(routeState: TRouteState): string {
return this._createURL({
qsModule: qs,
location: this.getLocation(),
* Removes the event listener and cleans up the URL.
public dispose(): void {
this.isDisposed = true;
safelyRunOnBrowser(({ window }) => {
if (this._onPopState) {
// window.removeEventListener("popstate", this._onPopState);"routeChangeComplete", this._onPopState!);
if (this.writeTimer) {
this.write({} as TRouteState);
private shouldWrite(url: string): boolean {
return safelyRunOnBrowser(({ window }) => {
// We do want to `pushState` if:
// - the router is not disposed, IS.js needs to update the URL
// OR
// - the last write was from InstantSearch.js
// (unlike a SPA, where it would have last written)
const lastPushWasByISAfterDispose = !(
this.isDisposed &&
this.latestAcknowledgedHistory !== window.history.length
return (
// When the last state change was through popstate, the IS.js state changes,
// but that should not write the URL.
!this.inPopState &&
// When the previous pushState after dispose was by IS.js, we want to write the URL.
lastPushWasByISAfterDispose &&
// When the URL is the same as the current one, we do not want to write it.
url !== window.location.href
export function algoliaNextJsHistoryRouter<TRouteState = UiState>({
createURL = ({ qsModule, routeState, location }) => {
const { protocol, hostname, port = "", pathname, hash } = location;
const queryString = qsModule.stringify(routeState);
const portWithPrefix = port === "" ? "" : `:${port}`;
// IE <= 11 has no proper `location.origin` so we cannot rely on it.
if (!queryString) {
return `${protocol}//${hostname}${portWithPrefix}${pathname}${hash}`;
return `${protocol}//${hostname}${portWithPrefix}${pathname}?${queryString}${hash}`;
parseURL = ({ qsModule, location }) => {
// `qs` by default converts arrays with more than 20 items to an object.
// We want to avoid this because the data structure manipulated can therefore vary.
// Setting the limit to `100` seems a good number because the engine's default is 100
// (it can go up to 1000 but it is very unlikely to select more than 100 items in the UI).
// Using an `arrayLimit` of `n` allows `n + 1` items.
// See:
// -
// -
return qsModule.parse(, {
arrayLimit: 99,
}) as unknown as TRouteState;
writeDelay = 400,
getLocation = () => {
return safelyRunOnBrowser<Location>(({ window }) => window.location, {
fallback: () => {
throw new Error(
"You need to provide `getLocation` to the `history` router in environments where `window` does not exist.",
}: Partial<BrowserHistoryArgs<TRouteState>> = {}): BrowserHistory<TRouteState> {
return new BrowserHistory({
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
type BrowserCallback<TReturn> = (params: { window: typeof window }) => TReturn;
type SafelyRunOnBrowserOptions<TReturn> = {
* Fallback to run on server environments.
fallback: () => TReturn;
* Runs code on browser environments safely.
function safelyRunOnBrowser<TReturn>(
callback: BrowserCallback<TReturn>,
{ fallback }: SafelyRunOnBrowserOptions<TReturn> = {
fallback: () => undefined as unknown as TReturn,
): TReturn {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
if (typeof window === "undefined") {
return fallback();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
return callback({ window });
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