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Forked from gorenje/MixinTest.j
Created February 14, 2011 09:15
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* Provide a simple mixin helper to extend classes without inheritence. At the same
* time, this demostrates various scenarios when using mixins.
* For more information, check out (branch URL - release 0.8.1 of cappuccino)
* Note: this code is base on version 0.8.1 of Cappuccino.
* Install OJTest framework ( and this class
* can be called:
* ojtest MixinTest.j
@import <Foundation/CPObject.j>
* Provide a Mixin-Helper. A Mixin class can subclass this and then can be mixed into the
* target class by:
* [MixinClass addToClass:TargetClass]
* This then adds all instance variables and methods.
* This is not perfect since a certain amount of checking should be done, in particular
* ClassFourToBeMixed is mixed each time an object is instanciated which is not necessary.
* Also class methods ARE NOT mixed in, only instance methods.
@implementation MixinHelper : CPObject
+ (void)addToClass:(id)aClass
[self mixIntoClass:aClass usingClass:self];
+ (void)mixIntoClass:(id)targetClass usingClass:(id)mixinClass
* This is basically how to implemenet mixin at runtime for cappuccino 0.8.1
class_addIvars(targetClass, class_copyIvarList(mixinClass));
class_addMethods(targetClass, class_copyMethodList(mixinClass) );
* Mixin Classes
* This contains all the methods that we want to "mixin"
@implementation MixinResultString : MixinHelper
CPString m_result;
- (void) methodNoArgsNoReturn
m_result = ("methodNoArgsNoReturn - " + class_getName([self class]));
- (CPString) getResult
return m_result;
* Add a counter
@implementation MixinCounter : MixinHelper
int m_counter;
- (int)increment
if ( !m_counter ) m_counter = 0;
return (++m_counter);
* Assuming that class has instance variable
@implementation MixinFunctionality : MixinHelper
- (int) decrement
return (--m_counter);
* Override an existing method.
@implementation MixinOverride : MixinHelper
- (CPString) toBeOverridden:(CPString)returnValue
return returnValue;
* Mixin Class Methods. NOTE this does not work, so the test for this checks for failure.
@implementation MixinClassMethods : MixinHelper
+ (CPString)myClassName
return class_getName(self);
* Target classes to demostrate external and internal mixing in.
@implementation ClassHasInstanceVariable : CPObject
int m_counter;
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if ( self ) {
m_counter = 100;
return self;
@implementation ClassAddClassMethod : CPObject
@implementation ClassExternalMixin : CPObject
@implementation ClassCombineMixins : CPObject
@implementation ClassInternalMixin : CPObject
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if ( self ) {
[MixinCounter addToClass:[self class]];
return self;
@implementation ClassToBeOverridden : CPObject
* This won't be ovrridden because of different signature.
- (int) toBeOverridden
return 1;
* This will be replaced because it has the same signature as the mixin method.
- (CPString) toBeOverridden:(CPString)aString
return "[" + aString + "]";
* Unit test class for playing around with these mixin classes.
@implementation MixinTest : OJTestCase
- (void) testClassMethodsArentMixedin
[MixinClassMethods addToClass:ClassAddClassMethod];
try {
[ClassAddClassMethod myClassName];
[self assertTrue:NO];
} catch ( e ) {
regexp = new RegExp("CPInvalidArgumentException. . .ClassAddClassMethod myClassName. "+
"unrecognized selector sent to class");
[self assertTrue:regexp.test(e)];
- (void) testMixingInFunctionality
[MixinFunctionality addToClass:ClassHasInstanceVariable];
var obj = [[ClassHasInstanceVariable alloc] init];
[obj decrement];
[obj decrement];
[self assert:[obj decrement] equals:97];
* Explicitly mixin a mixin into two separate classes.
- (void) testExternalMixin
[MixinResultString addToClass:ClassExternalMixin];
var obj = [[ClassExternalMixin alloc] init];
[obj methodNoArgsNoReturn];
[self assert:[obj getResult] equals:"methodNoArgsNoReturn - ClassExternalMixin"];
* Test the automatical mixing in of a mixin
- (void) testInternalMixin
var objOne = [[ClassInternalMixin alloc] init];
var objTwo = [[ClassInternalMixin alloc] init];
var objTre = [[ClassInternalMixin alloc] init];
[objOne increment];
[objOne increment];
[objOne increment];
[objTwo increment];
[objTre increment];
[objTre increment];
[objTre increment];
[objTre increment];
[objTre increment];
[objTre increment];
[self assert:[objTwo increment] equals:2];
[self assert:[objOne increment] equals:4];
[self assert:[objTre increment] equals:7];
- (void) testCombiningMixins
[MixinResultString addToClass:ClassCombineMixins];
[MixinHelper mixIntoClass:ClassCombineMixins usingClass:MixinCounter];
var obj = [[ClassCombineMixins alloc] init];
[obj methodNoArgsNoReturn];
[self assert:[obj getResult] equals:"methodNoArgsNoReturn - ClassCombineMixins"];
[obj increment];
[obj increment];
[self assert:[obj increment] equals:3];
- (void) testOverriding
var obj = [[ClassToBeOverridden alloc] init];
[self assert:[obj toBeOverridden:@"fibar"] equals:@"[fibar]"];
[self assert:[obj toBeOverridden] equals:1];
[MixinOverride addToClass:ClassToBeOverridden];
* Note that mixin work for existing objects too, i.e. the object was created before
* the class was mixin'ed
[self assert:[obj toBeOverridden:@"fibar"] equals:@"fibar"];
[self assert:[obj toBeOverridden] equals:1];
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