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Created March 4, 2016 05:36
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// updated version for scalaz 7.2.x where Free automatically applies the
// Coyoneda transform
import scalaz.{Free, ~>, Id}
import scalaz.std.list._
import scalaz.syntax.traverse._
type UserId = Int
type UserName = String
type UserPhoto = String
final case class Tweet(userId: UserId, msg: String)
final case class User(id: UserId, name: UserName, photo: UserPhoto)
// Services represent web services we can call to fetch data
sealed trait Service[A]
final case class GetTweets(userId: UserId) extends Service[List[Tweet]]
final case class GetUserName(userId: UserId) extends Service[UserName]
final case class GetUserPhoto(userId: UserId) extends Service[UserPhoto]
// A request represents a request for data
final case class Request[A](service: Service[A])
def fetch[A](service: Service[A]): Free[Request, A] =
Free.liftF[Request, A](Request(service) : Request[A])
object ToyInterpreter extends (Request ~> Id.Id) {
import Id._
def apply[A](in: Request[A]): Id[A] = in match {
case Request(service) =>
service match {
case GetTweets(userId) =>
println(s"Getting tweets for user $userId")
List(Tweet(1, "Hi"), Tweet(2, "Hi"), Tweet(1, "Bye"))
case GetUserName(userId) =>
println(s"Getting user name for user $userId")
userId match {
case 1 => "Agnes"
case 2 => "Brian"
case _ => "Anonymous"
case GetUserPhoto(userId) =>
println(s"Getting user photo for user $userId")
userId match {
case 1 => ":-)"
case 2 => ":-D"
case _ => ":-|"
object Example {
val theId: UserId = 1
def getUser(id: UserId): Free[Request, User] =
for {
name <- fetch(GetUserName(id))
photo <- fetch(GetUserPhoto(id))
} yield User(id, name, photo)
val free: Free[Request, List[(String, User)]] =
for {
tweets <- fetch(GetTweets(theId))
result <- (tweets map { tweet: Tweet =>
for {
user <- getUser(tweet.userId)
} yield (tweet.msg -> user)
} yield result
def run: List[(String, User)] =
// to try this code:
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+1 !!

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