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Last active May 24, 2016 11:29
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  • Save klalle/c107c343ff8dc9bd7518 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save klalle/c107c343ff8dc9bd7518 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Reads voltage and power from China-style energy meter and sends it to nRF24L01+.
Collecting data from meter by eavesdropping on the MOSI-line (master in slave out)
between the energy monitoring chip (ECH1560) and the main processor
Meter Arduino
GND (Brown) GND (2nd from the end of the meter-board)
VCC (3.6V) RAW (Connect to battery "+" under meter-board)
CLK (Green) D2 (INT0) (5th from the end of the meter-board)
SDO (Blue-white) D5 (6th from the end of the meter-board)
nRF24L01+ Ardiono
GND (square) GND
VCC 3,3V (mini = VCC)
CE 9
CSV 10
SCK 13
#include <SPI.h>
#include "nRF24L01.h"
#include "RF24.h"
#include "printf.h"
#define CE_PIN 9
#define CSN_PIN 10
//Energy meter setup:
const int CLKPin = 2; // Pin connected to CLK (D2 & INT0)
const int MISOPin = 5; // Pin connected to MISO (D5)
// Set up nRF24L01 radio on SPI bus plus pins 9 & 10
RF24 radio(CE_PIN, CSN_PIN); // Create a Radio
// Radio pipe addresses for 1 node to communicate.
//const uint64_t PipeAddress = 0xAABBCCDD11LL; //5-byte address "LL" is for long
const uint64_t pipes[] = { 0xAABBCCDD11LL}; //Transmitting address (Last 2 numbers are number on energy-meter)
//All variables that are changed in the interrupt function must be volatile to make sure changes are saved.
volatile int Ba = 0; //Store MISO-byte 1
volatile int Bb = 0; //Store MISO-byte 2
volatile int Bc = 0; //Store MISO-byte 2
float U = 0; //voltage
float P = 0; //power
float ReadData[3] = {0, 0, 0}; //Array to hold mean values of [U,I,P]
int AverageMax = 5;
volatile long CountBits = 0; //Count read bits
volatile int Antal = 0; //number of read values (to calculate mean)
volatile long ClkHighCount = 0; //Number of CLK-highs (find start of a Byte)
volatile boolean inSync = false; //as long as we ar in SPI-sync
volatile boolean NextBit = true; //A new bit is detected
void SendToComputer(void); //initiate transmitt-function
void setup(void)
//debug over Serial
//Setting up interrupt ISR on D2 (INT0), trigger function "CLK_ISR()" when INT0 (CLK)is rising
attachInterrupt(0, CLK_ISR, RISING);
//Set the CLK-pin (D5) to input
pinMode(CLKPin, INPUT);
//Set the MISO-pin (D5) to input
pinMode(MISOPin, INPUT);
// Setup and configure nrf radio see:
//********* Optional settings for nrf below see:
// increase the delay between retries & # of retries
// reduce the payload size. (3 floates = 3*4=12 Bytes)
//Set speed of transmission (250kbps only works on the "+"-version!!! slower increases range!
//Set Power Amplifier (PA) level to high to increase range!
//Automatically receive data when sending something
//********* End of optional settings*********
//Addresses has to be set last!
//Transmitter address
//I don't have to set an receiver address, because the auto ack will automatically receive an payload if i need to send anything to this meter!
void loop(void)
//do nothing until the CLK-interrupt occures and sets inSync=true
if(inSync == true){
CountBits = 0; //CLK-interrupt increments CountBits when new bit is received
while(CountBits<40){} //skip the uninteresting 5 first bytes
while(CountBits<24){ //Loop through the next 3 Bytes (6-8) and save byte 6 and 7 in Ba and Bb
if(NextBit == true){ //when rising edge on CLK is detected, NextBit = true in in interrupt.
if(CountBits < 9){ //first Byte/8 bits in Ba
Ba = (Ba << 1); //Shift Ba one bit to left and store MISO-value (0 or 1) (see
//read MISO-pin, if high: make Ba[0] = 1
Ba |= (1<<0); //changes first bit of Ba to "1"
} //doesn't need "else" because BaBb[0] is zero if not changed.
NextBit=false; //reset NextBit in wait for next CLK-interrupt
else if(CountBits < 17){ //bit 9-16 is byte 7, stor in Bb
Bb = Bb << 1; //Shift Ba one bit to left and store MISO-value (0 or 1)
//read MISO-pin, if high: make Ba[0] = 1
Bb |= (1<<0); //changes first bit of Bb to "1"
NextBit=false; //reset NextBit in wait for next CLK-interrupt
if(Bb!=3){ //if bit Bb is not 3, we have reached the important part, U is allready in Ba and Bb and next 8 Bytes will give us the Power.
Antal += 1; //increment for mean value calculations
//Voltage = 2*Ba+Bb/255
while(CountBits<40){}//Start reading the next 8 Bytes by skipping the first 5 uninteresting ones
while(CountBits<24){ //store byte 6, 7 and 8 in Ba and Bb & Bc.
if(NextBit == true){
if(CountBits < 9){
Ba = (Ba << 1); //Shift Ba one bit to left and store MISO-value (0 or 1)
//read MISO-pin, if high: make Ba[0] = 1
Ba |= (1<<0); //changes first bit of Ba to "1"
else if(CountBits < 17){
Bb = Bb << 1; //Shift Ba one bit to left and store MISO-value (0 or 1)
//read MISO-pin, if high: make Ba[0] = 1
Bb |= (1<<0); //changes first bit of Bb to "1"
Bc = Bc << 1; //Shift Bc one bit to left and store MISO-value (0 or 1)
//read MISO-pin, if high: make Bc[0] = 1
Bc |= (1<<0); //changes first bit of Bc to "1"
//Power = (Ba*255+Bb)/2
//Voltage mean
ReadData[0] = (U+ReadData[0]*((float)Antal-1))/(float)Antal;
//Power mean
ReadData[1] = (P+ReadData[2]*((float)Antal-1))/(float)Antal;
//Power max
ReadData[2] = P;
//every 5th read-out ~every 5th second, we send the mean value data to the nrf24l01-transmitter
//Send the data to the computer
bool ok = radio.write( ReadData, sizeof(ReadData) );
if (ok){
Antal=0; //reset mean-value counter after successfull transmission ~10s
//This is an awesome feature, if "radio.enableAckPayload()" is enabled, then we may have got somethig in return that we can use:
//did we get any data in return when sending the bytes??
if ( radio.isAckPayloadAvailable() )
inSync=false; //reset sync variable to make sure next reading is in sync.
if(Bb==0){ //If Bb is not 3 or something else than 0, something is wrong!
//Function that triggers whenever CLK-pin is rising (goes high)
void CLK_ISR(){
//if we are trying to find the sync-time (CLK goes high for 1-2ms)
ClkHighCount = 0;
//Register how long the ClkHigh is high to evaluate if we are at the part wher clk goes high for 1-2 ms
ClkHighCount += 1;
delayMicroseconds(30); //can only use delayMicroseconds in an interrupt.
//if the Clk was high between 1 and 2 ms than, its a start of a SPI-transmission
if(ClkHighCount >= 33 && ClkHighCount <= 67){
inSync = true;
else{ //we are in sync and logging CLK-highs
//increment an integer to keep track of how many bits we have read.
CountBits += 1;
NextBit = true;
// vim:cin:ai:sts=2 sw=2 ft=cpp
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