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Created October 22, 2013 11:46
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Google Power Search Class
• define […]
- Defines a word, in english, also on the danish site
• #[…]
- Searches the web for hashtags
• +[…]
- Searches Google+
• $[…]
- Given a number, searches for a price
• @[…]
- Given a name, seaches for people (on mostly social networks)
• site:[…]
- Given an web address, or just a top-level domain (with an optional dot), searches only within the site or domain
• filetype:[…]
- Given a filetype, PDF, DOC(X), TXT, CSV (comma-separated value), PSD, KML (Google Earth file, click on 'View on Google Maps')
• intext:[…]
- Forces the search to include the given word (prevent a "drop-out")
• intitle:[…]
- Terms is includes in title
• related:[…]
- Given a web address, returns related sites
• "[...]" AROUND(10) "[…]"
- Will return pages where the two terms are 10 (or less) words apart
• -[…]
- Excludes the given word, effictive when searching for a term with multiple meanings (can be combined with other search tools, e.g. site:)
• […] OR […]
- Includes a second word, effective for searching synonyms or relaters terms
• time […]
- Given a location, returns the current time of the location
• weather […]
- Given a location, return the weather forecast
• movies […]
- Given a title and/or city name, returns the upcoming movies
• map […]
- Given a location, returns a Google Map
• […] *
- A "fill out the blank"-feature, to complete a incomplete search query
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