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Created May 17, 2014 19:27
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12:17 -!- toarutest [~toaru@] has joined #osdev
12:17 < toarutest> Neat.
12:17 -!- asie [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:17 < toarutest> Someone
12:17 < klange> Hm.
12:17 -!- osa1 [~omer@] has joined #osdev
12:17 < klange> oh right
12:17 < puckipedia> Someone
12:18 < QuinnStorm> 1121ytcxctrx3x---[----=
12:18 < toarutest> Someone told me to write an interactive console
12:18 < puckipedia> Not sure, but you may have a
12:18 < QuinnStorm> derp
12:18 < toarutest> Sorry, I forgot I need a colon before a message or it takes a single word as the
12:18 < QuinnStorm> fumbled tablet
12:18 < puckipedia> lol
12:18 < toarutest> It still counts as an IRC client if I have to type the PRIVMSG part manually, right?
12:19 < QuinnStorm> ..speaking of...its kinda awesome living in the future
12:19 < puckipedia> maybe
12:19 -!- Enver_kemoba [~symLink@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:19 < QuinnStorm> toarutest: is /msg in irssi
12:19 < toarutest> If I don'tt type neough, it will eventually PING me
12:19 < toarutest> And then I need to respond. And I don't remember the format.
12:19 < puckipedia> Is it just a socket?
12:19 < QuinnStorm> ah lol
12:20 < toarutest> Calling it a socket would be a stretch. It's hardly even that!
12:20 < puckipedia> just a serial port to network?
12:20 < toarutest> More like a shell that reads lines and then forcibly crafts TCP packets to send.
12:21 < toarutest> I did add one IRC nicity: It appends \r\n.
12:21 < QuinnStorm> lol
12:21 < toarutest> Maybe I should have it actually parse incoming IRC messages :)
12:21 < toarutest> And add some syntax hilighting
12:21 < toarutest> IRC client in the kernel!
12:21 < QuinnStorm> well remember the internet started out very slow
12:21 < puckipedia> toarutest, the PING command is just PONG `server`
12:22 < toarutest> puckipedia: I'll keep that in mind.
12:22 -!- osa1 [~omer@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:22 < puckipedia> iirc
12:22 < toarutest> That sounds right.
12:23 < toarutest> Anyway, I'm going to stop doing useless things. This test was a success.
12:23 < toarutest> Part is PART #channel :message...
12:23 -!- toarutest [~toaru@] has left #osdev ["Part message goes here"]
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