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Created October 30, 2013 18:38
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Prototype of the Church-encoded Proxy for pipes
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Pipes.Church where
import Control.Monad (replicateM, liftM, join)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
-- The "classical" implementation
data Pipe i o m r
= Done r
| Await (i -> Pipe i o m r)
| Yield o (Pipe i o m r)
| M (m (Pipe i o m r))
instance (Functor m) => Functor (Pipe i o m) where
fmap f p = case p of
Await fi -> Await (fmap f .fi)
Yield o fo -> Yield o (fmap f fo)
Done r -> Done (f r)
M sc -> M (fmap (fmap f) sc)
instance (Monad m) => Monad (Pipe i o m) where
return = Done
(Await fi) >>= f = Await (\i -> fi i >>= f)
(Yield o fo) >>= f = Yield o (fo >>= f)
(Done r) >>= f = f r
(M sc) >>= f = M (liftM (>>= f) sc)
instance MonadTrans (Pipe i o) where
lift op = M (liftM Done op)
runEffect :: (Monad m) => Pipe i o m r -> m r
runEffect p = case p of
Await _ -> error "runEffect: Await"
Yield _ _ -> error "runEffect: Yield"
Done r -> return r
M sc -> sc >>= runEffect
(>->) :: Monad m => Pipe i e m r -> Pipe e o m r -> Pipe i o m r
up >-> down = go down
go (Yield o fo) = Yield o (go fo)
go (Await fe) = up >~> fe
go (Done r) = Done r
go (M sc) = M (liftM go sc)
(>~>) :: Monad m => Pipe i e m r -> (e -> Pipe e o m r) -> Pipe i o m r
up >~> down = go up
go (Await fi) = Await (\i -> go (fi i))
go (Yield e fe) = fe >-> down e
go (Done r) = Done r
go (M sc) = M (liftM go sc)
yield :: o -> Pipe i o m ()
yield o = Yield o (Done ())
await :: Pipe i o m i
await = Await Done
pull :: Pipe e e m r
pull = Await (\e -> Yield e pull)
numbers :: Monad m => Pipe i Int m r
numbers = go 0
go k = Yield k (go (k+1))
-- The Church-encoded implementation
newtype PipeC i o m a = PipeC {
runPipeC :: forall r.
(a -> r)
-> (o -> r -> r)
-> ((i -> r) -> r)
-> (m r -> r)
-> r }
instance Functor (PipeC i o m) where
fmap f (PipeC p) = PipeC (\ret -> p (ret . f))
instance Monad (PipeC i o m) where
return a = PipeC (\ret _ _ _ -> ret a)
(PipeC p) >>= f = PipeC (\ret yi aw mm -> p (\a -> runPipeC (f a) ret yi aw mm) yi aw mm)
instance MonadTrans (PipeC i o) where
lift op = PipeC (\ret _ _ mm -> mm (liftM ret op))
runEffectC :: Monad m => PipeC i o m a -> m a
runEffectC (PipeC p) = p return (error "runEffectC: yield") (error "runEffectC: await") join
yieldC :: o -> PipeC i o m ()
yieldC o = PipeC (\ret yi _ _ -> yi o (ret ()))
awaitC :: PipeC i o m i
awaitC = PipeC (\ret _ aw _ -> aw ret)
pullC :: PipeC e e m a
pullC = PipeC (\_ yi aw _ -> let res = aw (\e -> yi e res) in res)
toPipe :: PipeC i o m a -> Pipe i o m a
toPipe (PipeC p) = p Done Yield Await M
fromPipe :: Monad m => Pipe i o m a -> PipeC i o m a
fromPipe p = PipeC res
res ret yi aw mm = go p
go (Done a) = ret a
go (Yield o fo) = yi o (go fo)
go (Await fi) = aw (go . fi)
go (M sc) = mm (liftM go sc)
(>!->) :: Monad m => PipeC i e m a -> PipeC e o m a -> PipeC i o m a
up >!-> down = fromPipe $ toPipe up >-> toPipe down
numbersC :: PipeC i Int m r
numbersC = PipeC (\_ yi _ _ -> let go k = yi k (go (k+1)) in go 0)
takeC :: Int -> PipeC e e m ()
takeC n = PipeC res
res ret yi aw _ = go n
go 0 = ret ()
go k = aw (\e -> yi e (go (k-1)))
main :: IO ()
main = do
l <- runEffectC $ numbersC >!-> do { lift (print "Hello"); replicateM 100000 awaitC }
print $ last l
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