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Created August 1, 2020 10:35
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{-# language RecordWildCards #-}
module Main where
import Data.List
import GHC.HeapView
import System.Mem
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
main = do
let fibs = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
print (fibs !! 4)
g <- buildHeapGraph 1000 () (asBox fibs)
putStrLn $ memg2dot g
putStrLn "!!!!!GC!!!!!"
g <- buildHeapGraph 1000 () (asBox fibs)
putStrLn $ memg2dot g
memg2dot g = unlines d where
ps = g2dot g
Just (HeapGraphEntry{..}) = lookupHeapGraph heapGraphRoot g
d = digraph (root hgeBox : rootlink heapGraphRoot : ps)
digraph xs = [
"digraph structs {",
"node [shape=record];",
++ xs
++ ["}"]
lastN n xs | length xs < n + 1 = xs
| otherwise = ("~" ++) . reverse . take n . reverse $ xs
root :: Box -> String
root box = "root [label=\"" ++ lastN 12 (show box) ++ "\"]"
header con ty = "<info> " ++ con ++ " " ++ show ty
struct i n ty pld =
["struct" ++ show i ++ " [label=\"",
header n ty] ++ pld ++ ["\"];"]
fld :: Int -> Maybe Box -> String
fld i Nothing = "| <f" ++ show i ++ "> ???"
fld i (Just b) = "| <f" ++ show i ++ "> " ++ lastN 12 (show b)
wpair u v = "| { " ++ show u ++ " | " ++ show v ++ " }"
refs = zipWith fld [0..]
wrd w = "| " ++ show w
wrds = map wrd
rootlink r = "root -> struct" ++ show r ++ ":info"
lnk i f Nothing = "struct" ++ show i ++ ":f" ++ show f ++
"-> unknown"
lnk i f (Just j) = "struct" ++ show i ++ ":f" ++ show f ++
"-> struct" ++ show j ++ ":info;"
links i = zipWith (lnk i) [0..]
he2dot g i HeapGraphEntry{..} = cl2dot g i hgeClosure
g2dot g@(HeapGraph m) = concatMap (uncurry (he2dot g)) $ IntMap.toList m
ty = tipe . info
boxes g = map (getbox g)
getbox g mi = do
i <- mi
r <- lookupHeapGraph i g
return $ hgeBox r
obj g i n c = obj' g i n c (ptrArgs c) (dataArgs c)
obj' g i n c ps ws = struct i n (ty c) pld
++ links i ps where
pld = refs (boxes g ps) ++ wrds ws
ind g i n c r = struct i n (ty c) (refs (boxes g [r]))
++ links i [r]
-- TODO label fun
pap g i n c = struct i n (ty c) pld
++ links i rs where
rs = fun c : payload c
pld = [wpair (arity c) (n_args c)] ++ refs (boxes g rs)
pap2 g i n c = struct i n (ty c) pld
++ links i rs where
rs = fun c : payload c
pld = refs (boxes g rs)
-- TODO card table, labels
arr g i n c@MutArrClosure{..} = struct i n (ty c) pld
++ links i mccPayload where
pld = wrds [mccPtrs, mccSize] ++ refs (boxes g mccPayload)
-- | MutArrClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , mccPtrs :: !Word -- ^ Number of pointers
-- , mccSize :: !Word -- ^ ?? Closures.h vs ClosureMacros.h
-- , mccPayload :: ![b] -- ^ Array payload
-- -- Card table ignored
-- }
cl2dot g i c@ConstrClosure{..} =
obj g i (lastN 12 (modl ++ "." ++ name) ++ "&#92;n") c
-- -- | A data constructor
-- ConstrClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , ptrArgs :: ![b] -- ^ Pointer arguments
-- , dataArgs :: ![Word] -- ^ Non-pointer arguments
-- , pkg :: !String -- ^ Package name
-- , modl :: !String -- ^ Module name
-- , name :: !String -- ^ Constructor name
-- }
cl2dot g i c@FunClosure{} = obj g i "" c
-- -- | A function
-- | FunClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , ptrArgs :: ![b] -- ^ Pointer arguments
-- , dataArgs :: ![Word] -- ^ Non-pointer arguments
-- }
cl2dot g i c@ThunkClosure{} = obj g i "" c
-- -- | A thunk, an expression not obviously in head normal form
-- | ThunkClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , ptrArgs :: ![b] -- ^ Pointer arguments
-- , dataArgs :: ![Word] -- ^ Non-pointer arguments
-- }
cl2dot g i c@SelectorClosure{..} = ind g i "Selector" c selectee
-- -- | A thunk which performs a simple selection operation
-- | SelectorClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , selectee :: !b -- ^ Pointer to the object being
-- -- selected from
-- }
cl2dot g i c@PAPClosure{} = pap g i "PAP" c
-- -- | An unsaturated function application
-- | PAPClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , arity :: !HalfWord -- ^ Arity of the partial application
-- , n_args :: !HalfWord -- ^ Size of the payload in words
-- , fun :: !b -- ^ Pointer to a 'FunClosure'
-- , payload :: ![b] -- ^ Sequence of already applied
-- -- arguments
-- }
cl2dot g i c@APClosure{} = pap g i "APC" c
-- -- | A function application
-- | APClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , arity :: !HalfWord -- ^ Always 0
-- , n_args :: !HalfWord -- ^ Size of payload in words
-- , fun :: !b -- ^ Pointer to a 'FunClosure'
-- , payload :: ![b] -- ^ Sequence of already applied
-- -- arguments
-- }
cl2dot g i c@APStackClosure{} = pap2 g i "APStack" c
-- -- | A suspended thunk evaluation
-- | APStackClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , fun :: !b -- ^ Function closure
-- , payload :: ![b] -- ^ Stack right before suspension
-- }
cl2dot g i c@IndClosure{..} = ind g i "" c indirectee
-- -- | A pointer to another closure, introduced when a thunk is updated
-- -- to point at its value
-- | IndClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , indirectee :: !b -- ^ Target closure
-- }
cl2dot g i c@BCOClosure{..} = struct i "BCO" (ty c) (replicate 5 "|")
-- -- | A byte-code object (BCO) which can be interpreted by GHC's byte-code
-- -- interpreter (e.g. as used by GHCi)
-- | BCOClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , instrs :: !b -- ^ A pointer to an ArrWords
-- -- of instructions
-- , literals :: !b -- ^ A pointer to an ArrWords
-- -- of literals
-- , bcoptrs :: !b -- ^ A pointer to an ArrWords
-- -- of byte code objects
-- , arity :: !HalfWord -- ^ The arity of this BCO
-- , size :: !HalfWord -- ^ The size of this BCO in words
-- , bitmap :: ![Word] -- ^ An StgLargeBitmap describing the
-- -- pointerhood of its args/free vars
-- }
cl2dot g i c@BlackholeClosure{..} = ind g i "" c indirectee
-- -- | A thunk under evaluation by another thread
-- | BlackholeClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , indirectee :: !b -- ^ The target closure
-- }
-- TODO bytes
cl2dot g i c@ArrWordsClosure{..} =
obj' g i "ArrWords" c [] (bytes:arrWords)
-- -- | A @ByteArray#@
-- | ArrWordsClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , bytes :: !Word -- ^ Size of array in bytes
-- , arrWords :: ![Word] -- ^ Array payload
-- }
-- TODO Card table
cl2dot g i c@MutArrClosure{} = obj g i "Arr" c
-- -- | A @MutableByteArray#@
-- | MutArrClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , mccPtrs :: !Word -- ^ Number of pointers
-- , mccSize :: !Word -- ^ ?? Closures.h vs ClosureMacros.h
-- , mccPayload :: ![b] -- ^ Array payload
-- -- Card table ignored
-- }
-- TODO labels
cl2dot g i c@MVarClosure{..} =
obj' g i "MVar" c [queueHead,queueTail,value] []
-- -- | An @MVar#@, with a queue of thread state objects blocking on them
-- | MVarClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , queueHead :: !b -- ^ Pointer to head of queue
-- , queueTail :: !b -- ^ Pointer to tail of queue
-- , value :: !b -- ^ Pointer to closure
-- }
cl2dot g i c@MutVarClosure{..} = ind g i "MutVar" c var
-- -- | A @MutVar#@
-- | MutVarClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , var :: !b -- ^ Pointer to closure
-- }
-- TODO labels
cl2dot g i c@BlockingQueueClosure{..} =
obj' g i "BlockingQueue" c [link,blackHole,owner,queue] []
-- -- | An STM blocking queue.
-- | BlockingQueueClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , link :: !b -- ^ ?? Here so it looks like an IND
-- , blackHole :: !b -- ^ The blackhole closure
-- , owner :: !b -- ^ The owning thread state object
-- , queue :: !b -- ^ ??
-- }
cl2dot g i c@OtherClosure{..} = obj' g i "Other" c hvalues rawWords
-- -- | Another kind of closure
-- | OtherClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- , hvalues :: ![b]
-- , rawWords :: ![Word]
-- }
cl2dot g i c@UnsupportedClosure{info=StgInfoTable{..}} =
struct i "Unsupported" tipe
(replicate (fromIntegral ptrs + fromIntegral nptrs) " | ")
-- | UnsupportedClosure
-- { info :: !StgInfoTable
-- }
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