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Created July 17, 2019 05:56
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PID: 6867 (BitwigPluginHos)
UID: 1000 (j)
GID: 985 (users)
Signal: 6 (ABRT)
Timestamp: Tue 2019-07-16 22:55:52 PDT (17s ago)
Command Line: /opt/bitwig-studio/bin/BitwigPluginHost64 host Matt Tytel-Vital-2 96000 512 6544-2 16 not-dpi-aware 8 jack jack
Executable: /opt/bitwig-studio/bin/BitwigPluginHost64
Control Group: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-1.scope
Unit: session-1.scope
Slice: user-1000.slice
Session: 1
Owner UID: 1000 (j)
Boot ID: 9b9642bcf821430bbbfd6079945b98b3
Machine ID: 801d4b8677ce4ad4a0fde2c76084825a
Hostname: gravity
Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.BitwigPluginHos.1000.9b9642bcf821430bbbfd6079945b98b3.6867.1563342952000000.lz4
Message: Process 6867 (BitwigPluginHos) of user 1000 dumped core.
Stack trace of thread 6871:
#0 0x00007f6f07768755 raise (
#1 0x00007f6f07753851 abort (
#2 0x00007f6f07753727 __assert_fail_base.cold (
#3 0x00007f6f07761026 __assert_fail (
#4 0x00007f6f044a1a11 n/a (
#5 0x00007f6f044a1ac1 n/a (
#6 0x00007f6f044a1dbd _XEventsQueued (
#7 0x00007f6f04493978 XPending (
#8 0x00007f6f04df38de _ZN4juce14LinuxEventLoop16CallbackFunctionIZNS_13XWindowSystem18initialiseXDisplayEvEUliE_EclEi.lto_priv.3584 (
#9 0x00007f6f05005be7 _ZN4juce14MessageManager32dispatchNextMessageOnSystemQueueEb (
#10 0x00007f6f05005ca6 _ZN4juce14MessageManager20runDispatchLoopUntilEi (
#11 0x00007f6f05155a42 _ZN19SharedMessageThread3runEv (
#12 0x00007f6f05081ff6 _ZN4juce6Thread16threadEntryPointEv (
#13 0x00007f6f0502fd09 threadEntryProc (
#14 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#15 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7160:
#0 0x00007f6f079007ca pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6f0501db18 _ZNK4juce13WaitableEvent4waitEi (
#2 0x00007f6f05003eda _ZN4juce5Timer11TimerThread3runEv (
#3 0x00007f6f05081ff6 _ZN4juce6Thread16threadEntryPointEv (
#4 0x00007f6f0502fd09 threadEntryProc (
#5 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#6 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7186:
#0 0x00007f6f07904145 __nanosleep (
#1 0x00007f6f0501d963 _ZN4juce6Thread5sleepEi (
#2 0x00007f6f04b25e3a _ZN4juce13OpenGLContext11CachedImage6runJobEv (
#3 0x00007f6f0507ee55 _ZN4juce10ThreadPool10runNextJobERNS0_16ThreadPoolThreadE (
#4 0x00007f6f050801ff _ZN4juce10ThreadPool16ThreadPoolThread3runEv (
#5 0x00007f6f05081ff6 _ZN4juce6Thread16threadEntryPointEv (
#6 0x00007f6f0502fd09 threadEntryProc (
#7 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#8 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7187:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 6870:
#0 0x00007f6f07903a6c read (
#1 0x00000000004d9bda n/a (BitwigPluginHost64)
#2 0x00000000004dc14e _ZN4base4core19BufferedInputStream9readBytesEPhm (BitwigPluginHost64)
#3 0x00000000004ecea9 _ZN4base4core19AbstractInputStream12readReqBytesEPhm (BitwigPluginHost64)
#4 0x00000000004e5d94 _ZN4base4core19AbstractInputStream8readByteEv (BitwigPluginHost64)
#5 0x000000000052fdc2 _ZN23RemotePluginAudioThread3runEv (BitwigPluginHost64)
#6 0x00000000004ea1b3 _ZN4base4core6Thread15thread_run_funcEPv (BitwigPluginHost64)
#7 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#8 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 6867:
#0 0x00007f6f0782a41e epoll_wait (
#1 0x00000000004f1756 _ZN4base4core5Epoll4waitEi (BitwigPluginHost64)
#2 0x000000000052647d _ZN10PluginHost3runEv (BitwigPluginHost64)
#3 0x00000000004bc95f main (BitwigPluginHost64)
#4 0x00007f6f07754ee3 __libc_start_main (
#5 0x00000000004d42e9 _start (BitwigPluginHost64)
Stack trace of thread 7167:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7172:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7173:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 6868:
#0 0x00007f6f07903a6c read (
#1 0x00000000004d9bda n/a (BitwigPluginHost64)
#2 0x00000000004dc14e _ZN4base4core19BufferedInputStream9readBytesEPhm (BitwigPluginHost64)
#3 0x00000000004ecea9 _ZN4base4core19AbstractInputStream12readReqBytesEPhm (BitwigPluginHost64)
#4 0x00000000004e5d94 _ZN4base4core19AbstractInputStream8readByteEv (BitwigPluginHost64)
#5 0x000000000051ecdd _Z21readPluginHostRequestP22PluginHostProxyHandlerPN4base4core11InputStreamE (BitwigPluginHost64)
#6 0x000000000052f6d7 n/a (BitwigPluginHost64)
#7 0x00000000004ea1b3 _ZN4base4core6Thread15thread_run_funcEPv (BitwigPluginHost64)
#8 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#9 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7174:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7175:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7178:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7177:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7179:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7180:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7176:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7184:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7182:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7183:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7185:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7168:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7169:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7170:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7171:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
Stack trace of thread 7181:
#0 0x00007f6f07900415 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f6ef364972c n/a (
#2 0x00007f6ef3649328 n/a (
#3 0x00007f6f078fa57f start_thread (
#4 0x00007f6f0782a0e3 __clone (
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