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Last active March 9, 2016 11:02
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Cassandra word cloud V (filtering)
svg ='svg')
width = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().width
height = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().height
keyword = 'cocaine'
forum = 'drugsforum'
treemap = d3.layout.treemap()
.size([width, height])
.value((node) -> node.count)
.sort((a,b) -> d3.ascending(a.count,b.count))
.round(false) # bugfix: d3 wrong ordering
correct_x = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, width])
.range([0, width*1.05])
correct_y = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, height])
.range([0, height*3/4])
color = (txt, light) ->
noise = (W) -> Math.random()*W - W/2
d3.hcl(0+noise(360), 40, 40)
# translate the viewBox to have (0,0) at the center of the vis
viewBox: "#{-width/2} #{-height/2} #{width} #{height}"
# append a group for zoomable content
zoomable_layer = svg.append('g')
# define a zoom behavior
zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
.scaleExtent([1,30]) # min-max zoom
.on 'zoom', () ->
transform: "translate(#{zoom.translate()})scale(#{zoom.scale()})"
# bind the zoom behavior to the main SVG
# group the visualization
vis = zoomable_layer.append('g')
transform: "translate(#{-width/2},#{-height/2})"
redraw = () ->'body').classed 'wait', true
# d3.json "{forum}&term=#{keyword}", (result) ->
d3.json "{forum}&term=#{keyword}&min_threshold=5", (result) ->
# d3.json "{forum}", (data) -> (a,b) -> d3.descending(a.count, b.count) =[0...500]
tree = {children:, name: "cassandra"}
nodes_data = treemap.nodes(tree)'body').classed 'wait', false
#nodes = vis.selectAll('.node')
# .data(nodes_data.filter((node) -> node.depth is 1))
#enter_nodes = nodes.enter().append('rect')
# .attr
# class: 'node'
# x: (node) -> node.x
# y: (node) -> node.y
# width: (node) -> node.dx
# height: (node) -> node.dy
# fill: (node) -> color(node.keyword, true)
labels = vis.selectAll('.label')
.data(nodes_data.filter((node) -> node.depth is 1))
enter_labels = labels.enter().append('svg')
class: 'label'
.text((node) -> node.term.toUpperCase())
dy: '0.35em'
fill: (node) -> color(node.term, false)
.each (node) ->
bbox = this.getBBox()
bbox_aspect = bbox.width / bbox.height
node_bbox = {width: node.dx, height: node.dy}
node_bbox_aspect = node_bbox.width / node_bbox.height
rotate = bbox_aspect >= 1 and node_bbox_aspect < 1 or bbox_aspect < 1 and node_bbox_aspect >= 1
node.label_bbox = {
x: bbox.x+(bbox.width-correct_x(bbox.width))/2,
y: bbox.y+(bbox.height-correct_y(bbox.height))/2,
width: correct_x(bbox.width),
height: correct_y(bbox.height)
if rotate
node.label_bbox = {
x: node.label_bbox.y,
y: node.label_bbox.x,
width: node.label_bbox.height,
height: node.label_bbox.width
}'transform', 'rotate(-90)')
x: (node) -> node.x
y: (node) -> node.y
width: (node) -> node.dx
height: (node) -> node.dy
viewBox: (node) -> "#{node.label_bbox.x} #{node.label_bbox.y} #{node.label_bbox.width} #{node.label_bbox.height}"
preserveAspectRatio: 'none'"#keyword").node().value = keyword"#keyword").on 'keyup', () ->
if(d3.event.keyCode == 13)
keyword = this.value
.replace(/ and /gi, "%2BAND%2B") # URL encoding of queries
.replace(/ or /gi, "%2BOR%2B")
.replace(/-/g, "%2D")
.replace(/ /g, "%2B")
redraw() "#forum_ctrl"
.on "change", () ->
forum = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value
body, html {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
body.wait {
cursor: progress;
body {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
#forum_bar, #search {
height: 20px;
padding: 2px;
svg {
flex-grow: 1;
height: 0;
margin: 6px;
.node {
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke;
stroke: white;
stroke-width: 2;
.label {
pointer-events: none;
text-anchor: middle;
font-family: Impact;
padding : 0 2px;
margin : 0;
width : 240px;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="description" content="Word cloud treemap (flare)" />
<title>Cassandra word cloud V (filtering)</title>
<link type="text/css" href="index.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="forum_bar">
<label>Select source:</label>
<select id="forum_ctrl">
<option value="drugsforum">Drugs-forum</option>
<option value="bluelight">Bluelight</option>
<option value="tweets_NPS">Tweets</option>
<div id="search">
<input type="search" id="keyword">
<script src="index.js"></script>
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
(function() {
var color, correct_x, correct_y, forum, height, keyword, redraw, svg, treemap, vis, width, zoom, zoomable_layer;
svg ='svg');
width = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().width;
height = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().height;
keyword = 'cocaine';
forum = 'drugsforum';
treemap = d3.layout.treemap().size([width, height]).value(function(node) {
return node.count;
}).sort(function(a, b) {
return d3.ascending(a.count, b.count);
correct_x = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, width]).range([0, width * 1.05]);
correct_y = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, height]).range([0, height * 3 / 4]);
color = function(txt, light) {
var noise;
Math.seedrandom(txt + 'abcdef');
noise = function(W) {
return Math.random() * W - W / 2;
return d3.hcl(0 + noise(360), 40, 40);
viewBox: (-width / 2) + " " + (-height / 2) + " " + width + " " + height
zoomable_layer = svg.append('g');
zoom = d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([1, 30]).on('zoom', function() {
return zoomable_layer.attr({
transform: "translate(" + (zoom.translate()) + ")scale(" + (zoom.scale()) + ")"
vis = zoomable_layer.append('g').attr({
transform: "translate(" + (-width / 2) + "," + (-height / 2) + ")"
redraw = function() {'body').classed('wait', true);
return d3.json("" + forum + "&term=" + keyword + "&min_threshold=5", function(result) {
var enter_labels, labels, nodes_data, tree;, b) {
return d3.descending(a.count, b.count);
}); =, 500);
tree = {
name: "cassandra"
nodes_data = treemap.nodes(tree);'body').classed('wait', false);
labels = vis.selectAll('.label').data(nodes_data.filter(function(node) {
return node.depth === 1;
enter_labels = labels.enter().append('svg').attr({
"class": 'label'
enter_labels.append('text').text(function(node) {
return node.term.toUpperCase();
dy: '0.35em',
fill: function(node) {
return color(node.term, false);
}).each(function(node) {
var bbox, bbox_aspect, node_bbox, node_bbox_aspect, rotate;
bbox = this.getBBox();
bbox_aspect = bbox.width / bbox.height;
node_bbox = {
width: node.dx,
height: node.dy
node_bbox_aspect = node_bbox.width / node_bbox.height;
rotate = bbox_aspect >= 1 && node_bbox_aspect < 1 || bbox_aspect < 1 && node_bbox_aspect >= 1;
node.label_bbox = {
x: bbox.x + (bbox.width - correct_x(bbox.width)) / 2,
y: bbox.y + (bbox.height - correct_y(bbox.height)) / 2,
width: correct_x(bbox.width),
height: correct_y(bbox.height)
if (rotate) {
node.label_bbox = {
x: node.label_bbox.y,
y: node.label_bbox.x,
width: node.label_bbox.height,
height: node.label_bbox.width
return'transform', 'rotate(-90)');
return enter_labels.attr({
x: function(node) {
return node.x;
y: function(node) {
return node.y;
width: function(node) {
return node.dx;
height: function(node) {
return node.dy;
viewBox: function(node) {
return node.label_bbox.x + " " + node.label_bbox.y + " " + node.label_bbox.width + " " + node.label_bbox.height;
preserveAspectRatio: 'none'
};"#keyword").node().value = keyword;"#keyword").on('keyup', function() {
if (d3.event.keyCode === 13) {
keyword = this.value.replace(/ and /gi, "%2BAND%2B").replace(/ or /gi, "%2BOR%2B").replace(/-/g, "%2D").replace(/ /g, "%2B");
return redraw();
});"#forum_ctrl").on("change", function() {
forum = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
return redraw();
keyword freq
codeine 99131
viagra 74354
steroids 60804
adderall 41047
panadol 26691
morphine 24860
mdma 21251
nutmeg 20751
xanax 19356
melatonin 14337
lithium 11014
shroom 7332
kanna 7227
valium 5485
peyote 5356
promethazine 4550
benadryl 4227
khat 4087
kava 3911
methadone 3588
ghb 3140
tramadol 2939
acetone 2721
sizzurp 2708
clonazepam 2395
psilocybin 2392
ayahuasca 2318
diazepam 2217
oxycodone 1801
vicodin 1656
kratom 1639
hydrocodone 1513
pregabalin 1500
naloxone 1326
fentanyl 1317
ritalin 1294
paracet 1217
nitrous oxide 1206
percocet 1145
modafinil 1133
klonopin 931
lorazepam 814
cocodamol 800
alprazolam 640
dxm 594
codis 571
kapake 555
suboxone 542
oxandrolone 540
dabiq 532
midazolam 490
dextromethorphan 463
oxycontin 461
diphenhydramine 397
gabapentin 383
neurofen 374
bromazepam 360
salvia divinorum 325
feminax 323
buprenorphine 295
zolpidem 276
datura 244
mephedrone 236
naltrexone 209
baclofen 201
zopiclone 201
iboga 189
temazepam 178
trazodone 178
hydromorphone 174
methylphenidate 149
loperamide 122
solpadeine 119
subutex 110
solpadol 90
mdai 90
nandrolone 87
dihydrocodeine 86
migraleve 86
panadeine 82
ascodan 78
etizolam 75
ethylphenidate 64
nitrazepam 62
syndol 56
zapain 52
paramol 51
etizolam 47
phenibut 46
librium 43
algidol 35
gogaine 33
woodrose 28
codydramol 26
clonazolam 25
flunitrazepam 23
methoxphenidine 23
flurazepam 21
veganin 19
fubinaca 19
methiopropamine 18
pinaca 17
boldenone 16
1p-lsd 16
synthacaine 15
acamprosate 13
diphenidine 8
flubromazolam 8
paracodol 7
acetylfentanyl 7
natterman 6
pyrazolam 6
methoxetamine 5
nitracaine 5
clorazepate 4
chminaca 4
nalmefene 3
isopropylphenidate 3
paderyl 2
phenazepam 2
codipar 1
flubromazolam 1
remedeine 1
sedaspir 1
chmica 1
aceffein 0
cocodaprin 0
copralgir 0
coproxamol 0
dypracet 0
kodamid 0
kodimagnyl 0
maxilief 0
medocodene 0
novacetol 0
paracofdal 0
parcoten 0
zolpiden 0
2c-tfm 0
4-eec 0
4metmp 0
5-bpdi 0
db-mdbp 0
deschloroketamine 0
ethylethcathinone 0
methylnaphthidate 0
nm2ai 0
ocfentanil 0
propylphenidate 0
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