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Created June 15, 2022 17:42
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Modified files for Portaudio+Pulseaudio testing.
function DelayedSoundFeedbackDemo(reqlatency, duplex, freq, minLatency, device)
% DelayedSoundFeedbackDemo([reqlatency=150 ms][, duplex=0][, freq]=48000[, minLatency=10 ms][, device])
% Demonstrates usage of the new Psychtoolbox sound driver PsychPortAudio()
% for audio feedback with a controlled delay.
% Sound is captured from the default recording device and then - with a
% selectable delay - played back via the default output device.
% Parameters and their meaning:
% 'reqlatency' Wanted feedback latency between sound input and output in
% milliseconds. A value of zero will ask for the lowest possible latency on
% the given setup. Defaults to 150 msecs. Please notice that the minimum
% achievable latency will be constrained by the capabilities of your
% operating system, sound card driver, computer hardware and sound
% hardware. Only very high quality systems will be able to go below 5 msecs
% latency, good systems will be able to go below 20 msecs, but less capable
% setups may only allow for a latency much larger than 20 msecs. In order
% to achieve low latency reliably without timing glitches or audible
% artifacts, you may need to tune both the parameters for this demo and
% your system setup carefully. The optimal parameter set varies from setup
% to setup.
% 'duplex' = Select between full-duplex and half-duplex mode:
% Depending on your sound hardware you'll have to either leave 'duplex' at
% its default of zero (2 times half-duplex mode, aka simplex mode) or set
% it to 1 (full-duplex mode). On a given system, only one of these will work
% reliably (or at all):
% On OSX it depends on the sound hardware. IntelMacs are happy with half-
% duplex mode, some PowerMacs may need full-duplex mode. However, except for
% 'reqlatency' == 0 minimal latency mode, simplex mode provides much higher
% accuracy and reliability on OSX at least with the built-in soundchips on
% Intel based Macintosh computers. On Linux, performance varies depending on
% the card at use.
% 'freq' = Sampling frequency (Hz). Defaults to auto-detect. The maximum achievable
% value depends on your specific soundcard. Intel Mac's built in soundchips
% allow for a maximum of 96000 Hz, high-end soundcards may allow for 192000
% Hz under some circumstances. Increasing the frequency reduces minimum
% latency but increases system load and the probability of glitches.
% 'minLatency' is a tuning parameter for the driver and a hard-constraint
% on the mininum achievable latency for feedback. It is ignored on OSX,
% but can be tused for tuning latency vs. reliability on Linux and on
% MS-Windows. High-end cards may allow for much lower than the default 10
% msecs, low-end cards may malfunction at lower settings.
% 'device' Optional device index of soundcard to use.
% Specific tips for different setups:
% On OSX with builtin sound chip on Intel Macs, choose duplex = 0 for
% feedback with controlled low-latency, and a freq'ency of 96000 Hz. For
% lowest latency mode, you may try reqlatency = 0 and duplex = 1.
% On MS-Windows use reqlatency = 0 for feedback with minimal latency, positive
% values for feedback with controlled latency. Play around with the 'minLatency'
% parameter, set it as low as possible - to the lowest value that doesn't cause
% any error messages by our driver or audible artifacts like crackling noises or
% static. Try to set 'freq'uency as high as possible. Check the manual of your
% soundcard for the highest value that can be used for capture + playback. E.g.,
% the Soundblaster Audigy ZS 2 seems to be limited to max. 48000 Hz in this
% mode.
% On Linux, no general statements can be made, only that some soundcards
% allow for extremely low latencies of < 2 msecs if properly tuned. Search
% the Internet for tips.
% If you need low-latency, make sure to read "help InitializePsychSound"
% carefully or contact the forum.
% History:
% 07/20/2007 Written (MK)
% 07/19/2009 Derived and largely rewritten from BasicSoundFeedbackDemo (MK)
% 08/02/2009 Add support for 'DirectInputMonitoring' for reqLatency=0 (MK)
% 04/03/2011 Disable dynamic adaptation of captureQuantum. It causes
% artifacts at some feedback delay settings. (MK)
% 11/07/2018 Cosmetic, allow 'device' selection, help text updates.
% Level of debug output:
verbose = 1;
% Close plots from previous invocation, if any:
close all;
% Store diagnostic timestamps in a huge array:
tc = 0;
tstats = zeros(4, 1000000);
% Running on PTB-3? Abort otherwise.
% Preload GetSecs, need it later in time-critical part:
% Only check ESCape key in KbCheck to save some hazzle and computation time:
% Latency provided? Otherwise default to 150 msecs.
if nargin < 1 || isempty(reqlatency)
reqlatency = 150;
if nargin < 2 || isempty(duplex)
duplex = 0;
if nargin < 3 || isempty(freq)
freq = 48000; % This seems to be the highest safe value for duplex operation on many onboard sound chips.
if nargin < 4
minLatency = [];
if isempty(minLatency)
% Default to a safety margin of 10 msecs if no other provided: It won't
% be possible to achieve latencies less than minLatency, regardless
% what you do:
minLatency = 10;
% Map requested minLatency from msecs to seconds:
minLatency = minLatency / 1000;
if ~IsWin
% Set minLatency to [] aka auto-select on any system but Windows:
% The PsychPortAudio driver knows best what to select on the other OS,
% whereas there's no good rule for Windows, so user must do trial and
% error until she finds a value that is low enough for low latency,
% but high enough for stability and glitch-free audio:
minLatency = [];
if nargin < 5
device = [];
% Map requested latency from msecs to seconds:
lat = reqlatency / 1000;
% Wait for release of all keys on keyboard:
% Perform low-level initialization of the sound driver:
% Select the most aggressive latency mode latmode = 4. This will try to get
% low-latency and exact timing at all costs, even if it disrupts or crashes
% other running sound applications and consumes lots of ressources. It will
% fail with an error if it can't achieve the most high-perf settings:
latmode = 1;
if (reqlatency == 0) && duplex
% Special case: Full-duplex mode with minimum latency. We bypass Matlab
% by activating PsychPortAudios full-duplex monitoring mode. The driver
% itself will feed back all captured sound to the outputs with lowest
% possible latency. However we don't have any control over latency or
% sound and this only works on full-duplex hardware...
pa = PsychPortAudio('Open', device, 4+2+1, latmode, freq, 2, [], minLatency);
% Now that the device is open, try to enable the "Zero latency direct input
% monitoring" feature of some subset of some sound cards.
% NOTE: As of Psychtoolbox 3.0.15, direct input monitoring is currently not
% supported on *any* operating system!
% If supported, this feature will cause the card to route sound directly
% from its input connectors to its output connectors without any
% extended processing on the card itself, and without any processing by
% the host computer or our driver. A typical implementation on a
% higher-end card would configure the analog mixing and amplifier
% circuits on the card to directly route analog from input to output,
% without even AD/DA conversion. This would provide true zero latency
% feedback.
% This call will ask to enable (=1) routing of all inputs (inputChannel
% = -1) to output 0 and following (outputChannel = 0), applying zero
% decibel gain (gain = 0.0) ie., no attenuation or amplification of the
% signal. On stereo outputs, signals shall be distributed equally
% between left and right channel, ie., 50% left, 50% right, as
% requested by the stereoPan = 0.5 setting.
% See "PsychPortAudio DirectInputMonitoring?" for more info and details
% on further parameters. Please note that the following commented out
% call...
% diResult = PsychPortAudio('DirectInputMonitoring', pa, 1);
% ...would do the same, the extended call is just to illustrate some
% available optional parameters and their default settings.
% The return value 'diResult' will be zero if the call was successfull.
% A non-zero value of diResult signals failure to enable and configure
% direct input monitoring, either because your hardware doesn't support
% it, or because our driver doesn't support it. See the help for
% meaning of the different non-zero return codes.
diResult = PsychPortAudio('DirectInputMonitoring', pa, 1, -1, 0, 0.0, 0.5);
% Does direct input monitoring work (diResult == 0)? Then we're set.
% Otherwise it doesn't work and we'll need to use PsychPortAudio's
% full-duplex monitoring mode instead, which is the 2nd best
% alternative, although certainly not zero latency:
if diResult > 0
% Failed! Need to use our fallback implementation:
fprintf('Full-duplex monitoring mode active.\n');
PsychPortAudio('Start', pa, 0, 0, 1);
while ~KbCheck
s=PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', pa);
if s.CaptureStartTime > 0
fprintf('Estimated minimal roundtrip latency is %f msecs.\n', 1000 * (s.StartTime - s.CaptureStartTime));
PsychPortAudio('Stop', pa);
% Direct input monitoring active :-) Don't need to do anything
% here, except waiting for a keypress from the user to finish the
% demo:
fprintf('Zero latency direct input monitoring mode active.\n');
% User wants us to finish. Disable input monitoring:
PsychPortAudio('DirectInputMonitoring', pa, 0);
% Done - Close device and driver:
if ~duplex
% Open the default audio device [], with mode 2 (== Only audio capture),
% and a required latencyclass of latmode == low-latency mode, as well as
% a frequency of freq Hz and 2 sound channels for stereo capture.
% This returns a handle to the audio device:
painput = PsychPortAudio('Open', device, 2, latmode, freq, 2, [], minLatency);
% Same procedure, but open for full-duplex operation:
painput = PsychPortAudio('Open', device, 2+1, latmode, freq, 2, [], minLatency);
% Output- and input device are the same...
paoutput = painput;
% Preallocate an internal audio recording buffer with a capacity of at least
% 10 seconds, possibly more if requested lat'ency is higher:
PsychPortAudio('GetAudioData', painput, max(2 * lat, 10));
if ~duplex
% Open default audio device [] for playback (mode 1), low latency (2), freq Hz,
% stereo output:
paoutput = PsychPortAudio('Open', device, 1, latmode, freq, 2, [], minLatency);
% Get actually chosen sampling frequency:
s = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', painput);
freq = s.SampleRate;
% Allocate a zero-filled (ie. silence) output audio buffer of more than
% sufficient size: Three times the requested latency, but at least 30 seconds.
% One could do this more clever, but this is a safe no-brainer and memory
% is cheap:
outbuffersize = floor(freq * 3 * max(lat, 10));
PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', paoutput, zeros(2, outbuffersize));
% Start audio playback immediately, wait for the start to happen. Retrieve the
% start timestamp, ie., the system time when the first sample in the output
% buffer will hit the speaker in the variable 'playbackstart'.
% In full-duplex mode, starting the paoutput device would also start the
% painput device, as they are the same (see above), but the returned
% timestamp is always the one of start of audio output:
playbackstart = PsychPortAudio('Start', paoutput, 0, 0, 1);
% In non-duplex mode we need to start the input device separately after
% starting the output device:
if paoutput ~= painput
% Start audio capture immediately and wait for the capture to start.
% We set the number of 'repetitions' to zero, i.e. record/play until
% manually stopped.
PsychPortAudio('Start', painput, 0, 0, 1);
% This flag will indicate failure to achieve the wanted sound onset timing
% / latency. An experiment script would abort or reject a trial with a
% non-zero timingfailed flag:
timingfailed = 0;
% Wait until at least captureQuantum seconds of sound are available from the capture
% device and then quickly fetch it from the capture device. captureQuantum
% is the minimum amount of sound data that the driver can capture. If you'd
% ask for less you'd get at least this amount anyway + possibly extra
% delays:
s = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', painput);
headroom = 1;
headroom = round(headroom);
captureQuantum = headroom * (s.BufferSize / s.SampleRate);
if verbose > 1
fprintf('CaptureQuantum (Duty cycle length) is %f msecs, for a buffersize of %i samples.\n', captureQuantum * 1000, s.BufferSize);
[audiodata offset overflow capturestart] = PsychPortAudio('GetAudioData', painput, [], captureQuantum);
% Sanity check returned values: audiodata should be at least headroom * s.BufferSize
% samples, offset should be zero as this is the first 'GetAudioData' call
% since 'Start' of capture. overflow should be zero, otherwise we screwed
% up our timing already in the first few milliseconds because the system is
% not up to the task / overloaded for the requested latency settings.
% 'capturestart' contains the estimated time when the first returned audio
% sample hit the microphone / line-in connector:
if (size(audiodata, 2) < headroom * s.BufferSize) || (offset~=0) || (overflow > 0)
fprintf('Realsize samples %i < Expected size %i? Or offset %i ~= 0 ? Or overflow %i > 0 ?\n', size(audiodata, 2), headroom * s.BufferSize, offset, overflow);
timingfailed = 1;
% Ok, we have our initial batch of audio samples in 'audiodata', recorded
% at time 'capturestart'. The sound output is currently feeding zeroes
% (=silence) from the zero-filled output buffer to the speakers and the
% first zero-sample in that buffer will hit the speakers at time
% 'playbackstart'. We now need to copy our 'audiodata' batch of samples
% into the output buffer, but at an offset from the start that is selected
% to exactly achieve output of our first 'audiodata' sample at the
% requested latency.
% The first sample was captured at time 'capturestart' and the requested
% latency for output is 'lat': Therefore the wanted playback time for this
% first sample is...
reqonsettime = capturestart + lat;
% Sanity check: Are we ahead of the playback stream with our requested
% onset time of reqonsettime? If not, then the system won't be able to
% achieve the requested 'lat'ency and we'll be late!
s = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', paoutput);
if s.CurrentStreamTime > reqonsettime
fprintf(['Requested onset at time %f seconds, but audio stream is already at time %f seconds\n--> ' ...
'We will be at least %f msecs too late!\n'], reqonsettime, s.CurrentStreamTime, 1000 * (s.CurrentStreamTime - reqonsettime));
timingfailed = 2;
% The first sample from the output buffer will playback at time
% 'playbackstart', therefore our first sample should be placed at a
% timeoffset relative to the start of the outputbuffer of...
reqtimeoffset = reqonsettime - playbackstart;
% Our first audio sample needs to be placed at a time offset of
% 'reqtimeoffset' in the audio output buffer, overwriting the "silence"
% there. Map offset in seconds to offset in samples: The system plays out
% s.SampleRate samples per second, so we need to place our audio at an
% offset of...
reqsampleoffset = round(reqtimeoffset * s.SampleRate);
if reqsampleoffset < 0
fprintf('If sound feedback works at all, then extra latency will be at least %f msecs, probably more!\n', 1000 * abs(reqtimeoffset));
% Make sure the offset is positive, ie at least zero:
reqsampleoffset = max(reqsampleoffset, 0);
% Overwrite the output buffer with our captured audiodata, starting at
% sample index 'reqsampleoffset'. Need to set the 'streamingrefill' flag to
% 1 in order to enable this special overwrite mode. The 'underflow' flag
% will tell us if we made the refill in time, or if we "missed the train"
% in the last microsecond: A non-zero value means we missed.
[underflow, nextSampleStartIndex, nextSampleETASecs] = PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', paoutput, audiodata, 1, reqsampleoffset);
s = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', paoutput);
if underflow > 0
fprintf(['Requested onset at time %f seconds, but audio stream is already at time %f seconds\n--> ' ...
'We will lose at least the first %f msecs of the sound signal!\n'], reqonsettime, s.CurrentStreamTime, 1000 * (s.CurrentStreamTime - reqonsettime));
timingfailed = 3;
% Ok, if we made it until here without a non-zero 'timingfailed' flag, then
% at least the first few milliseconds of captured sound should play at
% exactly the desired 'lat'ency between capture and playback.
% From now on we'll just need to periodically fetch chunks of audio data
% from the capture device and feed it into the output device without any
% complex math or tricks involved. However in order to avoid dropouts and
% other audible artifacts we need to make sure that we feed new data fast
% enough. We will now execute a loop that tries to fetch audio in the
% smallest possible quantity from the capturedevice, then immediately
% append it to the output buffer:
updateQuantum = s.BufferSize / s.SampleRate;
% Get current status of outputdevice:
s1 = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', paoutput);
oldcaptureQuantum = -1;
cumoverrun = 0;
cumunderflow = 0;
% Feedback loop: Runs until ESCape keypress ...
while ~KbCheck
% Try to dynamically adapt the amount of sound data that needs to be
% fetched in each loop iteration. We fetch and process in larger chunks
% if we have enough headroom. Fetching in larger 'captureQuantum'
% chunks allows the driver to "sleep" for a few milliseconds between
% iterations within 'GetAudioData', thereby reducing the load on the
% operating system and cpu. This is mostly needed on MS-Windows with
% its highly deficient scheduling and timing systems:
captureQuantum = updateQuantum;
if captureQuantum ~= oldcaptureQuantum
oldcaptureQuantum = captureQuantum;
if verbose > 1
fprintf('Duty cycle adapted to %f msecs...\n', 1000 * captureQuantum);
% Get new captured sound data ...
fetchDelay = GetSecs;
[audiodata, offset, overrun] = PsychPortAudio('GetAudioData', painput, [], captureQuantum);
fetchDelay = GetSecs - fetchDelay;
underflow = 0;
% ... and stream it into our output buffer:
while size(audiodata, 2) > 0
% Make sure to never push more data in the buffer than it can
% actually hold, ie not more than half its maximum capacity:
fetch = min(size(audiodata, 2), floor(outbuffersize / 2));
% We feed data in chunks of 'fetch' samples:
pushdata = audiodata(:, 1:fetch);
% audiodata is the remainder which will be pushed in the next loop
% iteration:
audiodata = audiodata(:, fetch+1:end);
% Perform streaming buffer refill. As long as we don't push more
% than a buffer size, the driver will take care of the rest...
[curunderflow, nextSampleStartIndex, nextSampleETASecs] = PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', paoutput, pushdata, 1);
underflow = underflow + curunderflow;
% Check for xrun conditions from low-level sound hardware:
s1 = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', paoutput);
s2 = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', painput);
xruns = s1.XRuns + s2.XRuns;
% Any dropouts or other audible artifacts?
if ((overrun + underflow + xruns) > 0) && (timingfailed == 0)
if verbose > 0
fprintf('Run %i: Overruns of capture buffer: %i. Underruns of audio output buffer: %i. Hardware xruns = %i\n', tc, overrun, underflow, xruns);
timingfailed = 4;
% fprintf('nextSampleETA - currentStreamtime: %f msecs.\n', 1000 * (nextSampleETASecs - s1.CurrentStreamTime));
cumoverrun = cumoverrun + overrun;
cumunderflow = cumunderflow + underflow;
% Log some timing samples:
tc = tc + 1;
if tc <= size(tc, 2)
tstats(:, tc) = [ s1.ElapsedOutSamples ; s1.CurrentStreamTime ; fetchDelay; nextSampleETASecs - s1.CurrentStreamTime];
% Done. Next iteration...
% Reenable all keys for KbCheck:
% Stop the playback engine:
PsychPortAudio('Stop', paoutput, 1);
% Non-Duplex operation with separate input device?
if painput ~= paoutput
% Stop the capture engine:
PsychPortAudio('Stop', painput, 1);
% Drain its capture buffer...
PsychPortAudio('GetAudioData', painput);
% Ok, done. Close all engines and exit.
if timingfailed > 0
% There was trouble during execution:
fprintf('There were timingproblems or audio dropouts during the demo [Condition %i]!\nYour system is not capable of reliable operation at a\n', timingfailed);
fprintf('requested roundtrip feedback latency of %f msecs.\n\n', 1000 * lat);
fprintf('\nOverruns of capture buffer: %i. Underruns of audio output buffer: %i. Hardware xruns = %i\n', cumoverrun, cumunderflow, xruns);
fprintf('Requested roundtrip feedback latency of %f msecs seems to have worked. Please double-check with external equipment.\n\n', 1000 * lat);
% Prune tstats to valid range:
fprintf('Total of %i timesamples.\n', tc);
tstats = tstats(:, 1:tc);
tstats(2,:) = tstats(2,:) - tstats(2,1);
tstats(1,:) = tstats(1,:) - tstats(1,1);
[tout(1,:), idx] = unique(tstats(1,:));
tout(2:4,:) = tstats(2:4,idx);
tstats = tout;
% Workaround broken qt plotting on some Octave setups:
if IsOctave && exist('graphics_toolkit')
graphics_toolkit ('fltk');
% Plot it:
plot(tstats(1,:), tstats(2,:) * 1000, '.', tstats(1,:), tstats(3,:) * 1000, '-', tstats(1,:), tstats(4,:) * 1000, '-');
% Done.
fprintf('Demo finished, bye!\n');
function InitializePsychSound(reallyneedlowlatency)
% InitializePsychSound([reallyneedlowlatency=0])
% This routine loads the PsychPortAudio sound driver for high-precision,
% low-latency, multi-channel sound playback and recording.
% Call it at the beginning of your experiment script, optionally providing
% the 'reallyneedlowlatency' flag set to one to push really hard for low
% latency. Redundant calls within one session will be ignored, only the first
% call counts. However, redundant calls with contradictory settings of the
% 'reallyneedlowlatency' flag will print a "don't do that!" warning, so if you
% want to truly switch the 'reallyneedlowlatency' parameter, e.g., between
% running different experiment scripts, you must call 'clear all' to reset
% everything first.
% On macOS and GNU/Linux, the PsychPortAudio driver will just work with
% low latency and highest timing precision after this initialization.
% On Microsoft Windows, things are a bit more complicated:
% PsychPortAudio on Windows supports three different Windows sound systems,
% MME, WDM/KS and WASAPI. Only WDM/KS and WASAPI are suitable for research grade
% auditory stimulation with support for multi-channel sound cards and for
% high-precision and low-latency sound timing and time-stamping. If you
% want reliable timing and time-stamping with latencies and accuracy better
% than 500 msecs, you *must* use one of these. By default, in low latency mode,
% WASAPI is used on Windows Vista and later, whereas WDM/KS would be used on
% older Windows versions. WDM/KS is completely untested so far, and WASAPI has
% only been tested on Windows 7 and Windows 10. For best results, use of Windows 10
% is recommended.
% The Windows MME (MultiMediaExtensions) sound system has typical latencies
% and inaccuracies as high as 500 msecs. WASAPI can achieve latencies as low
% as 10 msecs with onboard sound chips on Windows-10, and maybe even on Windows 8.1.
% On Windows 7 latencies around 20 msecs are possible. Timing should be generally
% accurate to millisecond level with WASAPI.
% Using macOS or Linux will usually get you at least as good, or usually better,
% results with most standard sound hardware, due to the technically superior
% sound systems of these operating systems.
% History:
% 6/6/2007 Written (MK).
% 10/20/2011 Update: We always use ASIO enabled plugin on Windows by
% default, as the PTB V3.0.9 MIT style license allows bundling
% of an ASIO enabled proprietary dll with Psychtoolbox. (MK)
% 09/11/2012 Add support for 64-Bit portaudio_x64.dll for Windows. (MK)
% 10/16/2015 Disable use of our own portaudio_x64 dll On Windows + Octave. (MK)
% 11/08/2018 No ASIO anymore, starting with v3.0.15. (MK)
% 01/16/2022 Prepare for future Linux PulseAudio support, to allow sharing of
% sound devices between audio clients if reallyneedlowlatency==0,
% but keep switching disabled for now, until we have an official and
% fully verified PortAudio release with PulseAudio support. (MK)
persistent previousreallyneedlowlatency
if nargin < 1
reallyneedlowlatency = [];
if isempty(reallyneedlowlatency)
reallyneedlowlatency = 0; %#ok<NASGU> % Default: Don't push too hard for low latency.
% All calls but the first one in a session get turned into a no-op:
if ~isempty(previousreallyneedlowlatency)
% Warn if successive calls have contradictory reallyneedlowlatency parameter:
if reallyneedlowlatency ~= previousreallyneedlowlatency
warning('InitializePsychSound() called again with different setting for reallyneedlowlatency from first call. Keeping original setting, this may cause audio timing trouble. Check your code, or call ''clear all'' between different scripts!');
% No-Op return:
% First call. Keep track of current requested latency setting:
previousreallyneedlowlatency = reallyneedlowlatency;
% The usual tricks for MS-Windows:
if IsWin
% Override driver installed?
if exist([PsychtoolboxRoot 'portaudio_x86.dll'], 'file') || exist([PsychtoolboxRoot 'portaudio_x64.dll'], 'file')
% Yes! Use override driver:
fprintf('Detected optional PortAudio override driver plugin in Psychtoolbox root folder. Will use that.\n');
driverloadpath = PsychtoolboxRoot;
% No - We use our standard driver:
driverloadpath = [PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychSound'];
% Standard path trick: Change working directory to driver load path,
% preinit PsychPortAudio so it gets linked against the proper DLL, change
% path back to old current directory:
olddir = pwd;
% We force loading+linking+init of the driver:
d = PsychPortAudio('GetDevices');
catch %#ok<*CTCH>
previousreallyneedlowlatency = [];
error('Failed to load PsychPortAudio driver for unknown reason! Dependency problem?!?');
% Maybe some tricks (in the future) for OS/X? None yet.
if IsOSX
% We force loading+linking+init of the driver here, so in case
% something goes wrong we can catch this and output useful
% troubleshooting tips to the user:
d = PsychPortAudio('GetDevices'); %#ok<NASGU>
fprintf('Failed to load PsychPortAudio driver!\n\n');
em = psychlasterror;
fprintf('The exact error message of the linker was: %s\n', em.message);
previousreallyneedlowlatency = [];
error('Failed to load PsychPortAudio driver.');
if IsLinux
% DISABLE PulseAudio switching logic for the time being until the upstream
% code in PortAudio has been stabilized, officially released and carefully
% tested by us.
% return;
% We force loading+linking+init of the driver here, so in case
% something goes wrong we can catch this and output useful
% troubleshooting tips to the user:
d = PsychPortAudio('GetDevices', 16); %#ok<NASGU>
fprintf('Failed to load PsychPortAudio driver!\n\n');
em = psychlasterror;
fprintf('The exact error message of the linker was: %s\n', em.message);
previousreallyneedlowlatency = [];
error('Failed to load PsychPortAudio driver.');
% Does the underlying audio library support the PulseAudio host api backend?
% Then the list of available PulseAudio devices d should not be empty:
if isempty(d)
% Empty. Our job is done, as all further config only makes sense for PulseAudio enabled drivers:
% PulseAudio supported in principle. Any already active audio devices?
if PsychPortAudio('GetOpenDeviceCount') > 0
% Yes. We can not change settings then. Let's just no-op:
% PulseAudio supported and driver idle, so we can make changes if needed.
% Query current PulseAudio suspend mode, ie. if we could get 'reallyneedlowlatency'
[~, ~, ~, havelowlatency] = PsychPortAudio('EngineTunables');
% Do we already have the config we wanted?
if havelowlatency == reallyneedlowlatency
% Yes. We are done.
% No. We need to switch the mode to allow or disallow PulseAudio autosuspend.
% But first we need to force a driver shutdown, so it will latch the new setting:
% Now apply the new setting for suspend mode to enable proper reallyneedlowlatency behaviour:
PsychPortAudio('EngineTunables', [], [], [], reallyneedlowlatency);
[~, ~, ~, havelowlatency] = PsychPortAudio('EngineTunables');
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