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Created April 6, 2024 18:27
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  • Save kleisauke/ae9ea3100118bf704e19e41ae75d595f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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nm -g i686-w64-mingw32/lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/13.2.0/libgcc.a > libgcc.syms
00000000 T ___chkstk
00000000 T __alloca
00000000 T ___chkstk_ms
00000000 T ___muldi3
00000000 T ___negdi2
00000000 T ___lshrdi3
00000000 T ___ashldi3
00000000 T ___ashrdi3
00000000 T ___cmpdi2
00000000 T ___ucmpdi2
00000000 T ___clear_cache
U __imp__VirtualProtect@16
00000000 T _getpagesize
00000006 T _mprotect
00000029 T ___do_global_ctors
00000000 T ___do_global_dtors
0000006a T ___main
U _atexit
00000000 T ___absvsi2
U _abort
00000000 T ___absvdi2
U _abort
00000000 T ___addvsi3
U _abort
00000000 T ___addvdi3
U _abort
00000000 T ___subvsi3
U _abort
00000000 T ___subvdi3
U _abort
00000000 T ___mulvsi3
U _abort
00000000 T ___mulvdi3
U _abort
00000000 T ___negvsi2
U _abort
00000000 T ___negvdi2
U _abort
00000008 B ___CTOR_LIST__
00000000 B ___DTOR_LIST__
00000000 T ___ffssi2
00000000 T ___ffsdi2
00000000 R ___clz_tab
00000000 T ___clzsi2
00000000 T ___clzdi2
00000000 T ___ctzsi2
00000000 T ___ctzdi2
00000000 R ___popcount_tab
00000000 T ___popcountsi2
00000000 T ___popcountdi2
00000000 T ___paritysi2
00000000 T ___paritydi2
00000000 T ___powisf2
00000000 T ___powidf2
00000000 T ___powixf2
U ___divtf3
U ___multf3
00000000 T ___powitf2
00000000 T ___mulsc3
00000000 T ___muldc3
00000000 T ___mulxc3
U ___addtf3
U ___floatsitf
U ___letf2
00000000 T ___multc3
U ___multf3
U ___subtf3
U ___unordtf2
00000000 T ___divsc3
00000000 T ___divdc3
00000000 T ___divxc3
U ___addtf3
00000000 T ___divtc3
U ___divtf3
U ___eqtf2
U ___floatsitf
U ___getf2
U ___gttf2
U ___letf2
U ___lttf2
U ___multf3
U ___subtf3
U ___unordtf2
00000000 T ___bswapsi2
00000000 T ___bswapdi2
00000000 T ___clrsbsi2
00000000 T ___clrsbdi2
00000000 T ___fixunssfsi
00000000 T ___fixunsdfsi
00000000 T ___fixunsxfsi
00000000 T ___fixsfdi
U ___fixunssfdi
00000000 T ___fixdfdi
U ___fixunsdfdi
U ___fixunsxfdi
00000000 T ___fixxfdi
00000000 T ___fixunssfdi
00000000 T ___fixunsdfdi
00000000 T ___fixunsxfdi
00000000 T ___floatdisf
00000000 T ___floatdidf
00000000 T ___floatdixf
00000000 T ___floatundisf
00000000 T ___floatundidf
00000000 T ___floatundixf
00000021 T ___eprintf
U ___mingw_vfprintf
U __imp____acrt_iob_func
U _abort
U _fflush
00000000 T ___gcc_bcmp
00000000 T ___divdi3
00000000 T ___moddi3
00000000 T ___divmoddi4
00000000 T ___udivdi3
00000000 T ___umoddi3
00000000 T ___udivmoddi4
00000000 T ___udiv_w_sdiv
00000000 B ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
00000004 B ___bid_IDEC_glbround
00000013 T ___dfp_clear_except
0000000d T ___dfp_get_round
00000065 T ___dfp_raise_except
00000000 T ___dfp_set_round
0000001b T ___dfp_test_except
00000ae0 D ___bid_estimate_bin_expon
00000dc0 D ___bid_estimate_decimal_digits
000008e0 D ___bid_power10_index_binexp
00000000 D ___bid_power10_index_binexp_128
00000b40 D ___bid_power10_table_128
00000fe0 D ___bid_recip_scale
00001080 D ___bid_reciprocals10_128
000007e0 D ___bid_reciprocals10_64
00001e00 D ___bid_round_const_table
000012c0 D ___bid_round_const_table_128
00000880 D ___bid_short_recip_scale
00006f46 T ___bid128_to_binary128
0000118d T ___bid128_to_binary32
00002d1d T ___bid128_to_binary64
00004e42 T ___bid128_to_binary80
00005cf3 T ___bid32_to_binary128
00000000 T ___bid32_to_binary32
00001f0c T ___bid32_to_binary64
00003b5e T ___bid32_to_binary80
00006460 T ___bid64_to_binary128
0000071e T ___bid64_to_binary32
000025fa T ___bid64_to_binary64
000042dd T ___bid64_to_binary80
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_IDEC_glbround
000132f8 T ___binary128_to_bid128
00009ee3 T ___binary128_to_bid32
0000c9e3 T ___binary128_to_bid64
0000d99b T ___binary32_to_bid128
00007e58 T ___binary32_to_bid32
0000ae0b T ___binary32_to_bid64
0000f215 T ___binary64_to_bid128
0000856e T ___binary64_to_bid32
0000b384 T ___binary64_to_bid64
0001100e T ___binary80_to_bid128
000090b7 T ___binary80_to_bid32
0000bb71 T ___binary80_to_bid64
U ___ctzdi2
00000d00 R ___bid_convert_table
00000000 R ___bid_factors
00000800 R ___bid_packed_10000_zeros
U ___bid32_to_bid64
U ___bid64_isInf
00000000 T _isinfd32
U ___bid64_isInf
00000000 T _isinfd64
U ___bid128_isInf
00000000 T _isinfd128
00000445 T ___bid64_abs
00000478 T ___bid64_class
00000429 T ___bid64_copy
00000456 T ___bid64_copySign
00000371 T ___bid64_isCanonical
0000029d T ___bid64_isFinite
0000031b T ___bid64_isInf
0000040b T ___bid64_isNaN
0000000b T ___bid64_isNormal
00000353 T ___bid64_isSignaling
00000000 T ___bid64_isSigned
00000153 T ___bid64_isSubnormal
000002bb T ___bid64_isZero
00000434 T ___bid64_negate
000010b6 T ___bid64_radix
00000602 T ___bid64_sameQuantum
000006d0 T ___bid64_totalOrder
00000c55 T ___bid64_totalOrderMag
00000657 T ___bid128_abs
000006e4 T ___bid128_class
000005fa T ___bid128_copy
00000689 T ___bid128_copySign
000004aa T ___bid128_isCanonical
00000340 T ___bid128_isFinite
00000428 T ___bid128_isInf
000005c5 T ___bid128_isNaN
00000022 T ___bid128_isNormal
00000475 T ___bid128_isSignaling
00000000 T ___bid128_isSigned
000001b1 T ___bid128_isSubnormal
00000375 T ___bid128_isZero
00000625 T ___bid128_negate
00003135 T ___bid128_radix
00000d24 T ___bid128_sameQuantum
00000e30 T ___bid128_totalOrder
0000208b T ___bid128_totalOrderMag
U ___bid_nr_digits
U ___bid_ten2k128
U ___bid_ten2k64
0000d234 T ___bid128_fma
U ___bid128_to_bid64
0000d2b2 T ___bid128ddd_fma
0000d366 T ___bid128ddq_fma
0000d40f T ___bid128dqd_fma
0000d4b5 T ___bid128dqq_fma
0000d546 T ___bid128qdd_fma
0000d5ec T ___bid128qdq_fma
0000d67d T ___bid128qqd_fma
U ___bid64_to_bid128
0000dfbe T ___bid64ddq_fma
0000e046 T ___bid64dqd_fma
0000e0cb T ___bid64dqq_fma
0000e13b T ___bid64qdd_fma
0000e1c0 T ___bid64qdq_fma
0000e230 T ___bid64qqd_fma
0000d704 T ___bid64qqq_fma
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_IDEC_glbround
U ___bid_midpoint128
U ___bid_midpoint192
U ___bid_midpoint256
U ___bid_midpoint64
U ___bid_nr_digits
U ___bid_round128_19_38
U ___bid_round192_39_57
U ___bid_round256_58_76
U ___bid_round64_2_18
U ___bid_ten2k128
U ___bid_ten2k256
U ___bid_ten2k64
U ___bid_Ex128m128
U ___bid_Ex192m192
U ___bid_Ex256m256
U ___bid_Ex64m64
U ___bid_Kx128
U ___bid_Kx192
U ___bid_Kx256
U ___bid_Kx64
U ___bid_half128
U ___bid_half192
U ___bid_half256
U ___bid_half64
U ___bid_mask128
U ___bid_mask192
U ___bid_mask256
U ___bid_mask64
U ___bid_midpoint128
U ___bid_midpoint192
U ___bid_midpoint256
U ___bid_midpoint64
00000219 T ___bid_round128_19_38
0000097e T ___bid_round192_39_57
00001c69 T ___bid_round256_58_76
00000000 T ___bid_round64_2_18
U ___bid_ten2k128
U ___bid_ten2k256
U ___bid_ten2k64
U ___bid_ten2mxtrunc128
U ___bid_ten2mxtrunc192
U ___bid_ten2mxtrunc256
U ___bid_ten2mxtrunc64
000004ca T ___bid128_from_int32
0000051b T ___bid128_from_int64
000004ff T ___bid128_from_uint32
00000555 T ___bid128_from_uint64
00000000 T ___bid64_from_int32
0000002b T ___bid64_from_int64
0000001e T ___bid64_from_uint32
0000026f T ___bid64_from_uint64
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_IDEC_glbround
U ___bid_round128_19_38
U ___bid_round64_2_18
000002c5 T ___bid64_add
000012ac T ___bid64_sub
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_IDEC_glbround
U ___bid_estimate_bin_expon
U ___bid_estimate_decimal_digits
U ___bid_power10_table_128
U ___bid_reciprocals10_64
U ___bid_round_const_table
U ___bid_short_recip_scale
00000248 T ___bid128_add
00007284 T ___bid128_sub
0000715a T ___bid128dd_add
00007309 T ___bid128dd_sub
000071c8 T ___bid128dq_add
00007377 T ___bid128dq_sub
00007228 T ___bid128qd_add
000073d7 T ___bid128qd_sub
U ___bid64_to_bid128
00000065 T ___bid64dq_add
000001a2 T ___bid64dq_sub
000000ba T ___bid64qd_add
000001f7 T ___bid64qd_sub
00000000 T ___bid64qq_add
0000010b T ___bid64qq_sub
U ___bid64qqq_fma
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_IDEC_glbround
U ___bid_maskhigh128
U ___bid_midpoint128
U ___bid_midpoint64
U ___bid_nr_digits
U ___bid_onehalf128
U ___bid_shiftright128
U ___bid_ten2k128
U ___bid_ten2k64
U ___bid_ten2mk128
U ___bid_ten2mk128trunc
00002153 T ___bid64_div
00002cb6 T ___bid64dq_div
00005562 T ___bid64qd_div
00007f21 T ___bid64qq_div
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_IDEC_glbround
U ___bid_convert_table
U ___bid_estimate_decimal_digits
U ___bid_factors
U ___bid_packed_10000_zeros
U ___bid_power10_index_binexp
U ___bid_power10_index_binexp_128
U ___bid_power10_table_128
U ___bid_recip_scale
U ___bid_reciprocals10_128
U ___bid_reciprocals10_64
U ___bid_round_const_table
U ___bid_short_recip_scale
U ___udivdi3
U ___udivmoddi4
00002afe T ___bid128_div
000052e6 T ___bid128dd_div
00007ae1 T ___bid128dq_div
0000a29a T ___bid128qd_div
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_IDEC_glbround
U ___bid_convert_table
U ___bid_estimate_decimal_digits
U ___bid_factors
U ___bid_packed_10000_zeros
U ___bid_power10_index_binexp_128
U ___bid_power10_table_128
U ___bid_recip_scale
U ___bid_reciprocals10_128
U ___bid_reciprocals10_64
U ___bid_round_const_table_128
U ___bid_short_recip_scale
U ___udivdi3
000002c5 T ___bid64_mul
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_IDEC_glbround
U ___bid_estimate_decimal_digits
U ___bid_power10_table_128
U ___bid_recip_scale
U ___bid_reciprocals10_128
U ___bid_round_const_table
U ___bid128_fma
000002d5 T ___bid128_mul
00000538 T ___bid128dd_mul
000005a6 T ___bid128dq_mul
00000606 T ___bid128qd_mul
U ___bid64_to_bid128
0000022f T ___bid64dq_mul
00000284 T ___bid64qd_mul
00000000 T ___bid64qq_mul
U ___bid64qqq_fma
00000000 T ___bid64_quiet_equal
00000256 T ___bid64_quiet_greater
000005ec T ___bid64_quiet_greater_equal
00000994 T ___bid64_quiet_greater_unordered
00000d2c T ___bid64_quiet_less
000010c2 T ___bid64_quiet_less_equal
00001468 T ___bid64_quiet_less_unordered
00001802 T ___bid64_quiet_not_equal
00001a51 T ___bid64_quiet_not_greater
00001de7 T ___bid64_quiet_not_less
0000217f T ___bid64_quiet_ordered
000021e8 T ___bid64_quiet_unordered
00002251 T ___bid64_signaling_greater
000025c8 T ___bid64_signaling_greater_equal
00002951 T ___bid64_signaling_greater_unordered
00002cca T ___bid64_signaling_less
00003043 T ___bid64_signaling_less_equal
000033ca T ___bid64_signaling_less_unordered
00003745 T ___bid64_signaling_not_greater
00003abe T ___bid64_signaling_not_less
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
00000000 T ___bid128_quiet_equal
0000082f T ___bid128_quiet_greater
00001835 T ___bid128_quiet_greater_equal
0000281b T ___bid128_quiet_greater_unordered
000037e9 T ___bid128_quiet_less
000047ef T ___bid128_quiet_less_equal
00005817 T ___bid128_quiet_less_unordered
00006827 T ___bid128_quiet_not_equal
0000704c T ___bid128_quiet_not_greater
00008052 T ___bid128_quiet_not_less
00009023 T ___bid128_quiet_ordered
000090a6 T ___bid128_quiet_unordered
00009129 T ___bid128_signaling_greater
0000a105 T ___bid128_signaling_greater_equal
0000b0c9 T ___bid128_signaling_greater_unordered
0000c075 T ___bid128_signaling_less
0000d051 T ___bid128_signaling_less_equal
0000e052 T ___bid128_signaling_less_unordered
0000f03b T ___bid128_signaling_not_greater
00010017 T ___bid128_signaling_not_less
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_ten2k128
U ___bid_ten2k64
00002c80 D ___bid_Ex128m128
00002180 D ___bid_Ex192m192
00000e20 D ___bid_Ex256m256
00003160 D ___bid_Ex64m64
00002d20 D ___bid_Kx128
00002260 D ___bid_Kx192
00000f60 D ___bid_Kx256
000031c0 D ___bid_Kx64
00003f80 D ___bid_char_table2
000033c0 D ___bid_char_table3
00002b40 D ___bid_half128
00001fc0 D ___bid_half192
00000bc0 D ___bid_half256
000030c0 D ___bid_half64
00002a00 D ___bid_mask128
00001e00 D ___bid_mask192
00000960 D ___bid_mask256
00003020 D ___bid_mask64
00004e00 D ___bid_maskhigh128
00004980 D ___bid_maskhigh128M
000044a0 D ___bid_maskhigh192M
000040a0 D ___bid_maskhigh256M
00005ce0 D ___bid_midpoint128
00005b00 D ___bid_midpoint192
000058a0 D ___bid_midpoint256
00005e20 D ___bid_midpoint64
00005ec0 D ___bid_nr_digits
00004ce0 D ___bid_onehalf128
00004960 D ___bid_onehalf128M
00004400 D ___bid_onehalf192M
00004040 D ___bid_onehalf256M
00003260 D ___bid_shift_ten2m3k128
00003350 D ___bid_shift_ten2m3k64
00004f20 D ___bid_shiftright128
000049a0 D ___bid_shiftright128M
00004540 D ___bid_shiftright192M
00004100 D ___bid_shiftright256M
000056c0 D ___bid_ten2k128
000051e0 D ___bid_ten2k256
00005800 D ___bid_ten2k64
000032a0 D ___bid_ten2m3k128
00003380 D ___bid_ten2m3k64
00004fc0 D ___bid_ten2mk128
00004a00 D ___bid_ten2mk128M
00004a40 D ___bid_ten2mk128trunc
000049c0 D ___bid_ten2mk128truncM
00004780 D ___bid_ten2mk192M
000045a0 D ___bid_ten2mk192truncM
000042a0 D ___bid_ten2mk256M
00004140 D ___bid_ten2mk256truncM
00004c60 D ___bid_ten2mk64
000027a0 D ___bid_ten2mxtrunc128
000018c0 D ___bid_ten2mxtrunc192
00000000 D ___bid_ten2mxtrunc256
00002f80 D ___bid_ten2mxtrunc64
00000000 T ___bid32_to_bid64
000000e2 T ___bid64_to_bid32
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_IDEC_glbround
U ___bid_estimate_decimal_digits
U ___bid_power10_index_binexp
U ___bid_power10_table_128
U ___bid_reciprocals10_64
U ___bid_round_const_table
U ___bid_short_recip_scale
0000016e T ___bid128_to_bid32
00000000 T ___bid32_to_bid128
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_IDEC_glbround
U ___bid_estimate_decimal_digits
U ___bid_power10_index_binexp_128
U ___bid_power10_table_128
U ___bid_recip_scale
U ___bid_reciprocals10_128
U ___bid_reciprocals10_64
U ___bid_round_const_table
U ___bid_round_const_table_128
U ___bid_short_recip_scale
00000247 T ___bid128_to_bid64
00000000 T ___bid64_to_bid128
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_IDEC_glbround
U ___bid_estimate_decimal_digits
U ___bid_power10_index_binexp_128
U ___bid_power10_table_128
U ___bid_recip_scale
U ___bid_reciprocals10_128
U ___bid_round_const_table
U ___bid_round_const_table_128
00000f3e T ___bid64_to_int32_ceil
0000086f T ___bid64_to_int32_floor
0000169e T ___bid64_to_int32_int
00000000 T ___bid64_to_int32_rnint
00001d10 T ___bid64_to_int32_rninta
000012ec T ___bid64_to_int32_xceil
00000bd0 T ___bid64_to_int32_xfloor
00001991 T ___bid64_to_int32_xint
000003d8 T ___bid64_to_int32_xrnint
00002061 T ___bid64_to_int32_xrninta
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_maskhigh128
U ___bid_midpoint64
U ___bid_nr_digits
U ___bid_onehalf128
U ___bid_shiftright128
U ___bid_ten2k64
U ___bid_ten2mk128trunc
U ___bid_ten2mk64
0000105a T ___bid64_to_int64_ceil
000008f5 T ___bid64_to_int64_floor
00001837 T ___bid64_to_int64_int
00000000 T ___bid64_to_int64_rnint
00001f08 T ___bid64_to_int64_rninta
00001443 T ___bid64_to_int64_xceil
00000cb0 T ___bid64_to_int64_xfloor
00001b60 T ___bid64_to_int64_xint
00000424 T ___bid64_to_int64_xrnint
000022cc T ___bid64_to_int64_xrninta
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_maskhigh128
U ___bid_midpoint64
U ___bid_nr_digits
U ___bid_onehalf128
U ___bid_shiftright128
U ___bid_ten2k64
U ___bid_ten2mk128trunc
U ___bid_ten2mk64
00000c40 T ___bid64_to_uint32_ceil
0000074e T ___bid64_to_uint32_floor
0000128a T ___bid64_to_uint32_int
00000000 T ___bid64_to_uint32_rnint
000017e4 T ___bid64_to_uint32_rninta
00000f56 T ___bid64_to_uint32_xceil
00000982 T ___bid64_to_uint32_xfloor
000014da T ___bid64_to_uint32_xint
00000342 T ___bid64_to_uint32_xrnint
00001ab4 T ___bid64_to_uint32_xrninta
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_maskhigh128
U ___bid_midpoint64
U ___bid_nr_digits
U ___bid_onehalf128
U ___bid_shiftright128
U ___bid_ten2k64
U ___bid_ten2mk128trunc
U ___bid_ten2mk64
00001249 T ___bid64_to_uint64_ceil
00000aa1 T ___bid64_to_uint64_floor
00001bb1 T ___bid64_to_uint64_int
00000000 T ___bid64_to_uint64_rnint
00002397 T ___bid64_to_uint64_rninta
000016e6 T ___bid64_to_uint64_xceil
00000e25 T ___bid64_to_uint64_xfloor
00001f55 T ___bid64_to_uint64_xint
000004ea T ___bid64_to_uint64_xrnint
00002807 T ___bid64_to_uint64_xrninta
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_maskhigh128
U ___bid_midpoint64
U ___bid_nr_digits
U ___bid_onehalf128
U ___bid_shiftright128
U ___bid_ten2k128
U ___bid_ten2k64
U ___bid_ten2mk128trunc
U ___bid_ten2mk64
00002f88 T ___bid128_to_int32_ceil
00001893 T ___bid128_to_int32_floor
000049e2 T ___bid128_to_int32_int
00000000 T ___bid128_to_int32_rnint
000061cc T ___bid128_to_int32_rninta
00003cb2 T ___bid128_to_int32_xceil
0000240c T ___bid128_to_int32_xfloor
0000551d T ___bid128_to_int32_xint
00000b0e T ___bid128_to_int32_xrnint
00006c21 T ___bid128_to_int32_xrninta
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_maskhigh128
U ___bid_midpoint128
U ___bid_midpoint64
U ___bid_nr_digits
U ___bid_onehalf128
U ___bid_shiftright128
U ___bid_ten2k128
U ___bid_ten2k64
U ___bid_ten2mk128
U ___bid_ten2mk128trunc
000029c8 T ___bid128_to_int64_ceil
0000188c T ___bid128_to_int64_floor
00003dec T ___bid128_to_int64_int
00000000 T ___bid128_to_int64_rnint
00004f1f T ___bid128_to_int64_rninta
000033e2 T ___bid128_to_int64_xceil
0000212b T ___bid128_to_int64_xfloor
00004608 T ___bid128_to_int64_xint
00000b28 T ___bid128_to_int64_xrnint
0000595c T ___bid128_to_int64_xrninta
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_maskhigh128
U ___bid_midpoint128
U ___bid_midpoint64
U ___bid_nr_digits
U ___bid_onehalf128
U ___bid_shiftright128
U ___bid_ten2k64
U ___bid_ten2mk128
U ___bid_ten2mk128trunc
0000279f T ___bid128_to_uint32_ceil
0000147b T ___bid128_to_uint32_floor
0000416d T ___bid128_to_uint32_int
00000000 T ___bid128_to_uint32_rnint
0000579a T ___bid128_to_uint32_rninta
000034a8 T ___bid128_to_uint32_xceil
00001d4d T ___bid128_to_uint32_xfloor
00004be5 T ___bid128_to_uint32_xint
00000943 T ___bid128_to_uint32_xrnint
00006027 T ___bid128_to_uint32_xrninta
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_maskhigh128
U ___bid_midpoint128
U ___bid_midpoint64
U ___bid_nr_digits
U ___bid_onehalf128
U ___bid_shiftright128
U ___bid_ten2k128
U ___bid_ten2k64
U ___bid_ten2mk128
U ___bid_ten2mk128trunc
00002721 T ___bid128_to_uint64_ceil
00001804 T ___bid128_to_uint64_floor
00003afd T ___bid128_to_uint64_int
00000000 T ___bid128_to_uint64_rnint
00004a84 T ___bid128_to_uint64_rninta
00003108 T ___bid128_to_uint64_xceil
00001f1d T ___bid128_to_uint64_xfloor
0000424f T ___bid128_to_uint64_xint
00000ac2 T ___bid128_to_uint64_xrnint
00005482 T ___bid128_to_uint64_xrninta
U ___bid_IDEC_glbflags
U ___bid_maskhigh128
U ___bid_midpoint128
U ___bid_midpoint64
U ___bid_nr_digits
U ___bid_onehalf128
U ___bid_shiftright128
U ___bid_ten2k128
U ___bid_ten2k64
U ___bid_ten2mk128
U ___bid_ten2mk128trunc
U ___bid32_to_bid64
U ___bid64_add
U ___bid64_sub
U ___bid64_to_bid32
00000000 T ___bid_addsd3
0000004b T ___bid_subsd3
U ___bid32_to_bid64
U ___bid64_div
U ___bid64_to_bid32
00000000 T ___bid_divsd3
U ___bid32_to_bid64
U ___bid64_mul
U ___bid64_to_bid32
00000000 T ___bid_mulsd3
U ___bid32_to_bid64
U ___bid64_quiet_equal
00000000 T ___bid_eqsd2
U ___bid32_to_bid64
U ___bid64_quiet_not_equal
00000000 T ___bid_nesd2
U ___bid32_to_bid64
U ___bid64_quiet_less
00000000 T ___bid_ltsd2
U ___bid32_to_bid64
U ___bid64_quiet_greater
00000000 T ___bid_gtsd2
U ___bid32_to_bid64
U ___bid64_quiet_less_equal
00000000 T ___bid_lesd2
U ___bid32_to_bid64
U ___bid64_quiet_greater_equal
00000000 T ___bid_gesd2
U ___bid32_to_bid64
U ___bid64_to_int32_xint
00000000 T ___bid_fixsdsi
U ___bid32_to_bid64
U ___bid64_to_int64_xint
00000000 T ___bid_fixsddi
U ___bid32_to_bid64
U ___bid64_to_uint32_xint
00000000 T ___bid_fixunssdsi
U ___bid32_to_bid64
U ___bid64_to_uint64_xint
00000000 T ___bid_fixunssddi
U ___bid64_from_int32
U ___bid64_to_bid32
00000000 T ___bid_floatsisd
U ___bid64_from_int64
U ___bid64_to_bid32
00000000 T ___bid_floatdisd
U ___bid64_from_uint32
U ___bid64_to_bid32
00000000 T ___bid_floatunssisd
U ___bid64_from_uint64
U ___bid64_to_bid32
00000000 T ___bid_floatunsdisd
U ___bid32_to_binary32
00000000 T ___bid_truncsdsf
U ___bid32_to_binary64
00000000 T ___bid_extendsddf
U ___bid32_to_binary80
00000000 T ___bid_extendsdxf
U ___bid32_to_binary128
00000000 T ___bid_extendsdtf
00000000 T ___bid_extendsfsd
U ___binary32_to_bid32
00000000 T ___bid_truncdfsd
U ___binary64_to_bid32
00000000 T ___bid_truncxfsd
U ___binary80_to_bid32
00000000 T ___bid_trunctfsd
U ___binary128_to_bid32
U ___bid32_to_bid64
00000000 T ___bid_extendsddd2
U ___bid32_to_bid128
00000000 T ___bid_extendsdtd2
U ___bid32_to_bid64
U ___bid64_quiet_unordered
00000000 T ___bid_unordsd2
U ___bid64_add
U ___bid64_sub
00000000 T ___bid_adddd3
0000002d T ___bid_subdd3
U ___bid64_div
00000000 T ___bid_divdd3
U ___bid64_mul
00000000 T ___bid_muldd3
U ___bid64_quiet_equal
00000000 T ___bid_eqdd2
U ___bid64_quiet_not_equal
00000000 T ___bid_nedd2
U ___bid64_quiet_less
00000000 T ___bid_ltdd2
U ___bid64_quiet_greater
00000000 T ___bid_gtdd2
U ___bid64_quiet_less_equal
00000000 T ___bid_ledd2
U ___bid64_quiet_greater_equal
00000000 T ___bid_gedd2
U ___bid64_to_int32_xint
00000000 T ___bid_fixddsi
U ___bid64_to_int64_xint
00000000 T ___bid_fixdddi
U ___bid64_to_uint32_xint
00000000 T ___bid_fixunsddsi
U ___bid64_to_uint64_xint
00000000 T ___bid_fixunsdddi
U ___bid64_from_int32
00000000 T ___bid_floatsidd
U ___bid64_from_int64
00000000 T ___bid_floatdidd
U ___bid64_from_uint32
00000000 T ___bid_floatunssidd
U ___bid64_from_uint64
00000000 T ___bid_floatunsdidd
U ___bid64_to_binary32
00000000 T ___bid_truncddsf
U ___bid64_to_binary64
00000000 T ___bid_truncdddf
U ___bid64_to_binary80
00000000 T ___bid_extendddxf
U ___bid64_to_binary128
00000000 T ___bid_extendddtf
00000000 T ___bid_extendsfdd
U ___binary32_to_bid64
00000000 T ___bid_extenddfdd
U ___binary64_to_bid64
00000000 T ___bid_truncxfdd
U ___binary80_to_bid64
00000000 T ___bid_trunctfdd
U ___binary128_to_bid64
U ___bid64_to_bid32
00000000 T ___bid_truncddsd2
U ___bid64_to_bid128
00000000 T ___bid_extendddtd2
U ___bid64_quiet_unordered
00000000 T ___bid_unorddd2
U ___bid128_add
U ___bid128_sub
00000000 T ___bid_addtd3
00000084 T ___bid_subtd3
U ___bid128_div
00000000 T ___bid_divtd3
U ___bid128_mul
00000000 T ___bid_multd3
U ___bid128_quiet_equal
00000000 T ___bid_eqtd2
U ___bid128_quiet_not_equal
00000000 T ___bid_netd2
U ___bid128_quiet_less
00000000 T ___bid_lttd2
U ___bid128_quiet_greater
00000000 T ___bid_gttd2
U ___bid128_quiet_less_equal
00000000 T ___bid_letd2
U ___bid128_quiet_greater_equal
00000000 T ___bid_getd2
U ___bid128_to_int32_xint
00000000 T ___bid_fixtdsi
U ___bid128_to_int64_xint
00000000 T ___bid_fixtddi
U ___bid128_to_uint32_xint
00000000 T ___bid_fixunstdsi
U ___bid128_to_uint64_xint
00000000 T ___bid_fixunstddi
U ___bid128_from_int32
00000000 T ___bid_floatsitd
U ___bid128_from_int64
00000000 T ___bid_floatditd
U ___bid128_from_uint32
00000000 T ___bid_floatunssitd
U ___bid128_from_uint64
00000000 T ___bid_floatunsditd
U ___bid128_to_binary32
00000000 T ___bid_trunctdsf
U ___bid128_to_binary64
00000000 T ___bid_trunctddf
U ___bid128_to_binary80
00000000 T ___bid_trunctdxf
U ___bid128_to_binary128
00000000 T ___bid_trunctdtf
00000000 T ___bid_extendsftd
U ___binary32_to_bid128
00000000 T ___bid_extenddftd
U ___binary64_to_bid128
00000000 T ___bid_extendxftd
U ___binary80_to_bid128
00000000 T ___bid_extendtftd
U ___binary128_to_bid128
U ___bid128_to_bid32
00000000 T ___bid_trunctdsd2
U ___bid128_to_bid64
00000000 T ___bid_trunctddd2
U ___bid128_quiet_unordered
00000000 T ___bid_unordtd2
00000000 B ___cpu_features2
00000024 T ___cpu_indicator_init
0000000c B ___cpu_model
00000000 T ___copysigntf3
0000003f T ___fabstf2
00000000 T ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___divhc3
U ___extendhfsf2
U ___truncdfhf2
U ___truncsfhf2
U ___extendhfsf2
00000000 T ___mulhc3
U ___truncdfhf2
U ___truncsfhf2
00000000 T ___addtf3
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___divtf3
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___eqtf2
00000000 T ___netf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___getf2
00000000 T ___gttf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___letf2
00000000 T ___lttf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___multf3
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___negtf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___subtf3
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___unordtf2
00000000 T ___fixtfsi
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___fixunstfsi
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___floatsitf
00000000 T ___floatunsitf
00000000 T ___fixtfdi
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___fixunstfdi
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___floatditf
00000000 T ___floatunditf
00000000 T ___extendhfsf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___extendhfdf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___extendhftf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___extendhfxf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___extendsfdf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___extendsftf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___extenddftf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___extendxftf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___extendbfsf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___trunctfhf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___truncxfhf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___truncdfhf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___truncsfhf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___trunctfsf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___truncdfsf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___trunctfdf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___trunctfxf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___trunctfbf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___truncxfbf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___truncdfbf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___truncsfbf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___trunchfbf2
00000000 T ___eqhf2
00000000 T ___nehf2
U ___sfp_handle_exceptions
00000000 T ___enable_execute_stack
U __imp__VirtualProtect@16
U __imp__VirtualQuery@12
U _abort
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