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Created January 4, 2015 16:06
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Prolog nonogram solver
% Nonogram solver by Klemens Schölhorn under GPLv2+
% Datastuctures and optimisation inspired by the example solution to number
% 98 of the 99 prolog problems by Werner Hett and Paul Singleton.
% (
* nonogram(+RowConstr:list, +ColConstr:list, -Rows:list) is nondet.
* Solves the nonogram specified by the given row and column contrains
* in the following form: [[4],[3,1],[2]] The solutions (if any) are returned
* row-major, i.e. as a list of row-lists, and are built using ' ' and 'x'.
nonogram(RowConstr, ColConstr, Rows) :-
length(RowConstr, NRows),
length(ColConstr, NCols),
generate_matrix(NRows, NCols, Rows, Cols),
append(RowConstr, ColConstr, LineConstr),
append(Rows, Cols, Lines),
solve(Lines, LineConstr).
% Generation of the datastuctures
* generate_matrix(+NRows:int, +NCols:int, -Rows:list, -Cols:list) is det.
* Generates a NRows x NCols matrix of free variables which can be accessed
* through both Rows and Cols, which are lists of row-/col-lists. Example:
* ?- generate_matrix(2, 3, Rows, Cols).
* Rows = [[_G22, _G25, _G28], [_G31, _G34, _G37]],
* Cols = [[_G22, _G31], [_G25, _G34], [_G28, _G37]].
generate_matrix(NRows, NCols, Rows, Cols) :-
generate_rows(NRows, NCols, Rows),
extract_columns(NCols, Rows, Cols).
* generate_rows(+NRows:int, +NCols:int, -Rows:list) is det.
* Generates a NRows x NCols matrix of free variables as a list of row-lists.
generate_rows(NRows, NCols, Rows) :-
length(Rows, NRows),
CreateRowNCols =.. [create_row, NCols],
maplist(CreateRowNCols, Rows).
create_row(NCols,Col) :-
* extract_columns(+NCols:int, +Rows:list, -Cols:list) is det.
* Extracts the columns from the given Rows. Free variables are not bound
* or changed, i.e. you can access the same variables through Rows and Cols.
extract_columns(NCols, Rows, Cols) :-
NCols1 is NCols + 1,
extract_columns(NCols, NCols1, Rows, Cols).
extract_columns(0, _, _, []) :- !.
extract_columns(N, Max, Rows, [Col|Cols]) :-
InvN is Max - N,
generate_column(Rows, Col, InvN),
N1 is N - 1,
extract_columns(N1, Max, Rows, Cols).
generate_column(Rows, Col, N) :-
% inspired by
Check =.. [nth1, N],
maplist(Check, Rows, Col).
% Nonogram solving algorithm
* solve(+Lines:list, +Constrs:list) is nondet.
* Solves the nonogram given through the lines and their constraints.
* Uses an optimized algorithm that solves lines with few possibilities first.
solve(Lines, Constrs) :-
pack(Lines, Constrs, Pack),
sort(Pack, SortedPack),
solve([line(_, Line, Constr)|Rest]) :-
check_line(Line, Constr),
* pack(+Lines:list, +Constrs:list, -Result:list) is det.
* Packs a line and its constraints into a single term and adds the number of
* possible line solutions given the line's length and constraints as the term's
* first argument to enable sorting.
pack([], [], []).
pack([Line|Lines], [Constr|Constrs], [line(Count, Line, Constr)|Result]) :-
length(Line, LineLength),
length(CheckLine, LineLength),
findall(CheckLine, check_line(CheckLine, Constr), NCheckLine),
length(NCheckLine, Count),
pack(Lines, Constrs, Result).
* check_line(+Line:list ,+Constraints:list) is nondet.
* Checks if the given Line satisfies the Constraints. Can also generate all
* valid lines if given a line with some or all members unbound. Examples:
* ?- check_line([x, ' ', x, ' '], [1,1]).
* true .
* ?- L = [_,_,_,_,_], check_line(L, [2,1]).
* L = [x, x, ' ', x, ' '] ;
* L = [x, x, ' ', ' ', x] ;
* L = [' ', x, x, ' ', x] .
check_line([],[]) :- !.
check_line(Line, [Part|Rest]) :-
Rest \= [],
add_space(Line, Line2),
check_part(Line2, Line3, Part),
force_space(Line3, Line4),
check_line(Line4, Rest).
check_line(Line, [Part|[]]) :-
add_space(Line, Line2),
check_part(Line2, Line3, Part),
add_space(Line3, Line4),
check_line(Line4, []).
force_space([' '|Line],Line).
add_space(Line, Line).
add_space([' '|Line],RestLine) :-
add_space(Line, RestLine).
check_part(Line, Line, 0).
check_part(['x'|Line], RestLine, N) :-
N > 0,
N1 is N - 1,
check_part(Line, RestLine, N1).
% Functions to produce a nice output
print_solution([Row|Rows]) :-
print(' '),
print_line([Var|Vars]) :-
print(' '),
print_var(' ') :- print(' ').
print_var('x') :- print('*').
% Tests and examples
* This test should produce the following output:
* x x x x
* x
* x x x x
* x x
* x x
test1 :-
RowConstr = [[4],[1],[3,1],[2],[2]],
ColConstr = [[1,1],[1,1],[3],[1,2],[3]],
runtest(RowConstr, ColConstr).
* This test should produce a hen.
test2 :-
RowConstr = [[3],[2,1],[3,2],[2,2],[6],[1,5],[6],[1],[2]],
ColConstr = [[1,2],[3,1],[1,5],[7,1],[5],[3],[4],[3]],
runtest(RowConstr, ColConstr).
* This test should produce an elephant.
test3 :-
RowConstr = [[3],[4,2],[6,6],[6,2,1],[1,4,2,1],[6,3,2],[6,7],[6,8],[1,10],
ColConstr = [[1],[11],[3,3,1],[7,2],[7],[15],[1,5,7],[2,8],[14],[9],[1,6],
runtest(RowConstr, ColConstr).
* This test should produce two chessboards as solutions.
test4 :-
RowConstr = [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],
ColConstr = [[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1],
runtest(RowConstr, ColConstr).
runtest(RowConstr, ColConstr) :-
time(nonogram(RowConstr, ColConstr, Rows)),
nl, print_solution(Rows), nl.
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