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Created April 15, 2014 15:58
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Save klen/10743717 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/usr/lib/plato/venv/bin/python /usr/lib/plato/source/ syncdb --settings=main.settings.local --noinput || echo 'sync failed'
15.04 15:56:04 root INFO Core settings loaded.
15.04 15:56:04 root INFO Production settings are loaded.
15.04 15:56:04 root INFO Develop settings are loaded.
15.04 15:56:04 root INFO Vagrant settings are loaded.
15.04 15:56:04 root INFO Local settings are loaded.
Creating tables ...
Creating table auth_permission
Creating table auth_group_permissions
Creating table auth_group
Creating table auth_user_groups
Creating table auth_user_user_permissions
Creating table auth_user
Creating table django_content_type
Creating table django_session
Creating table django_admin_log
Creating table south_migrationhistory
Installing custom SQL ...
Installing indexes ...
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
> grappelli
> django.contrib.auth
> django.contrib.contenttypes
> django.contrib.sessions
> django.contrib.messages
> django.contrib.admin
> django.contrib.staticfiles
> django.contrib.admindocs
> south
> mptt
> feincms
> rosetta
> django_jenkins
> main
> filebrowser
> compressor
> raven.contrib.django
> debug_toolbar
Not synced (use migrations):
- accounts
- accounts.profile
- courses
- courses.groups
- courses.library
- courses.statistics
- django_extensions
(use ./ migrate to migrate these)
/usr/lib/plato/venv/bin/python /usr/lib/plato/source/ migrate --settings=main.settings.local --noinput
15.04 15:56:06 root INFO Core settings loaded.
15.04 15:56:06 root INFO Production settings are loaded.
15.04 15:56:06 root INFO Develop settings are loaded.
15.04 15:56:06 root INFO Vagrant settings are loaded.
15.04 15:56:06 root INFO Local settings are loaded.
Running migrations for accounts:
- Migrating forwards to 0001_initial.
> accounts:0001_initial
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
- Loading initial data for accounts.
Installed 1 object(s) from 1 fixture(s)
Running migrations for profile:
- Migrating forwards to 0009_auto__del_usercoursestatistic.
> profile:0001_initial
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `profile_userprofile` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `user_id` integer NOT NULL, `first_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `last_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `middle_name` varchar(100) NULL, `birth_date` date NULL, `phone` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `sex` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `avatar` varchar(1000) NOT NULL, `about` longtext NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `modified` datetime NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_userprofile` ADD CONSTRAINT `user_id_refs_id_fbec7036` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `profile_userprofile_6340c63c` ON `profile_userprofile` (`user_id`);" with params "[]"
> profile:0002_auto__add_field_userprofile_city
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_userprofile` ADD COLUMN `city` varchar(30) NULL;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_userprofile` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_userprofile` MODIFY `city` varchar(30) NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_userprofile` ALTER COLUMN `city` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
> profile:0003_auto__add_usercoursestatistic
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `user_id` integer NOT NULL, `course_id` integer NOT NULL, `begin_date` datetime NOT NULL, `finish_date` datetime NULL, `status` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `active` bool NOT NULL, `mark` integer NOT NULL, `attempts` integer NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` ADD CONSTRAINT `user_id_refs_id_6990c5cf` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `profile_userprofile` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `profile_usercoursestatistic_6340c63c` ON `profile_usercoursestatistic` (`user_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` ADD CONSTRAINT `course_id_refs_id_af8100d7` FOREIGN KEY (`course_id`) REFERENCES `courses_course` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:06 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `profile_usercoursestatistic_6234103b` ON `profile_usercoursestatistic` (`course_id`);" with params "[]"
> profile:0004_auto
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `profile_userprofile_all_courses` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `userprofile_id` integer NOT NULL, `course_id` integer NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_userprofile_all_courses` ADD CONSTRAINT `profile_userprofile_all_cou_userprofile_id_87f135047894c86_uniq` UNIQUE (`userprofile_id`, `course_id`)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_userprofile_all_courses` ADD CONSTRAINT `userprofile_id_refs_id_afb4a5cb` FOREIGN KEY (`userprofile_id`) REFERENCES `profile_userprofile` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `profile_userprofile_all_courses_1be1924f` ON `profile_userprofile_all_courses` (`userprofile_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_userprofile_all_courses` ADD CONSTRAINT `course_id_refs_id_d9faa24d` FOREIGN KEY (`course_id`) REFERENCES `courses_course` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `profile_userprofile_all_courses_6234103b` ON `profile_userprofile_all_courses` (`course_id`);" with params "[]"
> profile:0005_auto__add_field_usercoursestatistic_created__chg_field_usercoursestati
/usr/lib/plato/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/ RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField FakeModel.created received a naive datetime (2012-08-08 00:00:00) while time zone support is active.
15.04 19:56:07 py.warnings WARNING /usr/lib/plato/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/ RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField FakeModel.created received a naive datetime (2012-08-08 00:00:00) while time zone support is active.
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` ADD COLUMN `created` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '2012-08-07 20:00:00';" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` MODIFY `created` datetime NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` ALTER COLUMN `created` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` MODIFY `begin_date` datetime NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` ALTER COLUMN `begin_date` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "DROP TABLE `profile_userprofile_all_courses` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
> profile:0006_auto__add_field_usercoursestatistic_modified
/usr/lib/plato/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/ RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField FakeModel.modified received a naive datetime (2012-08-08 00:00:00) while time zone support is active.
15.04 19:56:07 py.warnings WARNING /usr/lib/plato/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/ RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField FakeModel.modified received a naive datetime (2012-08-08 00:00:00) while time zone support is active.
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` ADD COLUMN `modified` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '2012-08-07 20:00:00';" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` MODIFY `modified` datetime NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` ALTER COLUMN `modified` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
> profile:0007_auto__del_field_usercoursestatistic_attempts__del_field_usercoursestat
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` DROP COLUMN `attempts` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` DROP COLUMN `mark` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` ADD COLUMN `points` integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` MODIFY `points` integer NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` ALTER COLUMN `points` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
> profile:0008_auto__del_field_usercoursestatistic_points
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` DROP COLUMN `points` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
> profile:0009_auto__del_usercoursestatistic
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "DROP TABLE `profile_usercoursestatistic` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
- Loading initial data for profile.
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
Running migrations for courses:
- Migrating forwards to 0029_convert_dialogs.
> courses:0001_initial
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_location` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `modified` datetime NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_character` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `modified` datetime NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_client` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `modified` datetime NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_dialog` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `description` longtext NULL, `difficulty` smallint UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `time_limit` smallint UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `attempts_count` smallint UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `avatar` varchar(1000) NOT NULL, `initial_satisfaction_level` smallint UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `location_id` integer NOT NULL, `character_id` integer NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `modified` datetime NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_legend` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `modified` datetime NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_course` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `description` longtext NULL, `client_id` integer NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `modified` datetime NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_coursedialogs` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `dialog_id` integer NOT NULL, `course_id` integer NOT NULL, `level` smallint UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `modified` datetime NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_courselegends` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `legend_id` integer NOT NULL, `course_id` integer NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `modified` datetime NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD CONSTRAINT `location_id_refs_id_78cac18a` FOREIGN KEY (`location_id`) REFERENCES `courses_location` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_dialog_afbb987d` ON `courses_dialog` (`location_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD CONSTRAINT `character_id_refs_id_692e7a99` FOREIGN KEY (`character_id`) REFERENCES `courses_character` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_dialog_5924a2c0` ON `courses_dialog` (`character_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ADD CONSTRAINT `client_id_refs_id_490eb6eb` FOREIGN KEY (`client_id`) REFERENCES `courses_client` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_course_4fea5d6a` ON `courses_course` (`client_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_coursedialogs` ADD CONSTRAINT `dialog_id_refs_id_08a023d9` FOREIGN KEY (`dialog_id`) REFERENCES `courses_dialog` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_coursedialogs_a19c4fe4` ON `courses_coursedialogs` (`dialog_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_coursedialogs` ADD CONSTRAINT `course_id_refs_id_e133db9c` FOREIGN KEY (`course_id`) REFERENCES `courses_course` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_coursedialogs_6234103b` ON `courses_coursedialogs` (`course_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:07 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_courselegends` ADD CONSTRAINT `legend_id_refs_id_7cec11bf` FOREIGN KEY (`legend_id`) REFERENCES `courses_legend` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_courselegends_a2af0d96` ON `courses_courselegends` (`legend_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_courselegends` ADD CONSTRAINT `course_id_refs_id_75b305bb` FOREIGN KEY (`course_id`) REFERENCES `courses_course` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_courselegends_6234103b` ON `courses_courselegends` (`course_id`);" with params "[]"
> courses:0002_auto__add_field_course_avatar
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ADD COLUMN `avatar` varchar(1000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` MODIFY `avatar` varchar(1000) NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ALTER COLUMN `avatar` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
> courses:0003_auto__add_field_dialog_dialog_xml__add_field_dialog_dialog_editor_sess
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD COLUMN `dialog_xml` longtext NULL;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` MODIFY `dialog_xml` longtext NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD COLUMN `dialog_editor_session_xml` longtext NULL;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` MODIFY `dialog_editor_session_xml` longtext NULL;;" with params "[]"
> courses:0004_auto__add_field_location_deleted__add_field_location_background
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` ADD COLUMN `deleted` bool NOT NULL DEFAULT False;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` MODIFY `deleted` bool NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` ALTER COLUMN `deleted` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` ADD COLUMN `background` varchar(1000) NULL;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` MODIFY `background` varchar(1000) NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` ALTER COLUMN `background` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
> courses:0005_auto__del_field_location_deleted__add_field_location_active
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` DROP COLUMN `deleted` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` ADD COLUMN `active` bool NOT NULL DEFAULT False;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` MODIFY `active` bool NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` ALTER COLUMN `active` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
> courses:0006_auto__add_usercourse
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_usercourse` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `active` bool NOT NULL, `user_id` integer NOT NULL, `course_id` integer NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `modified` datetime NOT NULL, `begin_date` datetime NULL, `finish_date` datetime NULL, `status` varchar(20) NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercourse` ADD CONSTRAINT `user_id_refs_id_2db4fc49` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_usercourse_6340c63c` ON `courses_usercourse` (`user_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercourse` ADD CONSTRAINT `course_id_refs_id_2d7b0e40` FOREIGN KEY (`course_id`) REFERENCES `courses_course` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_usercourse_6234103b` ON `courses_usercourse` (`course_id`);" with params "[]"
> courses:0007_auto__add_usercoursedialog
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `usercourse_id` integer NOT NULL, `dialog_id` integer NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ADD CONSTRAINT `usercourse_id_refs_id_73727b39` FOREIGN KEY (`usercourse_id`) REFERENCES `courses_usercourse` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_usercoursedialog_edf835df` ON `courses_usercoursedialog` (`usercourse_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ADD CONSTRAINT `dialog_id_refs_id_32d793db` FOREIGN KEY (`dialog_id`) REFERENCES `courses_dialog` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_usercoursedialog_a19c4fe4` ON `courses_usercoursedialog` (`dialog_id`);" with params "[]"
> courses:0008_auto__add_field_usercoursedialog_is_success__add_field_usercoursedialo
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ADD COLUMN `is_success` bool NOT NULL DEFAULT False;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` MODIFY `is_success` bool NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ALTER COLUMN `is_success` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ADD COLUMN `points` integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` MODIFY `points` integer NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ALTER COLUMN `points` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ADD COLUMN `sl` integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` MODIFY `sl` integer NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ALTER COLUMN `sl` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ADD COLUMN `start_time` datetime NULL;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` MODIFY `start_time` datetime NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ALTER COLUMN `start_time` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ADD COLUMN `finish_time` datetime NULL;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` MODIFY `finish_time` datetime NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` ALTER COLUMN `finish_time` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
> courses:0009_auto__add_field_course_author__add_field_dialog_author
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ADD COLUMN `author_id` integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` MODIFY `author_id` integer NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ALTER COLUMN `author_id` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD COLUMN `author_id` integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` MODIFY `author_id` integer NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ALTER COLUMN `author_id` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ADD CONSTRAINT `author_id_refs_id_05769af7` FOREIGN KEY (`author_id`) REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_course_e969df21` ON `courses_course` (`author_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:08 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD CONSTRAINT `author_id_refs_id_d0c386c3` FOREIGN KEY (`author_id`) REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_dialog_e969df21` ON `courses_dialog` (`author_id`);" with params "[]"
> courses:0010_auto__chg_field_course_author
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` DROP FOREIGN KEY `author_id_refs_id_05769af7`" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` MODIFY `author_id` integer NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ALTER COLUMN `author_id` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ADD CONSTRAINT `author_id_refs_id_05769af7` FOREIGN KEY (`author_id`) REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`);" with params "[]"
> courses:0011_auto__chg_field_dialog_author
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` DROP FOREIGN KEY `author_id_refs_id_d0c386c3`" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` MODIFY `author_id` integer NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ALTER COLUMN `author_id` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD CONSTRAINT `author_id_refs_id_d0c386c3` FOREIGN KEY (`author_id`) REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`);" with params "[]"
> courses:0012_auto__chg_field_location_background
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` MODIFY `background` varchar(1000) NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` ALTER COLUMN `background` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "UPDATE `courses_location` SET `background`=%s WHERE `background` IS NULL" with params "[u'']"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_location` MODIFY `background` varchar(1000) NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
> courses:0013_auto__del_courselegends__del_legend
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "DROP TABLE `courses_courselegends` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "DROP TABLE `courses_legend` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
> courses:0014_auto__del_usercourse__del_usercoursedialog
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "DROP TABLE `courses_usercourse` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "DROP TABLE `courses_usercoursedialog` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
> courses:0015_auto__add_field_dialog_course__add_field_dialog_level
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD COLUMN `course_id` integer NULL;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD COLUMN `level` smallint UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` MODIFY `level` smallint UNSIGNED NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ALTER COLUMN `level` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD CONSTRAINT `course_id_refs_id_2f006373` FOREIGN KEY (`course_id`) REFERENCES `courses_course` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_dialog_6234103b` ON `courses_dialog` (`course_id`);" with params "[]"
> courses:0016_auto__del_coursedialogs
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "DROP TABLE `courses_coursedialogs` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
> courses:0017_auto__del_character__del_field_dialog_character
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
> courses:0018_auto__del_character__del_field_dialog_character
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
> courses:0019_auto__del_field_dialog_time_limit__del_field_dialog_attempts_count
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` DROP COLUMN `time_limit` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` DROP COLUMN `attempts_count` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
> courses:0020_auto__add_character__add_field_dialog_character
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
> courses:0021_auto
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_client_users` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `client_id` integer NOT NULL, `user_id` integer NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_client_users` ADD CONSTRAINT `courses_client_users_client_id_5eb1a5889bee7941_uniq` UNIQUE (`client_id`, `user_id`)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_client_users` ADD CONSTRAINT `client_id_refs_id_2390231b` FOREIGN KEY (`client_id`) REFERENCES `courses_client` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_client_users_4fea5d6a` ON `courses_client_users` (`client_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_client_users` ADD CONSTRAINT `user_id_refs_id_ca596253` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:09 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_client_users_6340c63c` ON `courses_client_users` (`user_id`);" with params "[]"
> courses:0021_auto__del_character__chg_field_dialog_character
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "DROP TABLE `courses_character` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` DROP FOREIGN KEY `character_id_refs_id_692e7a99`" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` MODIFY `character_id` integer NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ALTER COLUMN `character_id` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD CONSTRAINT `character_id_refs_id_329f6606` FOREIGN KEY (`character_id`) REFERENCES `library_character` (`id`);" with params "[]"
> courses:0022_auto__chg_field_course_client
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` DROP FOREIGN KEY `client_id_refs_id_490eb6eb`" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` MODIFY `client_id` integer NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ALTER COLUMN `client_id` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ADD CONSTRAINT `client_id_refs_id_490eb6eb` FOREIGN KEY (`client_id`) REFERENCES `courses_client` (`id`);" with params "[]"
> courses:0023_auto__del_character__add_field_dialog_max_satisfaction_level__chg_fiel
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD COLUMN `max_satisfaction_level` smallint UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 10;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` MODIFY `max_satisfaction_level` smallint UNSIGNED NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ALTER COLUMN `max_satisfaction_level` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` DROP FOREIGN KEY `character_id_refs_id_329f6606`" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` MODIFY `character_id` integer NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ALTER COLUMN `character_id` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD CONSTRAINT `character_id_refs_id_329f6606` FOREIGN KEY (`character_id`) REFERENCES `library_character` (`id`);" with params "[]"
> courses:0024_migration_branches_merge
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
> courses:0025_auto__add_field_dialog_skin_path
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD COLUMN `skin_path` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'content/skins/proplexSkin.swf';" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` MODIFY `skin_path` varchar(255) NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ALTER COLUMN `skin_path` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
> courses:0026_auto__del_field_dialog_skin_path__add_field_course_skin_path
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` DROP COLUMN `skin_path` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ADD COLUMN `skin_path` varchar(1000) NULL;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` MODIFY `skin_path` varchar(1000) NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_course` ALTER COLUMN `skin_path` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
> courses:0027_auto__add_assignment
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_assignment` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `active` bool NOT NULL, `course_id` integer NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `modified` datetime NOT NULL, `begin_date` datetime NULL, `finish_date` datetime NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_assignment_users` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `assignment_id` integer NOT NULL, `user_id` integer NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_assignment_users` ADD CONSTRAINT `courses_assignment_users_assignment_id_197d4b277cf6689f_uniq` UNIQUE (`assignment_id`, `user_id`)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_assignment_groups` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `assignment_id` integer NOT NULL, `group_id` integer NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_assignment_groups` ADD CONSTRAINT `courses_assignment_groups_assignment_id_7af2ed7a31211b47_uniq` UNIQUE (`assignment_id`, `group_id`)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_assignment` ADD CONSTRAINT `course_id_refs_id_dde4ea36` FOREIGN KEY (`course_id`) REFERENCES `courses_course` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_assignment_6234103b` ON `courses_assignment` (`course_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_assignment_users` ADD CONSTRAINT `assignment_id_refs_id_cc9fba0a` FOREIGN KEY (`assignment_id`) REFERENCES `courses_assignment` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_assignment_users_52f7e0e7` ON `courses_assignment_users` (`assignment_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_assignment_users` ADD CONSTRAINT `user_id_refs_id_75c176f4` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_assignment_users_6340c63c` ON `courses_assignment_users` (`user_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_assignment_groups` ADD CONSTRAINT `assignment_id_refs_id_646732d4` FOREIGN KEY (`assignment_id`) REFERENCES `courses_assignment` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_assignment_groups_52f7e0e7` ON `courses_assignment_groups` (`assignment_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_assignment_groups` ADD CONSTRAINT `group_id_refs_id_0f7d234e` FOREIGN KEY (`group_id`) REFERENCES `groups_group` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_assignment_groups_5f412f9a` ON `courses_assignment_groups` (`group_id`);" with params "[]"
> courses:0028_auto__add_answer__add_step__add_field_dialog_startQuestionID__add_fiel
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:10 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_answer` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `text` longtext NOT NULL, `feedback` longtext NOT NULL, `audio` varchar(256) NOT NULL, `comfort` integer NOT NULL, `go` integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `step_id` integer NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `courses_step` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `step_id` integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `step_type` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `character_audio` varchar(256) NOT NULL, `character_audio_delay` integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `character_image` varchar(256) NOT NULL, `character_text` longtext NOT NULL, `question` longtext NOT NULL, `refflection` longtext NOT NULL, `isCompleted` integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `money` integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `points` integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `priceSum` integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `dialog_id` integer NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD COLUMN `startQuestionID` integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` MODIFY `startQuestionID` integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ALTER COLUMN `startQuestionID` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD COLUMN `idlevideo` varchar(256) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` MODIFY `idlevideo` varchar(256) NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ALTER COLUMN `idlevideo` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD COLUMN `clientDisplayData` text NOT NULL;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` MODIFY `clientDisplayData` text NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ADD COLUMN `bubleDisplayData` text NOT NULL;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_dialog` MODIFY `bubleDisplayData` text NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_answer` ADD CONSTRAINT `step_id_refs_id_57c3d7f4` FOREIGN KEY (`step_id`) REFERENCES `courses_step` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_answer_ac0b964b` ON `courses_answer` (`step_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `courses_step` ADD CONSTRAINT `dialog_id_refs_id_050c6aa5` FOREIGN KEY (`dialog_id`) REFERENCES `courses_dialog` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `courses_step_a19c4fe4` ON `courses_step` (`dialog_id`);" with params "[]"
> courses:0029_convert_dialogs
- Migration 'courses:0029_convert_dialogs' is marked for no-dry-run.
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
- Loading initial data for courses.
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
Running migrations for groups:
- Migrating forwards to 0002_auto.
> groups:0001_initial
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `groups_group` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `description` longtext NULL, `is_enabled` bool NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `modified` datetime NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
> groups:0002_auto
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `groups_group_users` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `group_id` integer NOT NULL, `user_id` integer NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `groups_group_users` ADD CONSTRAINT `groups_group_users_group_id_65afa946ddfa93b8_uniq` UNIQUE (`group_id`, `user_id`)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `groups_group_users` ADD CONSTRAINT `group_id_refs_id_5c9ceec3` FOREIGN KEY (`group_id`) REFERENCES `groups_group` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `groups_group_users_5f412f9a` ON `groups_group_users` (`group_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `groups_group_users` ADD CONSTRAINT `user_id_refs_id_4070917b` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `groups_group_users_6340c63c` ON `groups_group_users` (`user_id`);" with params "[]"
- Loading initial data for groups.
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
Running migrations for library:
- Migrating forwards to 0007_auto__add_field_character_files.
> library:0001_initial
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `library_mediaobject` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `media_type` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `description` longtext NULL, `file` varchar(1000) NOT NULL, `is_enabled` bool NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `modified` datetime NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `library_mediaobject_c6dac504` ON `library_mediaobject` (`media_type`);" with params "[]"
> library:0002_auto__del_field_mediaobject_description__add_field_mediaobject_label
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_mediaobject` DROP COLUMN `description` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_mediaobject` ADD COLUMN `label` varchar(1000) NULL;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_mediaobject` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_mediaobject` MODIFY `label` varchar(1000) NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_mediaobject` ALTER COLUMN `label` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
> library:0003_auto__chg_field_mediaobject_label
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_mediaobject` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_mediaobject` MODIFY `label` varchar(1000) NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_mediaobject` ALTER COLUMN `label` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "UPDATE `library_mediaobject` SET `label`=%s WHERE `label` IS NULL" with params "[u'label example']"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_mediaobject` MODIFY `label` varchar(1000) NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
> library:0004_auto__add_folder
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `library_folder` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `label` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `is_enabled` bool NOT NULL, `parent_id` integer NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `modified` datetime NOT NULL, `lft` integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `rght` integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `tree_id` integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `level` integer UNSIGNED NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `library_mediaobject_folder` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `mediaobject_id` integer NOT NULL, `folder_id` integer NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_mediaobject_folder` ADD CONSTRAINT `library_mediaobject_folder_mediaobject_id_4f6826a9a06c7a48_uniq` UNIQUE (`mediaobject_id`, `folder_id`)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_folder` ADD CONSTRAINT `parent_id_refs_id_5bcbfc50` FOREIGN KEY (`parent_id`) REFERENCES `library_folder` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `library_folder_410d0aac` ON `library_folder` (`parent_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:11 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `library_folder_f777e2bb` ON `library_folder` (`lft`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `library_folder_76886718` ON `library_folder` (`rght`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `library_folder_f391089a` ON `library_folder` (`tree_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `library_folder_b8f3f94a` ON `library_folder` (`level`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_mediaobject_folder` ADD CONSTRAINT `mediaobject_id_refs_id_c0646895` FOREIGN KEY (`mediaobject_id`) REFERENCES `library_mediaobject` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `library_mediaobject_folder_e650d434` ON `library_mediaobject_folder` (`mediaobject_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_mediaobject_folder` ADD CONSTRAINT `folder_id_refs_id_20e5cdc3` FOREIGN KEY (`folder_id`) REFERENCES `library_folder` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `library_mediaobject_folder_3aef490b` ON `library_mediaobject_folder` (`folder_id`);" with params "[]"
> library:0005_auto__add_character
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `library_character` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `active` bool NOT NULL, `image_folder_id` integer NULL, `video_folder_id` integer NULL, `sound_folder_id` integer NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_character` ADD CONSTRAINT `image_folder_id_refs_id_f3c1ee03` FOREIGN KEY (`image_folder_id`) REFERENCES `library_folder` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `library_character_b0700132` ON `library_character` (`image_folder_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_character` ADD CONSTRAINT `video_folder_id_refs_id_f3c1ee03` FOREIGN KEY (`video_folder_id`) REFERENCES `library_folder` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `library_character_9fab5460` ON `library_character` (`video_folder_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_character` ADD CONSTRAINT `sound_folder_id_refs_id_f3c1ee03` FOREIGN KEY (`sound_folder_id`) REFERENCES `library_folder` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `library_character_d461a35b` ON `library_character` (`sound_folder_id`);" with params "[]"
> library:0006_auto__add_field_character_slug
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_character` ADD COLUMN `slug` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_character` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_character` MODIFY `slug` varchar(255) NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_character` ALTER COLUMN `slug` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `library_character_f52cfca0` ON `library_character` (`slug`);" with params "[]"
> library:0007_auto__add_field_character_files
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_character` ADD COLUMN `files` varchar(1000) NULL;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_character` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_character` MODIFY `files` varchar(1000) NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `library_character` ALTER COLUMN `files` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
- Loading initial data for library.
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
Running migrations for statistics:
- Migrating forwards to 0008_auto__add_field_usercourse_dialogs_total__add_field_usercourse_dialogs.
> statistics:0001_initial
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `statistics_usercourse` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `active` bool NOT NULL, `user_id` integer NOT NULL, `course_id` integer NOT NULL, `created` datetime NOT NULL, `modified` datetime NOT NULL, `begin_date` datetime NULL, `finish_date` datetime NULL, `status` varchar(20) NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `user_id` integer NOT NULL, `user_course_id` integer NOT NULL, `dialog_id` integer NOT NULL, `start_time` datetime NULL, `finish_time` datetime NULL, `last_modified` datetime NOT NULL, `is_valid` bool NOT NULL, `is_incomplete` bool NOT NULL, `is_successful` bool NOT NULL, `points` integer NOT NULL, `satisfaction_lvl` integer NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE TABLE `statistics_attemptstep` (`id` integer AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `attempt_id` integer NOT NULL, `time` datetime NOT NULL, `action` varchar(255) NOT NULL)" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ADD CONSTRAINT `user_id_refs_id_16c2c1f6` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `statistics_usercourse_6340c63c` ON `statistics_usercourse` (`user_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ADD CONSTRAINT `course_id_refs_id_b9e0fe7c` FOREIGN KEY (`course_id`) REFERENCES `courses_course` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `statistics_usercourse_6234103b` ON `statistics_usercourse` (`course_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` ADD CONSTRAINT `user_id_refs_id_3922c88b` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `auth_user` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `statistics_dialogpassattempt_6340c63c` ON `statistics_dialogpassattempt` (`user_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` ADD CONSTRAINT `user_course_id_refs_id_cbd8c236` FOREIGN KEY (`user_course_id`) REFERENCES `statistics_usercourse` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `statistics_dialogpassattempt_ac6d4836` ON `statistics_dialogpassattempt` (`user_course_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` ADD CONSTRAINT `dialog_id_refs_id_c688c97a` FOREIGN KEY (`dialog_id`) REFERENCES `courses_dialog` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `statistics_dialogpassattempt_a19c4fe4` ON `statistics_dialogpassattempt` (`dialog_id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_attemptstep` ADD CONSTRAINT `attempt_id_refs_id_47d34e4a` FOREIGN KEY (`attempt_id`) REFERENCES `statistics_dialogpassattempt` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `statistics_attemptstep_fd52fdfd` ON `statistics_attemptstep` (`attempt_id`);" with params "[]"
> statistics:0002_auto__add_field_dialogpassattempt_attempts_counter
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` ADD COLUMN `attempts_counter` integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:12 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` MODIFY `attempts_counter` integer NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` ALTER COLUMN `attempts_counter` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
> statistics:0003_auto__add_field_dialogpassattempt_money
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` ADD COLUMN `money` double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` MODIFY `money` double precision NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` ALTER COLUMN `money` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
> statistics:0004_auto__add_field_dialogpassattempt_spent_time_seconds__add_field_dialog
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` ADD COLUMN `spent_time_seconds` double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` MODIFY `spent_time_seconds` double precision NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` ALTER COLUMN `spent_time_seconds` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` ADD COLUMN `is_best` bool NOT NULL DEFAULT False;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` MODIFY `is_best` bool NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_dialogpassattempt` ALTER COLUMN `is_best` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ADD COLUMN `best_attempt_id` integer NULL;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` MODIFY `best_attempt_id` integer NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ALTER COLUMN `best_attempt_id` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ADD CONSTRAINT `best_attempt_id_refs_id_0eef0fe0` FOREIGN KEY (`best_attempt_id`) REFERENCES `statistics_dialogpassattempt` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `statistics_usercourse_f9031f63` ON `statistics_usercourse` (`best_attempt_id`);" with params "[]"
> statistics:0004_auto__del_field_usercourse_status__add_field_usercourse_assignment
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT kc.`constraint_name`, kc.`column_name`, kc.`table_name`,
kc.`referenced_table_name`, kc.`referenced_column_name`
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage AS kc
kc.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "
SELECT c.constraint_name, c.table_name, c.constraint_type
FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
c.table_schema = %s
" with params "['plato']"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` DROP COLUMN `status` CASCADE;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ADD COLUMN `assignment_id` integer NULL;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` MODIFY `assignment_id` integer NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ALTER COLUMN `assignment_id` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ADD CONSTRAINT `assignment_id_refs_id_94e73aba` FOREIGN KEY (`assignment_id`) REFERENCES `courses_assignment` (`id`);" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "CREATE INDEX `statistics_usercourse_52f7e0e7` ON `statistics_usercourse` (`assignment_id`);" with params "[]"
> statistics:0005_auto__add_field_usercourse_spent_time_seconds
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ADD COLUMN `spent_time_seconds` double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` MODIFY `spent_time_seconds` double precision NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ALTER COLUMN `spent_time_seconds` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
> statistics:0006_auto__add_field_usercourse_earned_points
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ADD COLUMN `earned_points` integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` MODIFY `earned_points` integer NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ALTER COLUMN `earned_points` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
> statistics:0007_auto__add_field_usercourse_earned_money
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ADD COLUMN `earned_money` double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` MODIFY `earned_money` double precision NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ALTER COLUMN `earned_money` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
> statistics:0008_auto__add_field_usercourse_dialogs_total__add_field_usercourse_dialogs
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ADD COLUMN `dialogs_total` integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` MODIFY `dialogs_total` integer NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ALTER COLUMN `dialogs_total` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ADD COLUMN `dialogs_passed` integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` MODIFY `dialogs_passed` integer NOT NULL;;" with params "[]"
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "ALTER TABLE `statistics_usercourse` ALTER COLUMN `dialogs_passed` DROP DEFAULT;" with params "[]"
- Loading initial data for statistics.
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
Running migrations for django_extensions:
- Migrating forwards to 0001_empty.
> django_extensions:0001_empty
15.04 19:56:13 south DEBUG execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
- Loading initial data for django_extensions.
Installed 0 object(s) from 0 fixture(s)
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