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Created June 17, 2022 14:43
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create or replace procedure assert(
p_condition boolean,
p_error_message varchar2 := 'Assert violation!',
p_error_code int := -20100
) as
if p_condition then
end if;
raise_application_error(p_error_code, p_error_message, true);
end assert;
create or replace function next_date(
p_start_date date,
p_schedule varchar2
) return date
v_next_date date;
-- parsed schedule values
-- should be a number array but I'll rely on implicit conversion for now
subtype t_parsed_schedule is sys.odcivarchar2list;
v_schedule_rows t_parsed_schedule;
v_minutes t_parsed_schedule;
v_hours t_parsed_schedule;
v_weekdays t_parsed_schedule;
v_days t_parsed_schedule;
v_months t_parsed_schedule;
-- pointers to respective schedule elements
subtype t_schedule_pointer is int;
v_current_minute t_schedule_pointer := 1;
v_current_hour t_schedule_pointer := 1;
v_current_weekday t_schedule_pointer := 1;
v_current_day t_schedule_pointer := 1;
v_current_month t_schedule_pointer := 1;
-- 0 means the year of p_start_date,
-- 1 means next year, etc.
v_current_year int := 0;
-- store weekdays in a hash table to speed up lookups
type it_possible_weekdays is
table of boolean
index by pls_integer;
v_possible_weekdays it_possible_weekdays;
-- in a real production code this would be a proper one-pass parser
-- here, this one will do.
function parse_schedule(sched varchar2, chunk int) return t_parsed_schedule as
res t_parsed_schedule;
select to_number(column_value) bulk collect into res
from xmltable(regexp_substr(sched, '[^;]+', 1, chunk));
return res;
end parse_schedule;
if p_start_date is null or p_schedule is null then
return null;
end if;
v_minutes := parse_schedule(p_schedule, 1);
v_hours := parse_schedule(p_schedule, 2);
v_weekdays := parse_schedule(p_schedule, 3);
v_days := parse_schedule(p_schedule, 4);
v_months := parse_schedule(p_schedule, 5);
for i in 1 .. v_weekdays.count loop
v_possible_weekdays(v_weekdays(i)) := true;
end loop;
-- calculate a candidate day for a current set of values
v_next_date := trunc(p_start_date, 'yyyy')
+ numtoyminterval(v_current_year, 'year')
+ numtoyminterval(v_months(v_current_month) - 1, 'month')
+ numtodsinterval(v_days(v_current_day) - 1, 'day')
+ numtodsinterval(v_hours(v_current_hour), 'hour')
+ numtodsinterval(v_minutes(v_current_minute), 'minute')
exit main_loop when 1 = 1
and v_next_date > p_start_date
-- feb 1 + 29 doesn't mean we're looking for mar. 1
and extract(day from v_next_date) = v_days(v_current_day)
-- nls_territory dependent. will fix later.
and v_possible_weekdays.exists(to_char(v_next_date, 'd'))
v_current_minute := v_current_minute + 1;
if v_current_minute > v_minutes.count then
v_current_minute := 1;
v_current_hour := v_current_hour + 1;
end if;
if v_current_hour > v_hours.count then
v_current_hour := 1;
v_current_day := v_current_day + 1;
end if;
if v_current_day > v_days.count then
v_current_day := 1;
v_current_month := v_current_month + 1;
end if;
if v_current_month > v_months.count then
v_current_month := 1;
v_current_year := v_current_year + 1;
end if;
end loop main_loop;
return v_next_date;
end next_date;
cl scr
set echo off
set lines 200
set serverout on
set time off
set timi off
col "LINE/COL" for a10
col "ERROR" for a100
alter session set plsql_optimize_level = 3;
sho err procedure assert
sho err function next_date
set echo on
set timi on
exec assert(to_date('2036.02.29 12:00',' hh24:mi') = next_date(to_date('2010.12.28 23:36',' hh24:mi'), '0,45;12;6;29;2'))
exec assert(to_date('2012.02.29 12:00',' hh24:mi') = next_date(to_date('2010.12.28 23:36',' hh24:mi'), '0,45;12;1,2,3,4,5,6,7;29;2'))
exec assert(to_date('2010.07.18 12:00',' hh24:mi') = next_date(to_date('2010.07.09 23:36',' hh24:mi'), '0,45;12;1,2,6;3,6,14,18,21,24,28;1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12'))
exec assert(to_date('2011.01.03 12:00',' hh24:mi') = next_date(to_date('2010.12.28 23:36',' hh24:mi'), '0,45;12;1,2,6;3,6,14,18,21,24,28;1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12'))
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