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Last active April 30, 2021 13:12
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RECS GA - Variant AddToCart
<script type="text/javascript">
* 1. Modify your existing klevu.extend declaration to add klevu.dictionary.
* This will power up a storage engine for passing data between the
* Recommendation banner view of one variant, to the selection of another.
klevu.extend(true, klevu, {
ga: {
dictionary: klevu.dictionary("ga")
* 2. Add this new code after the above klevu.extend call.
* This will configure the storage engine needed for #1 above.
klevu.interactive(function () {"session");;
* 3. Add the following just before the end of your existing klevu_RECSItemClick function.
* This will store the product which was clicked to make it available
* to the product page when a different variant is clicked.
*/"clickedProduct", JSON.stringify({
list: "klevu-" + pageTitle + "-" + templateData.metadata.title, // MUST match format used in klevu_processRECSTemplateData()
parentId: product.itemGroupId, // do not modify
childId:, // do not modify
category: product.category, // do not modify
position: key, // do not modify
currency: product.storeBaseCurrency, // do not modify
* 4. Add a new function alongside klevu_processRECSTemplateData() and klevu_RECSItemClick().
* When a customer adds to cart, we check if they are adding a different variant
* of the same product clicked from the Klevu Recommendation banner. If so, we
* push one more banner view and product click event to GA for that product.
window.addImpressionAndClickForVariant = function addImpressionAndClickForVariant(selectedVariant) {
var self = this;
var clickedProduct ="clickedProduct");
if (clickedProduct == "" || clickedProduct == "clickedProduct") {
var clickedProduct = JSON.parse(clickedProduct);
if (clickedProduct.parentId == selectedVariant.parentId && clickedProduct.childId != selectedVariant.childId) {
var combinedProductData = {
// do not modify here, instead modify in calling function
'price': selectedVariant.price,
'variant': selectedVariant.variant,
'category': clickedProduct.category,
'list': clickedProduct.list,
'position': clickedProduct.position
var impresionData = {
event: 'klevuProductListImpression',
ecommerce: {
impression: {
list: clickedProduct.list
currencyCode: clickedProduct.currency,
impressions: [combinedProductData]
var clickData = {
'event': 'klevuProductListClick',
'ecommerce': {
'click': {
'actionField': {
'list': clickedProduct.list
'products': [combinedProductData]
return true;
* 5. Finally, include the following on your Product Detail Page, to tie all the above logic to the add to cart button.
* You may need to modify the #AddToCartButton selector and you will also need to implement the logic to populate the
* correct variant information, based on your own implementation. This may require an AJAX call or some extra
* JS data to be made available in your template, depending on your own product data.
* Where possible, we have also provided some platform-specific examples of this step.
* See the rest of this GIST files for suggestions on how you may approach this for your platform.
window.bindKlevuAddToCartVariantEvents = function bindKlevuAddToCartVariantEvents() {
klevu.each(klevu.dom.find("#AddToCartButton"), function (key, element) {
klevu.event.attach(element, "click", function (e) {
if (typeof (window.addImpressionAndClickForVariant) !== "function") {
// populate the following with the Klevu IDs of the product
parentId: '', // eg. Klevu 'item_group_id' value
childId: '', // eg. Klevu 'id' value
// populate the following with the selected variant data to be sent to GA
'id': '', // sku OR id OR itemGroupId
'name': '', // name of the selected variant
'price': '', // price of the selected variant
'variant': '' // sku OR id OR itemGroupId
klevu.interactive(function () {
{% if template == 'product' %}
<script type="text/javascript">
* 5. One approach with Shopify is to check the #productSelect dropdown at the time
* the customer clicks the #AddToCart button, then use the Shopify `meta` data
* to find the data you need to send to GA. It might look something like this:
window.bindKlevuAddToCartVariantEvents = function bindKlevuAddToCartVariantEvents() {
klevu.each(klevu.dom.find("#AddToCart"), function (key, element) {
klevu.event.attach(element, "click", function (e) {
if (typeof (window.addImpressionAndClickForVariant) !== "function") {
var productSelectValue = klevu.dom.getFirst("#productSelect").value;
var shopifyMetaVariant = meta.product.variants.find(function (variant) {
return = productSelectValue;
// the following are the Klevu IDs of the selected variant
// the following is the selected variant data to be sent to GA
'id': shopifyMetaVariant.sku, // OR id OR itemGroupId
'price': shopifyMetaVariant.price / 100,
'variant': // OR sku OR itemGroupId
klevu.interactive(function () {
{% endif %}
<script type="text/javascript">
* 5. For Magento it really depends on your frontend implementation and how
* readily available the variant data is on your Product Detail Page.
* You might have a JavaScript variable available that you can query,
* or you might need to make an AJAX request to fetch the data.
window.bindKlevuAddToCartVariantEvents = function bindKlevuAddToCartVariantEvents() {
klevu.each(klevu.dom.find("#AddToCart"), function (key, element) {
klevu.event.attach(element, "click", function (e) {
if (typeof (window.addImpressionAndClickForVariant) !== "function") {
// populate the following with the Klevu IDs of the product
parentId: '', // Magento parentId, eg. 5
childId: '', // Magento parentId-childId, eg. 5-3
// populate the following with the selected variant data to be sent to GA
'id': '', // sku OR id OR itemGroupId
'name': '', // name of the selected variant
'price': '', // price of the selected variant
'variant': '' // sku OR id OR itemGroupId
klevu.interactive(function () {
* With BigCommerce you will likely use itemGroupId for GA tracking,
* so this implementation is not required. If you do need to track the
* variant ID, please see the above generic examples for guidance.
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