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Created August 2, 2016 05:20
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A pythonic example of solving the subset sum problem in pseudo polynomial time via dynamic programming
#!/usr/bin/env python
A pythonic example of solving the subset sum problem in pseudo polynomial time
via dynamic programming.
def subset_sum(integers, target_sum=0):
Returns a boolean indicating whether the given list of integers contains a
(non-empty) subset that sums to the given value
integers: list of int
The list of integers to consider
target_sum: int
The goal sum
True if a non-empty subset that sums to target_sum exist, and
False otherwise.
# We start by figuring out what the smallest and largest possible subset
# sums are.
positive = [integer for integer in integers if integer > 0]
negative = [integer for integer in integers if integer < 0]
# we'll refer to the elements of non_zeros as x_1 ... x_N
# where N = len(non_zeros)
non_zeros = positive + negative
pos_sum = sum(positive)
neg_sum = sum(negative)
lookup_table = {}
def _subset_sum_dp(index, goal_sum):
# If the goal_sum is less than the sum of all negative integers in
# the set, or greater than the sum of all positive integers, there's
# no possible subset that sums to it
if goal_sum < neg_sum or goal_sum > pos_sum:
return False
# In the base case our set of candidate integers only contains x_1,
# so check if x_1 == goal_sum
if index == 0:
return non_zeros[0] == goal_sum
# Check if we've called _subset_sum_dp with the same value of
# index and goal_sum. If we have, return the memorized value instead
# of evaluating the recursion again.
key = (index, goal_sum)
if key in lookup_table:
return lookup_table[key]
# Our recursion uses the following observation. If there exists a subset
# summing to goal_sum and containing only the integers leading up to
# and including the index (x_index), one of three following must hold:
# 1. x_index == goal_sum, in which case x_index itself is a valid subset
# 2. there's a solution to the subset sum problem using only
# x_1 ... x_{index-1}, in which case we can simply omit x_index.
# 3. there's a solution to the subset sum problem with a target sum of
# the goal_sum - x_index and using only integers in the
# set x_1 ... x_{index-1}. In such cases, adding x_index to that
# problem's solution results in a solution to the current
# problem.
result = non_zeros[index] == goal_sum or \
_subset_sum_dp(index-1, goal_sum) or \
_subset_sum_dp(index-1, goal_sum-non_zeros[index])
# Memorize and return the result
lookup_table[key] = result
return result
return _subset_sum_dp(len(non_zeros)-1, target_sum)
def main():
A simple test demonstrating the application of the subset_sum function
to a list of integers.
values = [10, 3, 9, -5, 4, 2, -7, 8]
target_sum = 0
result = subset_sum(values, target_sum=target_sum)
print 'The set %s %s a subset sum of %d.' % \
(str(values), 'has' if result else 'does not have', target_sum)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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