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Last active October 9, 2019 17:30
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WIP user-friendly protocol for XYO Hackathon developers
// XyProtocol.swift
// SampleiOS
// Created by Kevin Weiler on 10/7/19.
// Copyright © 2019 XYO Network. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import XyBleSdk
import sdk_core_swift
import CoreLocation
import sdk_objectmodel_swift
enum AddressFormat {
case hex
case ethereumHex
struct ParseOptions {
var addressFormat: AddressFormat = .hex
protocol BoundWitnessParseable {
var boundWitness: XyoBoundWitness {get set}
var options: ParseOptions {get set}
init(_boundWitness: XyoBoundWitness, _options: ParseOptions?)
// Throws if you can't get heuristic from BW for generic type
// ExpectedHeuristic will be CLLocation, Data, String, or Int based on BoundWitness fetters
func heuristic<ExpectedHeuristic>(forKey: String) -> ExpectedHeuristic
// Addresses default to hex format
func address(index: UInt) -> String
func allAddresses() -> [String]
// In hex
func signature(index: UInt) -> String
func allSignatures(format: String) -> [String]
func asJson() -> [String: Any]
func bytes() -> Data
func hash() -> String
enum BoundWitnessHeuristicType {
case location // CLLocation
case data // Data
case string // String
case int // Int
protocol SentinelHeuristicFetcher {
func getHeuristicType() -> BoundWitnessHeuristicType
func getHeuristicKey() -> String
// ExpectedHeuristic will be CLLocation, Data, String, or Int based on getHeuristicType()
// Will throw if not as specified
func getHeuristic<ExpectedHeuristicType>() -> ExpectedHeuristicType
protocol SentinelDelegate {
func sentinelScan(detected devices: [XYBluetoothDevice], family: XYDeviceFamily)
func sentinelScan(detected device: XYBluetoothDevice, rssi: Int, family: XYDeviceFamily)
func boundWitness(didSucceed withBoundWitness: BoundWitnessParseable, withDevice: XYBluetoothDevice)
func boundWitness(didFail withError: Error)
extension SentinelDelegate {
func sentinelScan(detected device: XYBluetoothDevice, rssi: Int, family: XYDeviceFamily) {
//this is a empty implementation to allow this method to be optional
func boundWitnessSuccess(boundWitness: BoundWitnessParseable, withDevice: XYBluetoothDevice) {
//this is a empty implementation to allow this method to be optional
func boundWitnessFail(withError: Error) {
//this is a empty implementation to allow this method to be optional
typealias BoundWitnessCallback = (_ boundWitness: BoundWitnessParseable?, _ device: XYBluetoothDevice?, _ error: Error?) -> ()
protocol SentinelProtocol {
var delegate: SentinelDelegate {get}
static func buildSentinel(withDelegate: SentinelDelegate) -> SentinelClient
/// Configures origin chain and sets up heuristic getters
func configure(heuristicFetchers: [String : SentinelHeuristicFetcher]?)
func startScanningForDevices()
func stopScanningForDevices()
func doBoundWitness(withDevice: XYBluetoothDevice)
func doBoundWitnessWithSelf()
func doBoundWitness(withDevice: XYBluetoothDevice, withCompletion: BoundWitnessCallback)
func doBoundWitnessWithSelf(withCompletion: BoundWitnessCallback)
func originChainLength() -> UInt
func boundWitnessAtIndex(index: UInt) -> BoundWitnessParseable
// Hex formatted long form
func originChainAddress() -> String
/// Private vars, but here for clarity:
var originChain : XyoOriginChainCreator { get }
var device : XYBluetoothDevice {get}
protocol BridgeDelegate {
func bridgeConnection(didFail withError: Error)
func bridgeConnection(didChangeState state: BridgeStatus)
func bridging(didSucceed withBoundWitnesses: [BoundWitnessParseable])
func bridging(didFail withError: Error)
protocol BridgeProtocol: SentinelProtocol {
var archivistUrl: NSURL {get}
var bridgeStatus: BridgeStatus {get}
var pendingBoundWitnesses: [BoundWitnessParseable] {get}
var delegate: BridgeDelegate {get}
static func buildBridge(withDelegate: BridgeDelegate) -> BridgeClient
func configure(archivist: NSURL, heuristicFetchers: [String : SentinelHeuristicFetcher]?, autoBridge: Bool)
func bridgePendingToArchivist()
enum BridgeStatus: Int {
case none
case connecting
case connected
case disconnected
class SentinelClient: SentinelProtocol {
private init(_device: XYBluetoothDevice) {
static func buildSentinel(withDelegate: SentinelDelegate) -> SentinelClient {
class BridgeClient: SentinelClient, BridgeProtocol {
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