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Created August 30, 2013 01:14
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DNS server configurable via http
# twistd -y
import socket
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.names import dns
from twisted.names import client, server
from twisted.web.server import Site
import klein
from klein import route
class Hosts(object):
values = {}
@route('/', methods=['POST'])
def set_a_record(request):
host = request.args['host'][0].strip()
ip = request.args['ip'][0].strip()
Hosts.values[host] = ip
return 'Change accepted'
class DNSServerFactory(server.DNSServerFactory):
def gotResolverResponse(self, (ans, auth, add), protocol, message, address):
qname = message.queries[0]
ip = Hosts.values.get(qname)
if ip is not None:
for answer in ans:
if answer.type != dns.A:
if qname not in
answer.payload.address = socket.inet_aton(ip)
answer.payload.ttl = 3600
args = (self, (ans, auth, add), protocol, message, address)
return server.DNSServerFactory.gotResolverResponse(*args)
verbosity = 0
resolver = client.Resolver(servers=[('', 53)])
factory = DNSServerFactory(clients=[resolver], verbose=verbosity)
protocol = dns.DNSDatagramProtocol(factory)
factory.noisy = protocol.noisy = verbosity
reactor.listenUDP(53, protocol, interface="")
reactor.listenTCP(53, factory, interface="")
reactor.listenTCP(8232, Site(klein.resource()), interface="")
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