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Created January 24, 2014 17:16
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from fipy import CellVariable, FaceVariable, TransientTerm, DiffusionTerm, Viewer, Grid3D
from fipy.meshes.nonUniformGrid3D import NonUniformGrid3D
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
FT2M = 0.3048
uniformMesh = True
solveLinear = False
noViewer = False
plotTdependence = False
if uniformMesh:
domainX = 30.0
domainY = 27.5
domainZ = 70.0
nx = 33*2
ny = 28*2
nz = 70*2
print "uniform mesh"
print "number elements",nx,'*',ny,'*',nz,'=',nx*ny*nz
m = Grid3D(nx=nx, ny=ny, nz=nz, Lx=domainX*FT2M, Ly=domainY*FT2M, Lz=domainZ*FT2M)
# grid spacing
dz = (2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,
1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0, 0.5,0.5,
0.5,0.5, 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,
dx = (0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,
1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0) # symmetric about middle heater
dx = dx[::-1]
dy = (1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,
0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.25,0.25) # symmetric about midline of heaters
domainX = sum(dx)
domainY = sum(dy)
domainZ = sum(dz)
print "non-uniform mesh"
print "number elements",len(dx),'*',len(dy),'*',len(dz),'=',len(dx)*len(dy)*len(dz)
# convert from feet (specified above) to meters (used in calculation)
f = lambda x:x*FT2M
dx = map(f,dx)
dy = map(f,dy)
dz = map(f,dz)
m = NonUniformGrid3D(dx=dx, dy=dy, dz=dz)
print "domain dimensions (ft)",domainX,domainY,domainZ
x,y,z = m.cellCenters.value
# convert cell center coordinates (not used in calculation)
# to feet (for specifying geometry)
x /= FT2M
y /= FT2M
z /= FT2M
# flip domain in x for simplified default plotting in MayaVi2
x = domainX-x
# (10 ft high drift centered in 70 ft high domain)
driftFloor = 30.0 # relative z coordinate from bottom (ft)
driftHeight = 10.0 # ft (z-direction)
driftWidth = 15.0 # ft (y-direction)
# drift runs entire x-length of domain
driftRib = domainY - driftWidth/2.0 # relative y coordinate from far side (ft)
drift = (z>driftFloor) & (z<driftFloor+driftHeight) & (y>driftRib)
spslope = 6.0/7.0 # 36 degree angle of repose
spintercept = 6 + spslope*9
saltPile = ((z>driftFloor) & (z<driftFloor+6.0) &
(z<driftFloor+spintercept-spslope*x) & (y>driftRib))
# unit circles centered at x={0,3,6}, z=31
# 2.5 ft of space on either end of heaters
htr1 = (np.sqrt( x**2 + (z-(driftFloor+1))**2) < 1.0) & (y>driftRib+2.5)
htr2 = (np.sqrt((x-3.0)**2 + (z-(driftFloor+1))**2) < 1.0) & (y>driftRib+2.5)
htr3 = (np.sqrt((x-6.0)**2 + (z-(driftFloor+1))**2) < 1.0) & (y>driftRib+2.5)
heaters = htr1 | htr2 | htr3
# top of marker bed 139 is 6.3 ft below bottom of drift (2.8 ft thick)
MB139 = (z>driftFloor-6.3-2.8) & (z<driftFloor-6.3)
# initial temp 300 K
T0 = 26.85
if solveLinear:
T = CellVariable(name='linear T', mesh=m, value=T0)
T = CellVariable(name='non-linear T', mesh=m, value=T0, hasOld=1)
### for quickly debugging geometry issues (contour plots of T)
##T.setValue(50, where=MB139)
##T.setValue(100, where=drift)
##T.setValue(75, where=saltPile)
##T.setValue(125, where=heaters)
Q = CellVariable(name='source', mesh=m, value=0.0)
# heater canisters are cylinders 2 ft in diameter, 9 ft long.
# ~ 0.8 cubic meters
vol = np.pi*9.0* (FT2M**3)
heaterQ = 1500.0/vol # volume source has units W/m^3
print 'volumetric heater power:',heaterQ
# heaters
Q.setValue(heaterQ, where=heaters)
# parameter value sources
# BAMBUS II report p. 45 (Figure 2.37)
# Munson (8/22/1989) "Proposed New Structural Reference Stratigraphy, Law, and Properties"
# Phil ppt presentation 7/10/2013
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# density [gram/meter^3]
# Munson (1989)
intactSaltDensity = 2.163E6
anhydriteDensity = 2.963E6
polyhaliteDensity = 2.780E6
crushedSaltDensity = 1.50E6
sandDensity = 2.33E6
airDensity = 1.2E+3
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# specific heat capacity [Joules/(gram*K)]
# volumetric heat capacity [Joules/(meter^3*K)]
# Watt = Joule/second => t is seconds (since RHS of PDE is Watts)
# Munson (1989)
intactSaltRhoCp = intactSaltDensity*0.8628
anhydriteRhoCp = anhydriteDensity*0.7333
polyhaliteRhoCp = polyhaliteDensity*0.890
crushedSaltRhoCp = crushedSaltDensity*0.8628 # intact salt?
sandRhoCp = sandDensity*0.8
airRhoCp = airDensity*1.012
print 'rho * Cp (J/(m^3 * K))'
print 'intact salt',intactSaltRhoCp
print 'crushed salt',crushedSaltRhoCp
print 'air',airRhoCp
print 'glass/sand',sandRhoCp
# volumetric heat capacity [J/(m^3 * K)]
rhocp = CellVariable(mesh=m, value=intactSaltRhoCp)
rhocp.setValue(airRhoCp, where=drift)
rhocp.setValue(crushedSaltRhoCp, where=saltPile)
rhocp.setValue(sandRhoCp, where=heaters)
rhocp.setValue(anhydriteRhoCp, where=MB139)
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# thermal conductivity [Watts/(meter * Kelvin)] = [Joules/(meter * sec * Kelvin)]
# Munson (1989)
intactSaltKap = 5.4
anhydriteKap = 4.7
polyhaliteKap = 1.4
crushedSaltKap = 1.0 # 30% porosity (Bambus II)
sandKap = 1.1 # borosilicate glass (from Phil 7/10/13)
airKap = 14.0 # effective thermal conductivity
# including approximate radiation and convection (Phil 7/10/13)
# airKap = 0.0262 #(1 atm, 300K) <- conduction only
if not solveLinear:
saltKexp = 1.14
anhydriteKexp = 1.15
polyhaliteKexp = 0.35
# thermal conductivity exponent
kexp = CellVariable(mesh=m, value=saltKexp)
# air and heaters don't have nonlinear kappa
kexp.setValue(0.0, where=drift)
kexp.setValue(saltKexp, where=saltPile)
kexp.setValue(0.0, where=heaters)
kexp.setValue(anhydriteKexp, where=MB139)
# thermal conductivity at 300 K [W/(m deg-C)]
kappa = CellVariable(mesh=m, value=intactSaltKap)
kappa.setValue(airKap, where=drift)
kappa.setValue(crushedSaltKap, where=saltPile)
kappa.setValue(sandKap, where=heaters)
kappa.setValue(anhydriteKap, where=MB139)
# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
# heat conduction governing equation
if solveLinear:
eq = TransientTerm(rhocp, var=T) == DiffusionTerm(kappa, var=T) + Q
# T dependence of thermal conductivity from Munson (1989)
eq = TransientTerm(rhocp, var=T) == DiffusionTerm(kappa*(300/(T+273.15))**kexp, var=T) + Q
if plotTdependence:
tp = np.linspace(10,300)
plt.plot(tp,intactSaltKap*(300/(tp+273.15))**saltKexp, 'r-',label='salt')
plt.plot(tp, anhydriteKap*(300/(tp+273.15))**anhydriteKexp, 'g-',label='anhydrite')
plt.xlabel('$T$ (degrees C)')
plt.ylabel('$\\kappa$ (W/(m $\cdot$ K))')
if noViewer:
#fh = open('output.dat','w')
viewer = Viewer(vars=(T),datamin=T0,datamax=200)
t = 0.0
t1 = 86400.0 # 1 day
# linearly increasing time steps ~100 days total
# constant timesteps 2 years, 2-day timesteps
for j,step in enumerate(np.concatenate((np.linspace(1,2*t1,100),np.ones((365,))*2*t1),axis=0)):
t += step
if solveLinear:
eq.solve(dt=step) # linear timestep
T.updateOld() # advance timestep
res = 1000.0
counter = 0
while res > 1.0E-4 and counter < 10:
res = eq.sweep(dt=step) # iterate nonlinear timestep
counter += 1
print 'DEBUG %3i %.3g %i' % (j,res,counter)
if j%10 == 0:
print "step %i: %.4g days" % (j,t/t1)
if noViewer:
if j%100 == 0:
#fh.write('\n# t=%.5g\n' % t)
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