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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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from fipy import Grid1D, CellVariable, FaceVariable, TransientTerm, DiffusionTerm, ExponentialConvectionTerm, ImplicitSourceTerm, Viewer
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
L = 10.0
nx = 100
dx = L/nx
timeStep = dx/10.0
steps = 150
phim = 0.10 # mobile zone porosity
phiim = 0.05 # immobile zone porosity
beta = 0.05 # mobile/immobile domain transfer rate
D = 1.0E-1 # mobile domain diffusion coeff
Rm = 1.0 # mobile domain retardation coefficient
Rim = 1.0 # immobile domain retardation coefficient
betaT = phiim*Rim/(phim*Rm)
DR = D/Rm
m = Grid1D(dx=dx, nx=nx)
c0 = np.zeros(nx, 'd')
c0[20:50] = 1.0
# mobile domain concentration
cm = CellVariable(name="$c_m$", mesh=m, value=c0)
# immobile domain concentration
cim = CellVariable(name="$c_{im}$", mesh=m, value=0.0)
cm.constrain(0, m.facesLeft)
cm.constrain(0, m.facesRight)
cim.constrain(0, m.facesLeft)
cim.constrain(0, m.facesRight)
# advective flow velocity
u = FaceVariable(mesh=m, value=(0.0,), rank=1)
# 1D convection diffusion equation (mobile domain)
# version with \frac{\partial c_{im}}{\partial t}
eqM = (TransientTerm(1.0,var=cm) + TransientTerm(betaT,var=cim) ==
DiffusionTerm(DR,var=cm) - ExponentialConvectionTerm(u/(Rm*phim),var=cm))
# immobile domain (lumped approach)
eqIM = TransientTerm(Rim*phiim,var=cim) == beta/Rim*(cm - ImplicitSourceTerm(1.0,var=cim))
# couple equations
eqn = eqM & eqIM
viewer = Viewer(vars=(cm,cim), datamin=0.0, datamax=1.0)
time = 0.0
for step in range(steps):
time += timeStep
if time < 0.5:
elif time < 1.0:
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