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Created March 29, 2020 16:21
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Test function that injects a simple script into a running process via Frida-swift
func testFullCycle() {
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "Got message from script")
class TestDelegate : ScriptDelegate {
let expectation: XCTestExpectation
var messages = [Any]()
init(expectation: XCTestExpectation) {
self.expectation = expectation
func scriptDestroyed(_: Script) {
func script(_: Script, didReceiveMessage message: Any, withData data: Data?) {
if messages.count == 2 {
let delegate = TestDelegate(expectation: expectation)
let manager = DeviceManager()
var script: Script? = nil
manager.enumerateDevices { result in
let devices = try! result()
let localDevice = devices.filter { $0.kind == Device.Kind.usb }.first!
localDevice.spawn("") { (result) in
let pid = try! result()
localDevice.attach(pid) { result in
let session = try! result()
session.createScript("console.log(\"hello\"); send(1337);", name: "test") { result in
let s = try! result()
s.delegate = delegate
s.load() { result in
_ = try! result()
print("Script loaded")
script = s
self.waitForExpectations(timeout: 5.0, handler: nil)
print("Done with script \(script.debugDescription), messages: \(delegate.messages)")
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