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;; # Chapter 1: Introduction
(ns fdg.ch1
(:refer-clojure :exclude [+ - * / = compare zero? ref partial
numerator denominator])
(:require [emmy.env :as e :refer :all :exclude [F->C]]))
(define-coordinates t e/R1-rect)
;; > Philosophy is written in that great book which ever lies before our eyes---I
;; > mean the Universe---but we cannot understand it if we do not learn the language
;; > and grasp the symbols in which it is written. This book is written in the
;; > mathematical language, and the symbols are triangles, circles, and other
;; > geometrical figures without whose help it is impossible to comprehend a single
;; > word of it, without which one wanders in vain through a dark labyrinth.
;; > Galileo Galilei [8]
;; Differential geometry is a mathematical language that can be used to express
;; physical concepts. In this introduction we show a typical use of this language.
;; Do not panic! At this point we do not expect you to understand the details of
;; what we are showing. All will be explained as needed in the text. The purpose is
;; to get the flavor of this material.
;; At the North Pole inscribe a line in the ice perpendicular to the Greenwich;;
;; Meridian. Hold a stick parallel to that line and walk down the Greenwich
;; Meridian keeping the stick parallel to itself as you walk. (The phrase "parallel
;; to itself" is a way of saying that as you walk you keep its orientation
;; unchanged. The stick will be aligned East-West, perpendicular to your direction
;; of travel.) When you get to the Equator the stick will be parallel to the
;; Equator. Turn East, and walk along the Equator, keeping the stick parallel to
;; the Equator. Continue walking until you get to the 90◦E meridian. When you reach
;; the 90°E meridian turn North and walk back to the North Pole keeping the stick
;; parallel to itself. Note that the stick is perpendicular to your direction of
;; travel. When you get to the Pole note that the stick is perpendicular to the
;; line you inscribed in the ice. But you started with that stick parallel to that
;; line and you kept the stick pointing in the same direction on the Earth
;; throughout your walk --- how did it change orientation?
;; The answer is that you walked a closed loop on a curved surface. As seen in
;; three dimensions the stick was actually turning as you walked along the Equator,
;; because you always kept the stick parallel to the curving surface of the Earth.
;; But as a denizen of a 2-dimensional surface, it seemed to you that you kept the
;; stick parallel to itself as you walked, even when making a turn. Even if you had
;; no idea that the surface of the Earth was embedded in a 3-dimensional space you
;; could use this experiment to conclude that the Earth was not flat. This is a
;; small example of intrinsic geometry. It shows that the idea of parallel
;; transport is not simple. For a general surface it is necessary to explicitly
;; define what we mean by parallel.
;; If you walked a smaller loop, the angle between the starting orientation and the
;; ending orientation of the stick would be smaller. For small loops it would be
;; proportional to the area of the loop you walked. This constant of
;; proportionality is a measure of the curvature. The result does not depend on how
;; fast you walked, so this is not a dynamical phenomenon.
;; Denizens of the surface may play ball games. The balls are constrained to the
;; surface; otherwise they are free particles. The paths of the balls are governed
;; by dynamical laws. This motion is a solution of the Euler-Lagrange
;; equations[fn:1] for the free-particle Lagrangian with coordinates that
;; incorporate the constraint of living in the surface. There are coefficients of
;; terms in the EulerLagrange equations that arise naturally in the description of
;; the behavior of the stick when walking loops on the surface, connecting the
;; static shape of the surface with the dynamical behavior of the balls. It turns
;; out that the dynamical evolution of the balls may be viewed as parallel
;; transport of the ball's velocity vector in the direction of the velocity vector.
;; This motion by parallel transport of the velocity is called /geodesic motion/.
;; So there are deep connections between the dynamics of particles and the geometry
;; of the space that the particles move in. If we understand this connection we can
;; learn about dynamics by studying geometry and we can learn about geometry by
;; studying dynamics. We enter dynamics with a Lagrangian and the associated
;; Lagrange equations. Although this formulation exposes many important features of
;; the system, such as how symmetries relate to conserved quantities, the geometry
;; is not apparent. But when we express the Lagrangian and the Lagrange equations
;; in differential geometry language, geometric properties become apparent. In the
;; case of systems with no potential energy the Euler-Lagrange equations are
;; equivalent to the geodesic equations on the configuration manifold. In fact, the
;; coefficients of terms in the Lagrange equations are Christoffel coefficients,
;; which define parallel transport on the manifold. Let's look into this a bit.
;; ## COMMENT Lagrange Equations
;; We write the Lagrange equations in functional notation[fn:2] as follows:
;; $$
;; D\left(\partial_{2} L \circ \Gamma[q]\right) - \partial_{1} L \circ \Gamma[q]=0.
;; $$
;; In SICM [19], Section 1.6.3, we showed that a Lagrangian describing the free
;; motion of a particle subject to a coordinate-dependent constraint can be
;; obtained by composing a free-particle Lagrangian with a function that describes
;; how dynamical states transform given the coordinate transformation that
;; describes the constraints.
;; A Lagrangian for a free particle of mass m and velocity v is just its kinetic
;; energy, $mv^2/2$. The procedure =Lfree= implements the free Lagrangian:[fn:3]
(defn Lfree [mass]
(fn [[_ _ v]]
(* 1/2 mass (square v))))
;; For us the dynamical state of a system of particles is a tuple of time,
;; coordinates, and velocities. The free-particle Lagrangian depends only on the
;; velocity part of the state.
;; For motion of a point constrained to move on the surface of a sphere the
;; configuration space has two dimensions. We can describe the position of the
;; point with the generalized coordinates colatitude and longitude. If the sphere
;; is embedded in 3-dimensional space the position of the point in that space can
;; be given by a coordinate transformation from colatitude and longitude to three
;; rectangular coordinates.
;; For a sphere of radius R the procedure =sphere->R3= implements the
;; transformation of coordinates from colatitude $\theta$ and longitude $\phi$ on
;; the surface of the sphere to rectangular coordinates in the embedding space.
;; (The $\hat{z}$ axis goes through the North Pole, and the Equator is in the plane
;; $z = 0$.)
(defn sphere->R3 [R]
(fn [[_ [theta phi]]]
;; (up <x> <y> <z>
(up (* R (sin theta) (cos phi))
(* R (sin theta) (sin phi))
(* R (cos theta)))))
;; The coordinate transformation maps the generalized coordinates on the sphere to
;; the 3-dimensional rectangular coordinates. Given this coordinate transformation
;; we construct a corresponding transformation of velocities; these make up the
;; state transformation. The procedure =F->C= implements the derivation of a
;; transformation of states from a coordinate transformation:
(defn F->C [F]
(fn [state]
(up (state->t state)
(F state)
(+ (((partial 0) F) state)
(* (((partial 1) F) state)
(velocity state))))))
;; A Lagrangian governing free motion on a sphere of radius $R$ is then the
;; composition of the free Lagrangian with the transformation of states.
(defn Lsphere [m R]
(compose (Lfree m) (F->C (sphere->R3 R))))
;; So the value of the Lagrangian at an arbitrary dynamical state is:
((Lsphere 'm 'R)
(up 't (up 'theta 'phi) (up 'thetadot 'phidot))))
;; or, in infix notation:
((Lsphere 'm 'R)
(up 't (up 'theta 'phi) (up 'thetadot 'phidot)))))
;; ## The Metric
;; Let's now take a step into the geometry. A surface has a metric which tells us
;; how to measure sizes and angles at every point on the surface. (Metrics are
;; introduced in Chapter 9.)
;; The metric is a symmetric function of two vector fields that gives a number for
;; every point on the manifold. (Vector fields are introduced in Chapter 3).
;; Metrics may be used to compute the length of a vector field at each point, or
;; alternatively to compute the inner product of two vector fields at each point.
;; For example, the metric for the sphere of radius $R$ is
;; \begin{equation}
;; \mathsf{g}(\mathsf{u}, \mathsf{v})=R^{2} \mathsf{d} \theta(\mathsf{u})
;; \mathsf{d} \theta(\mathsf{v})+R^{2}(\sin \theta)^{2} \mathsf{d}
;; \phi(\mathsf{u}) \mathsf{d} \phi(\mathsf{v}),
;; \end{equation}
;; where $\mathsf{u}$ and $\mathsf{v}$ are vector fields, and $\mathsf{d}\theta$
;; and $\mathsf{d}\phi$ are one-form fields that extract the named components of
;; the vector-field argument. (One-form fields are introduced in Chapter 3.) We can
;; think of $\mathsf{d}\theta(\mathsf{u})$ as a function of a point that gives the
;; size of the vector field $\mathsf{u}$ in the $\theta$ direction at the point.
;; Notice that $\mathsf{g}(\mathsf{u}, \mathsf{u})$ is a weighted sum of the
;; squares of the components of $\mathsf{u}$. In fact, if we identify
;; \begin{align*}
;; &\mathsf{d} \theta(\mathsf{v})=\dot{\theta} \\
;; &\mathsf{d} \phi(\mathsf{v})=\dot{\phi},
;; \end{align*}
;; then the coefficients in the metric are the same as the coefficients in the
;; value of the Lagrangian, equation (1.1), apart from a factor of $m/2$.
;; We can generalize this result and write a Lagrangian for free motion of a
;; particle of mass $m$ on a manifold with metric $\mathsf{g}$:
;; \begin{equation}
;; L_{2}(x, v)=\sum_{i j} \frac{1}{2} m g_{i j}(x) v^{i} v^{j}
;; \end{equation}
;; This is written using indexed variables to indicate components of the geometric
;; objects expressed with respect to an unspecified coordinate system. The metric
;; coefficients $g_{ij}$ are, in general, a function of the position coordinates
;; $x$, because the properties of the space may vary from place to place.
;; We can capture this geometric statement as a program:
(defn L2 [mass metric]
(fn [place velocity]
(* 1/2 mass ((metric velocity velocity) place))))
;; This program gives the Lagrangian in a coordinate-independent, geometric way. It
;; is entirely in terms of geometric objects, such as a place on the configuration
;; manifold, the velocity at that place, and the metric that describes the local
;; shape of the manifold. But to compute we need a coordinate system. We express
;; the dynamical state in terms of coordinates and velocity components in the
;; coordinate system. For each coordinate system there is a natural vector basis
;; and the geometric velocity vectors can be constructed by contracting the basis
;; with the components of the velocity. Thus, we can form a coordinate
;; representation of the Lagrangian.
(defn Lc [mass metric coordsys]
(let [e (coordinate-system->vector-basis coordsys)]
(fn [[_ x v]]
((L2 mass metric) ((point coordsys) x) (* e v)))))
;; The manifold point $\mathsf{m}$ represented by the coordinates $x$ is given by
;; =(define m ((point coordsys) x))=. The coordinates of $\mathsf{m}$ in a
;; different coordinate system are given by =((chart coordsys2) m)=. The manifold
;; point $\mathsf{m}$ is a geometric object that is the same point independent of
;; how it is specified. Similarly, the velocity vector $\mathsf{e}v$ is a geometric
;; object, even though it is specified using components $v$ with respect to the
;; basis $\mathsf{e}$. Both $v$ and $\mathsf{e}$ have as many components as the
;; dimension of the space so their product is interpreted as a contraction.
;; Let's make a general metric on a 2-dimensional real manifold:[fn:4]
(def the-metric (literal-metric 'g R2-rect))
;; The metric is expressed in rectangular coordinates, so the coordinate system is
;; =R2-rect=.[fn:5] The component functions will be labeled as subscripted ~g~s.
;; We can now make the Lagrangian for the system:
(def L (Lc 'm the-metric R2-rect))
;; And we can apply our Lagrangian to an arbitrary state:
(L (up 't (up 'x 'y) (up 'vx 'vy))))
;; Compare this result with equation (1.3).
;; ## Euler-Lagrange Residuals
;; The Euler-Lagrange equations are satisfied on realizable paths. Let $\gamma$ be
;; a path on the manifold of configurations. (A path is a map from the
;; 1-dimensional real line to the configuration manifold. We introduce maps between
;; manifolds in Chapter 6.) Consider an arbitrary path:[fn:6]
(def gamma (literal-manifold-map 'q R1-rect R2-rect))
;; The values of $\gamma$ are points on the manifold, not a coordinate
;; representation of the points. We may evaluate =gamma= only on points of the
;; real-line manifold; =gamma= produces points on the $\mathbb{R}^2$ manifold. So
;; to go from the literal real-number coordinate ='t= to a point on the real line
;; we use =((point R1-rect) 't)= and to go from a point =m= in $\mathbb{R}^2$ to
;; its coordinate representation we use =((chart R2-rect) m)=. (The procedures
;; point and chart are introduced in Chapter 2.) Thus
((chart R2-rect) (gamma ((point R1-rect) 't)))
(def coordinate-path
(compose (chart R2-rect) gamma (point R1-rect)))
(coordinate-path 't)
;; Now we can compute the residuals of the Euler-Lagrange equations, but we get a
;; large messy expression that we will not show.[fn:7] However, we will save it to
;; compare with the residuals of the geodesic equations.
(def Lagrange-residuals
(((Lagrange-equations L) coordinate-path) 't))
;; ## Geodesic Equations
;; Now we get deeper into the geometry. The traditional way to write the geodesic
;; equations is
;; \begin{equation}
;; \nabla_{\mathsf{v}} \mathsf{v}=0
;; \end{equation}
;; where $\nabla$ is a covariant derivative operator. Roughly, $\nabla_{\mathsf{v}}
;; \mathsf{w}$ is a directional derivative. It gives a measure of the variation of
;; the vector field $\mathsf{w}$ as you walk along the manifold in the direction of
;; $\mathsf{v}$. (We will explain this in depth in Chapter 7.) $\nabla_{\mathsf{v}}
;; \mathsf{v}=0$ is intended to convey that the velocity vector is
;; parallel-transported by itself. When you walked East on the Equator you had to
;; hold the stick so that it was parallel to the Equator. But the stick is
;; constrained to the surface of the Earth, so moving it along the Equator required
;; turning it in three dimensions. The $\nabla$ thus must incorporate the
;; 3-dimensional shape of the Earth to provide a notion of "parallel" appropriate
;; for the denizens of the surface of the Earth. This information will appear as
;; the "Christoffel coefficients" in the coordinate representation of the geodesic
;; equations.
;; The trouble with the traditional way to write the geodesic equations (1.4) is
;; that the arguments to the covariant derivative are vector fields and the
;; velocity along the path is not a vector field. A more precise way of stating
;; this relation is:
;; \begin{equation}
;; \nabla^\gamma_{\partial/\partial\mathsf{t}} d\gamma\left(\partial/\partial \mathsf{t}\right) = 0.
;; \end{equation}
;; (We know that this may be unfamiliar notation, but we will explain it in
;; Chapter 7.)
;; In coordinates, the geodesic equations are expressed
;; \begin{equation}
;; D^{2} q^{i}(t)+\sum_{j k} \Gamma_{j k}^{i}(\gamma(t)) D q^{j}(t) D q^{k}(t)=0,
;; \end{equation}
;; where $q(t)$ is the coordinate path corresponding to the manifold path $\gamma$,
;; and $\Gamma^i_{jk}\left(\mathsf{m}\right)$ are Christoffel coefficients. The
;; $\Gamma^i_{jk}\left(\mathsf{m}\right)$ describe the "shape" of the manifold
;; close to the manifold point $\mathsf{m}$. They can be derived from the metric
;; $g$.
;; We can get and save the geodesic equation residuals by:
(def Cartan
(coordinate-system->basis R2-rect))))
(def geodesic-equation-residuals
(((((covariant-derivative Cartan gamma) d:dt)
((differential gamma) d:dt))
(chart R2-rect))
((point R1-rect) 't)))
;; where =d/dt= is a vector field on the real line[fn:8] and =Cartan= is a way of
;; encapsulating the geometry, as specified by the Christoffel coefficients. The
;; Christoffel coefficients are computed from the metric =Cartan=.
;; The two messy residual results that we did not show are related by the metric.
;; If we change the representation of the geodesic equations by "lowering" them
;; using the mass and the metric, we see that the residuals are equal:
(def metric-components
(coordinate-system->basis R2-rect)))
(- Lagrange-residuals
(* (* 'm (metric-components (gamma ((point R1-rect) 't))))
;; This establishes that for a 2-dimensional space the Euler-Lagrange equations are
;; equivalent to the geodesic equations. The Christoffel coefficients that appear
;; in the geodesic equation correspond to coefficients of terms in the
;; Euler-Lagrange equations. This analysis will work for any number of dimensions
;; (but will take your computer longer in higher dimensions, because the complexity
;; increases).
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