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Created February 28, 2016 12:29
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Prediction of Swedish mortality pattern using my MortParamsPlot
using MortParamsPlot, PyPlot
import YAML
obsyrs = 1999:2013
predyrs = 2018:5:2033
af = 0
ages = 35:5:95
country = 4290
circcomb = ["ihd";"circnonihd"]
predcauses = ["tum";circcomb]
lota = LongTable()
mgendir = expanduser("~/mortchartgen/")
conf = YAML.load_file(joinpath(mgendir, "chartgen.yaml"))
methalias = Dict("curve_fit" => "regression dödstal", "svd" => "Lee\u2013Carter")
function ObsPredDict(sex, method = "curve_fit")
pattern = PredictMortalityPattern(lota, sex, ages, af, predcauses,
country, obsyrs, predyrs, method)
pred_circ = PredictCauseLife(pattern, circcomb)
pred_tum = PredictCauseLife(pattern, ["tum"])
obs_circ = ObsCauseLife(lota, sex, ages, af, "circ", country, [obsyrs[end]])
obs_tum = ObsCauseLife(lota, sex, ages, af, "tum", country, [obsyrs[end]])
return Dict(:pattern => pattern, :pred_circ => pred_circ, :pred_tum => pred_tum,
:obs_circ => obs_circ, :obs_tum => obs_tum, :method => method)
function ObsPredPlot(opdict)
ages = opdict[:obs_circ][:caframes][end][:age]
sexalias = conf["sexes"][opdict[:pattern][:sex]]["alias"]
ctryalias = conf["countries"][country]["alias"]
plt[:plot](ages, opdict[:obs_circ][:caframes][end][:f], "d",
label = string("obs cirk $(obsyrs[end])"))
plt[:plot](ages, opdict[:obs_tum][:caframes][end][:f], "d",
label = string("obs tum $(obsyrs[end])"))
for i in 1:size(predyrs, 1)
plt[:plot](ages, opdict[:pred_circ][:caframes][i][:f],
label = string("pred cirk $(predyrs[i])"))
plt[:plot](ages, opdict[:pred_tum][:caframes][i][:f],
label = string("pred tum $(predyrs[i])"))
plt[:legend](loc="upper left", ncol = 2, framealpha = 0.5,
prop = Dict(:size => "small"))
plt[:title](string("Förutsägelse dödsorsaker $(sexalias) $(ctryalias)",
" $(methalias[opdict[:method]])"))
plt[:xlabel]("Uppnådd ålder")
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