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Created December 21, 2022 15:47
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Terraform script to breakdown kube config into specific configs to use each in its directory using direnv
# Put this script in `~/.kube/` directory
# > terraform init
# > terraform apply
locals {
# preferences
context2nicename_preference = {
"long-cluster-main" = "longcl"
# Directory in which a directory is created for each context from .kube/config
# Then in those directories, an .envrc file is created to use specific config
kubecontext_dir = "/home/user/kubernetes"
data "local_file" "mainconfig" {
filename = "./config"
locals {
mainconfig = yamldecode(data.local_file.mainconfig.content)
clusters = {for cl in local.mainconfig["clusters"]: cl["name"] => cl["cluster"]}
users = {for us in local.mainconfig["users"]: us["name"] => us["user"]}
context2nicename = {
for context in local.mainconfig["contexts"]:
context["name"] => lookup(local.context2nicename_preference, context["name"], regex("^(?:arn:aws:eks:.*:\\d+:cluster/)?(.+)$", context["name"])[0])
context2filename = {
for context in local.mainconfig["contexts"]:
context["name"] => "_config_${local.context2nicename[context["name"]]}"
contexts = {for context in local.mainconfig["contexts"]:
context["name"] => {
apiVersion = "v1"
kind = "Config"
contexts = [
current-context = context["name"]
preferences = {}
clusters = [
name = context["context"]["cluster"]
cluster = local.clusters[context["context"]["cluster"]]
users = [
name = context["context"]["user"]
user = local.users[context["context"]["user"]]
resource "local_file" "specific_config" {
for_each = local.contexts
filename = local.context2filename[each.key]
content = yamlencode(each.value)
resource "local_file" "envrc" {
for_each = local.context2nicename
filename = "${local.kubecontext_dir}/${each.value}/.envrc"
content = "export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/${local.context2filename[each.key]}"
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