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Created February 21, 2018 06:39
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Conditional conformance in swift 4.1 for optional for some common protocols
extension Optional: Collection where Wrapped: Collection {
public typealias Element = Wrapped.Element
public typealias Index = Wrapped.Index
public func index(after i: Wrapped.Index) -> Wrapped.Index {
switch self {
case let value?:
return value.index(after: i)
case nil:
fatalError() // TODO: ???
public subscript(position: Wrapped.Index) -> Wrapped.Element {
switch self {
case let value?:
return value[position]
case nil:
preconditionFailure("Fatal error: Index out of range")
public var startIndex: Wrapped.Index {
switch self {
case let value?:
return value.startIndex
case nil:
fatalError() // TODO: ???
public var endIndex: Wrapped.Index {
switch self {
case let value?:
return value.endIndex
case nil:
fatalError() // TODO: ???
extension Optional: Sequence where Wrapped: Sequence {
public typealias Element = Wrapped.Element
public typealias Iterator = AnyIterator<Element>
public func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<Wrapped.Element> {
switch self {
case let value?: return AnyIterator(value.makeIterator())
case nil: return AnyIterator({ return nil })
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