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Created October 25, 2013 08:59
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Fluid pixel shader
sampler baseSample : register(s0);
sampler postSource : register(s1);
float2 renderSize;
float4 LiquidPS(float2 texCoord:TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
// Base texture has density information in the red channel,
// and x and y velocity in the green and blue channels.
float4 base = tex2D(baseSample, texCoord);
float alpha = step(0.5, base.a) * 0.8;
float3 blue = float3(0.07, 0.15, 0.4);
float4 result = float4(1, 1, 1, alpha);
// Calculate speed
float speed = sqrt(base.g * base.g + base.b * base.b) * 0.75;
if (base.a > 0.9)
speed *= 2;
else if (base.a > 0.7 && base.a < 0.8)
speed *= 0.5;
speed = 0;
// Warp post source
result.rgb *= tex2D(postSource, texCoord + float2(-speed, -speed) / 10).rgb;
// Pixel size
float2 pixelSize = 1 / renderSize;
// Top shimmer
float top = base.a;
top -= tex2D(baseSample, texCoord + float2(0, -6.5 * pixelSize.y)).a;
top = top > 0.7 ? top : 0;
result.rgb += top;
// Clamp result based on alpha
result *= step(0.7, base.a);
// Apply speed
result.rgb += speed;
// Scattering
float scattering = base.a / 10;
scattering += tex2D(baseSample, texCoord + float2(1, -8) * pixelSize) / 10;
scattering += tex2D(baseSample, texCoord + float2(-2, -16) * pixelSize) / 10;
scattering += tex2D(baseSample, texCoord + float2(3, -24) * pixelSize) / 10;
scattering += tex2D(baseSample, texCoord + float2(-4, -32) * pixelSize) / 10;
scattering += tex2D(baseSample, texCoord + float2(5, -40) * pixelSize) / 10;
scattering += tex2D(baseSample, texCoord + float2(-6, -48) * pixelSize) / 10;
scattering += tex2D(baseSample, texCoord + float2(7, -56) * pixelSize) / 10;
scattering += tex2D(baseSample, texCoord + float2(-8, -64) * pixelSize) / 10;
scattering += tex2D(baseSample, texCoord + float2(9, -72) * pixelSize) / 10;
scattering += tex2D(baseSample, texCoord + float2(-10, -80) * pixelSize) / 10;
scattering = 1 - scattering;
scattering = lerp(0.35, 1, scattering);
result.rgb *= scattering;
// Add some blue
result.rgb += blue * alpha;
return result;
technique Main
pass Base
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 LiquidPS();
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