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Created July 19, 2024 23:28
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pin balenaOS submodules
// update_gitmodules.mjs
import fs from 'fs/promises';
import path from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import readline from 'readline';
import { parse } from 'ini';
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
const githubOrg = 'balena-os';
const repoYamlMatch = 'yocto-based OS image';
const prBranch = 'kyle/update-gitmodules';
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
function prompt(question) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
rl.question(question, resolve);
function delay(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function checkRepoYaml(octokit, owner, repo) {
try {
const { data } = await octokit.repos.getContent({
path: 'repo.yml',
const content = Buffer.from(data.content, 'base64').toString('utf-8');
return content.includes(repoYamlMatch);
} catch (error) {
if (error.status === 404) {
console.log(`${repo}: repo.yml not found, skipping...`);
return false;
throw error;
async function checkGitModules(octokit, owner, repo) {
try {
const { data } = await octokit.repos.getContent({
path: '.gitmodules',
const content = Buffer.from(data.content, 'base64').toString('utf-8');
const gitmodules = parse(content);
for (const section in gitmodules) {
if (section.startsWith('submodule ')) {
const submodule = gitmodules[section];
if (!submodule.branch) {
return true;
return false;
} catch (error) {
if (error.status === 404) {
return false;
throw error;
async function findBranchesContainingCommit(octokit, owner, repo, commitSha) {
try {
const { data: branches } = await octokit.repos.listBranches({
per_page: 100
const matchingBranches = [];
for (const branch of branches) {
const branchName =;
let commitFound = false;
let page = 1;
while (!commitFound) {
try {
// Get the commit history for the branch, paginated to avoid large responses
const { data: commits } = await octokit.repos.listCommits({
sha: branchName,
per_page: 100,
page: page
// Check if the commitSha is in the current page of commits
if (commits.some(commit => commit.sha === commitSha)) {
console.log(`${repo}: Found commit ${commitSha} in branch ${branchName}`);
commitFound = true;
// If there are no more commits, break the loop
if (commits.length === 0) {
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Error checking branch ${branchName} on page ${page}: ${error.message}`);
break; // Exit the loop if an error occurs
return matchingBranches;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error finding branches containing commit: ${error.message}`);
throw error;
async function getSubmoduleBranch(octokit, logRepo, owner, repo, submodulePath, submoduleCommit, currentGitmodules) {
console.log(`${logRepo}: ${repo}: Getting branches containing commit ${submoduleCommit}...`);
try {
const matchingBranches = await findBranchesContainingCommit(octokit, owner, repo, submoduleCommit);
if (matchingBranches.length > 1) {
console.log(`${logRepo}: ${repo}: Multiple matching branches found!`);
console.log(`${logRepo}: ${repo}: Current .gitmodules content:`);
console.log(`${logRepo}: ${repo}: Matching branches:`);
console.log(`0) Skip this submodule`);
matchingBranches.forEach((branch, index) => {
console.log(`${index + 1}) ${branch}`);
let choice = await prompt('Enter your choice: ');
let choiceIndex = parseInt(choice);
while (isNaN(choiceIndex) || choiceIndex < 0 || choiceIndex > matchingBranches.length) {
console.log('Invalid choice. Please enter a number.');
choice = await prompt('Enter your choice: ');
choiceIndex = parseInt(choice);
switch (choiceIndex) {
case 0:
return null;
return matchingBranches[choiceIndex-1];
} else if (matchingBranches.length === 1) {
return matchingBranches[0];
console.log(`${repo}: ${submodulePath}: Unable to determine branch!`);
return null;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error getting branches for ${submodulePath}: ${error.message}`);
return null;
async function createOrResetBranch(octokit, owner, repo, branchName, baseBranch = 'master') {
console.log(`${repo}: Creating or resetting branch ${branchName}...`);
try {
// Get the SHA of the latest commit on the base branch
const { data: baseRef } = await octokit.git.getRef({
ref: `heads/${baseBranch}`,
const baseSha = baseRef.object.sha;
try {
// Try to get the current branch (to check if it exists)
await octokit.git.getRef({
ref: `heads/${branchName}`,
// If the branch exists, update it to point to the latest commit of the base branch
await octokit.git.updateRef({
ref: `heads/${branchName}`,
sha: baseSha,
force: true,
console.log(`${repo}: Branch ${branchName} has been reset to ${baseBranch}`);
} catch (error) {
if (error.status === 404) {
// If the branch doesn't exist, create it
await octokit.git.createRef({
ref: `refs/heads/${branchName}`,
sha: baseSha,
console.log(`${repo}: Branch ${branchName} has been created`);
} else {
throw error;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`${repo}: Error creating or resetting branch ${branchName}:`, error.message);
throw error;
async function updateGitmodules(octokit, owner, repo) {
console.log(`${repo}: Checking .gitmodules for updates...`);
try {
const { data: gitmodulesFile } = await octokit.repos.getContent({
path: '.gitmodules',
console.log(`${repo}: Original .gitmodules SHA: ${gitmodulesFile.sha}`);
const gitmodulesContent = Buffer.from(gitmodulesFile.content, 'base64').toString('utf-8');
const gitmodules = parse(gitmodulesContent);
let updatedContent = gitmodulesContent;
let changes = false;
for (const section in gitmodules) {
if (section.startsWith('submodule ')) {
const submodule = gitmodules[section];
if (!submodule.branch) {
const submodulePath = submodule.path;
const submoduleUrl = submodule.url;
const submoduleOwner = submoduleUrl.split('/').slice(-2)[0];
const submoduleRepo = submoduleUrl.split('/').slice(-1)[0].replace('.git', '');
const { data: submoduleCommit } = await octokit.repos.getContent({
path: submodulePath,
const branch = await getSubmoduleBranch(octokit, repo, submoduleOwner, submoduleRepo, submodulePath, submoduleCommit.sha, gitmodulesContent);
if (branch) {
console.log(`${repo}: ${submodulePath}: Setting branch to ${branch}`);
const newBranchLine = `\tbranch = ${branch}`;
const sectionRegex = new RegExp(`\\[submodule "${submodulePath}"\\][^\\[]*`, 's');
const sectionMatch = updatedContent.match(sectionRegex);
if (sectionMatch) {
const updatedSection = sectionMatch[0] + newBranchLine + '\n';
updatedContent = updatedContent.replace(sectionRegex, updatedSection);
changes = true;
if (!changes) {
console.log(`${repo}: No changes needed in .gitmodules`);
return false;
console.log(`${repo}: Updated .gitmodules with new content:`);
const createPRChoice = await prompt(`${repo}: Push changes to branch ${prBranch}? (y/n): `);
if (createPRChoice.toLowerCase() !== 'y') {
console.log(`${repo}: Skipping branch/commit creation...`);
return false;
console.log(`${repo}: Creating/resetting branch ${prBranch}...`);
await createOrResetBranch(octokit, owner, repo, prBranch);
const result = await octokit.repos.createOrUpdateFileContents({
path: '.gitmodules',
message: 'Update .gitmodules with submodule branch information\n\nChangelog-entry: Update .gitmodules with submodule branch information',
content: Buffer.from(updatedContent).toString('base64'),
sha: gitmodulesFile.sha,
branch: prBranch,
console.log(`${repo}: File update result:`, result.status,;
return true;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`${repo}: Error updating .gitmodules:`, error.message);
if (error.response) {
console.error(`${repo}: Error response:`,;
throw error;
async function createPR(octokit, owner, repo) {
const createPRChoice = await prompt(`Create PR for ${repo}? (y/n): `);
if (createPRChoice.toLowerCase() !== 'y') {
console.log(`Skipping PR creation for ${repo}`);
const { data: pr } = await octokit.pulls.create({
title: 'Update .gitmodules with submodule branch information',
head: prBranch,
base: 'master',
body: 'Changelog-entry: Update .gitmodules with submodule branch information',
console.log(`Created PR: ${pr.html_url}`);
async function processRepository(repo, octokit) {
const repoName =;
if (repo.archived) {
console.log(`${repoName}: Skipping archived repository...`);
const isYoctoRepo = await checkRepoYaml(octokit, githubOrg, repoName);
if (!isYoctoRepo) {
console.log(`${repoName}: Skipping non-yocto repository...`);
const hasUnsetModuleBranch = await checkGitModules(octokit, githubOrg, repoName);
if (!hasUnsetModuleBranch) {
console.log(`${repoName}: Skipping repository with all module branches set...`);
console.log(`${repoName}: Repository qualifies for processing.`);
const changes = await updateGitmodules(octokit, githubOrg, repoName);
if (changes) {
await createPR(octokit, githubOrg, repoName);
async function main() {
const { Octokit } = await import('@octokit/rest');
const octokit = new Octokit({
auth: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN,
retry: { enabled: false }
const maxRepos = process.env.MAX_REPOS ? parseInt(process.env.MAX_REPOS) : Infinity;
let processedRepos = 0;
try {
for await (const response of octokit.paginate.iterator(octokit.repos.listForOrg, {
org: githubOrg,
per_page: 100
})) {
for (const repo of {
try {
await processRepository(repo, octokit);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error processing repository ${}:`, error);
throw error; // Re-throw the error to stop the script
await delay(1000);
if (processedRepos >= maxRepos) {
console.log(`Reached the maximum number of repositories to process (${maxRepos})`);
} finally {
main().catch(error => {
console.error("Script stopped due to an error:", error);
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