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Created July 13, 2015 22:26
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class MyRetryPolicy(maxRetries: Int) extends RetryPolicy {
override def onReadTimeout(statement: Statement,
cl: ConsistencyLevel,
requiredResponses: Int,
receivedResponses: Int,
dataRetrieved: Boolean,
nbRetry: Int): RetryDecision = {
if (nbRetry < maxRetries) RetryDecision.retry(cl) else RetryDecision.rethrow()
override def onUnavailable(statement: Statement,
cl: ConsistencyLevel,
requiredReplica: Int,
aliveReplica: Int,
nbRetry: Int): RetryDecision = {
if (nbRetry < maxRetries) RetryDecision.retry(cl) else RetryDecision.rethrow()
override def onWriteTimeout(statement: Statement,
cl: ConsistencyLevel,
writeType: WriteType,
requiredAcks: Int,
receivedAcks: Int,
nbRetry: Int): RetryDecision = {
if (nbRetry < maxRetries) RetryDecision.retry(cl) else RetryDecision.rethrow()
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