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Created February 22, 2016 22:28
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Elasticache cutover
1. maintenance page up (wait for active processes to stop)
in hipchat:
prod maintenance start
2. ssh into conv and web instances to stop workers
ec2 instances Name prod-conversion
ec2 instances Name prod-web
cd /opt/hellofax
3. ssh into memstalk and perform a redis dump
4. cp the redis dump to s3
s3cmd put /mnt/redis/6379/dump.rdb s3://hal_tmp/
5. use the redis dump from s3 to seed the new redis master in elasticache
s3cmd get s3://hal_tmp/dump.rdb dump.rdb
Which machine(s) do I do this on?
6. point dns at elasticache
7. ensure connectivity from web/conv
telnet 6379
8. start workers
9. remove maintenance page
prod maintenance stop
Maintenance page up
prod maintenance start
Stop services
Allow beanstalkd to clear. Usually this isn't an issue, but if beanstalkd has a large number of delayed tasks or a long queue of ready tasks, we need to stop beanstalkd and get the bin log.
beanstalkd is empty:
./lib/ops/ # on conversion
beanstalkd is not going to empty in a reasonable time
service monit stop; service beanstalkd stop # on old memstalk
cp /var/lib/beanstalkd/binlog* ~/; scp ~/binlog* NEW.MEMSTALK.IP:~/ # on old memstalk
service monit stop; service beanstalkd stop # on new memstalk
cp ~/binlog* /var/lib/beanstalkd/; service beanstalkd start; service monit start
R53 - move memstalk dns entry to new public dns value. Coming soon to Hal, use web interface for now.
./lib/ops/ # on conversion, also coming soon to Hal
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