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Created December 15, 2023 14:14
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import { render, screen, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react-native';
import MyButton from '../components/myButton';
import React, { useRef } from 'react';
// jest.mock("react", () => {
// return {
// ...jest.requireActual('react'),
// useRef: jest.fn()
// }
// });
describe('Basic testing of MyButton', () => {
test("MyButton must bind it's children correctly", () => {
let btn = screen.getByTestId('btn');
test('MyButton must be pressable', () => {
const handlePress = jest.fn();
render(<MyButton onPress={handlePress}>Click</MyButton>);
let btn = screen.getByTestId('btn');
fireEvent(btn, 'onPress');
test('MyButton must apply the styles given in style attribute.', () => {
render(<MyButton style={{ baackgroundColor: 'yellow' }}>Click</MyButton>);
let btn = screen.getByTestId('btn');
expect(btn).toHaveStyle({ baackgroundColor: 'yellow' });
test('MyButton must apply textStyle Properly', () => {
render(<MyButton textStyle={{ color: 'white' }}>Click</MyButton>);
let btn = screen.getByTestId('btn');
expect(btn.children[0]).toHaveStyle({ color: 'white' });
describe('MyButton Animation Tests.', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
test('MyButton must have a RippleCircle Animated View', () => {
let rippleCircle = screen.getByTestId('rippleCircle');
test.only('MyButton RippleCircle must move to the position where clicked. ', () => {
let btn = screen.getByTestId('btn');
let rippleCircle = screen.getByTestId('rippleCircle');
expect(rippleCircle).toHaveStyle({ left: -5, top: -5 });
fireEvent(btn, 'onPressIn', {
nativeEvent: { locationX: 10, locationY: 15 },
rippleCircle = screen.getByTestId('rippleCircle');
expect(rippleCircle).toHaveAnimatedStyle({ left: 5, top: 10 });
test.skip('RippleCircle initial Opacity & Scale must be 0. ', () => {
let rippleCircle = screen.getByTestId('rippleCircle');
opacity: 0,
transform: [{ scale: 0 }],
test("With press in RippleCircle must scale to fit button width with it's opacity must grow to 1.", () => {
const ref = { current: {} };
Object.defineProperty(ref, 'current', {
set(value) {
this._current = value;
if (
this._current &&
this._current.props &&
this._current.props.testID === 'btn'
) {
this._current.offsetWidth = 100;
get() {
return this._current;
jest.spyOn(React, 'useRef').mockReturnValue(ref);
let btn = screen.getByTestId('btn');
let rippleCircle = screen.getByTestId('rippleCircle');
fireEvent(btn, 'onPressIn', {
nativeEvent: { locationX: 10, locationY: 15 },
//fireEvent(btn, "onPressIn");
// jest.runAllTimers();
// expect(rippleCircle).toHaveAnimatedStyle({ opacity: 1, transform: [{ scale: 20 }] });
// let rippleCircle = screen.getByTestId("rippleCircle");
// fireEvent(rippleCircle, "onPressIn", { nativeEvent: { locationX: 10, locationY: 15 } });
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