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Created November 8, 2011 20:25
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propertyPattern: util.regexp(<![CDATA[
(?P<preSpace> <space>*)
(?P<name> [-a-z]*)
<space>* : \s* (?P<value>
\s* \( \s*
(?: <string> | [^)]* )
\s* (?: \) | $)
| \s* <string> \s*
| <space>*
| [^;}]*
(?P<postSpace> <space>* (?: ; | $) )
]]>, "gix",
space: /(?: \s | \/\* .*? \*\/ )/,
string: /(?:" (?:[^\\"]|\\.)* (?:"|$) | '(?:[^\\']|\\.)* (?:'|$) )/
patterns: memoize({
get property() util.regexp(<![CDATA[
(?P<preSpace> <space>*)
(?P<name> [-a-z]*)
<space>* : \s* (?P<value>
(?P<postSpace> <space>* (?: ; | $) )
]]>, "gix", this),
get function() util.regexp(<![CDATA[
\s* \( \s*
(?: <string> | [^)]* )
\s* (?: \) | $)
]]>, "gx", this),
space: /(?: \s | \/\* .*? \*\/ )/,
get string() util.regexp(<![CDATA[
" (?:[^\\"]|\\.)* (?:"|$) |
' (?:[^\\']|\\.)* (?:'|$)
]]>, "gx", this),
get token() util.regexp(<![CDATA[
(?P<word> [-\w]+)
| (?P<important> !important\b)
| \s* <string> \s*
| <space>+
| [^;}\s]+
]]>, "gix", this)
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