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Last active December 13, 2023 14:37
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AngularJS - Dynamic pagination on ng-repeat with search/filtering. Use with ui.bootstrap
<html lang="en" ng-app="myApp">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Dynamic Pagination w/ Filtering</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="author" content="Kim Maida">
<!-- JS Libraries -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Angular Scripts -->
<script src="script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Bootstrap -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<div ng-controller="PageCtrl">
<div ng-controller="PageCtrl">
<label>Search:</label> <input type="text" ng-model="" placeholder="Search" />
<br />
<label>Filter by Category:</label>
<li><a href="" ng-click="search.category='engineering'">Engineering</a></li>
<li><a href="" ng-click="search.category='management'">Management</a></li>
<li><a href="" ng-click="search.category='business'">Business</a></li>
<label>Filter by Branch:</label>
<li><a href="" ng-click="search.branch='West'">West</a></li>
<li><a href="" ng-click="search.branch='East'">East</a></li>
<p><strong><a href="" ng-click="resetFilters()">Show All</a></strong></p>
<li ng-repeat="item in filtered = items | filter:search | startFrom:(currentPage-1)*entryLimit | limitTo:entryLimit">{{}}</li>
<pagination page="currentPage" max-size="noOfPages" total-items="totalItems" items-per-page="entryLimit"></pagination>
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap']);
app.filter('startFrom', function () {
return function (input, start) {
if (input) {
start = +start;
return input.slice(start);
return [];
app.controller('PageCtrl', ['$scope', 'filterFilter', function ($scope, filterFilter) {
$scope.items = [{
"name": "name 1",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
}, {
"category": "business"
"branch": "West"
}, {
"name": "name 2",
"category": [{
"category": "engineering"
"branch": "West"
}, {
"name": "name 3",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
}, {
"category": "engineering"
"branch": "West"
}, {
"name": "name 4",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
}, {
"category": "business"
"branch": "West"
}, {
"name": "name 5",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
}, {
"category": "business"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "name 6",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
}, {
"category": "business"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "name 7",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
}, {
"category": "business"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "name 8",
"category": [{
"category": "business"
"branch": "West"
}, {
"name": "name 9",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
}, {
"category": "business"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "name 10",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "name 11",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
}, {
"category": "business"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "name 12",
"category": [{
"category": "engineering"
"branch": "West"
}, {
"name": "name 13",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
}, {
"category": "business"
"branch": "West"
}, {
"name": "name 14",
"category": [{
"category": "engineering"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "name 15",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
}, {
"category": "engineering"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "name 16",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
"branch": "West"
}, {
"name": "name 17",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "name 18",
"category": [{
"category": "business"
"branch": "West"
}, {
"name": "name 19",
"category": [{
"category": "business"
"branch": "West"
}, {
"name": "name 20",
"category": [{
"category": "engineering"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "Peter",
"category": [{
"category": "business"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "Frank",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "Joe",
"category": [{
"category": "business"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "Ralph",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
}, {
"category": "business"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "Gina",
"category": [{
"category": "business"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "Sam",
"category": [{
"category": "management"
}, {
"category": "engineering"
"branch": "East"
}, {
"name": "Britney",
"category": [{
"category": "business"
"branch": "West"
// create empty search model (object) to trigger $watch on update
$ = {};
$scope.resetFilters = function () {
// needs to be a function or it won't trigger a $watch
$ = {};
// pagination controls
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.totalItems = $scope.items.length;
$scope.entryLimit = 8; // items per page
$scope.noOfPages = Math.ceil($scope.totalItems / $scope.entryLimit);
// $watch search to update pagination
$scope.$watch('search', function (newVal, oldVal) {
$scope.filtered = filterFilter($scope.items, newVal);
$scope.totalItems = $scope.filtered.length;
$scope.noOfPages = Math.ceil($scope.totalItems / $scope.entryLimit);
$scope.currentPage = 1;
}, true);
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bwoodlt commented Apr 24, 2017

Fixed the above! thanks all!

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manjunath10073 commented Sep 26, 2017

Thanks for the post, here my question is when data increases the pagination numbers also increase. Is there way to show only few numbers with dots.....

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son2412 commented Jul 20, 2018

what the hell ? pagination tag...

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khairulhasanmd commented Jul 26, 2018

@manjunath10073 i think to limit the buttons, we need to change the max-size value
<pagination page="currentPage" max-size="5" total-items="totalItems" items-per-page="entryLimit"></pagination>

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Same condition. but not working in my project. only change <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> to <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
plunker example code here,

please help me

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