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Last active June 29, 2016 20:13
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React Star Wars Characters
<div id='app'/>
const initialData = {
"characters": [{
"name": "Luke Skywalker",
"url": ""
}, {
"name": "Darth Vader",
"url": ""
}, {
"name": "Obi-wan Kenobi",
"url": ""
}, {
"name": "R2-D2",
"url": ""
const initialState = (initialData) => ({
resources: {}, // cache of API resources (people, films, spieces, planets, vehicles etc) by url
pages: {}, // cache of data assembled to render each page by url
characters: initialData.characters, // Array of characters we are displaying with shape {name, url}
selectedCharacter: {}
// All requests to API have to be https to prevent browser mixed content warnings
const https = (url) => url.replace(/^http(s)?/, 'https')
const fetch = (url) => {
// Return native browser promise, not jQuery deferrable
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
url: https(url),
contentType: 'application/json',
dataType: 'json'
}).then((data, textStatus, jqXHR) => {
}, (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) => {
reject(new Error(jqXHR.responseJSON.detail))
// Return normalized url to be used as key on objects.
// Will start with http:// because all data from the api uses http:// urls
const key = (url) => url.replace(/^http(s)?/, 'http')
// Define events that transform state, each event has signature :: params -> state -> state
// (url, data) -> state::{resources: {url: any}} -> state::{resources: {url: {data, loaded, error}}}
const resourceLoadedEvent = (url, data) => R.assocPath(['resources', key(url)], {
loaded: true,
error: null
const resourceFailedEvent = (url, error) => R.assocPath(['resources', key(url)], {
data: {},
loaded: true,
error: error
const resourceInPendingState = () => ({
loaded: false,
data: {}
// define async "commands" that ultimately dispatch events to the store.
// Command signature :: params -> (dispatch, getState) -> Promise
// fetchResource caches API response in the state, and returns a promise of the cached or fetched data
const fetchResource = (url) => (dispatch, getState) => {
const resource = R.pathOr(resourceInPendingState(), ['resources', key(url)], getState())
if (resource.loaded) {
if (resource.error) {
return Promise.reject(resource.error)
} else {
return Promise.resolve(
} else {
return fetch(url).then(data => {
dispatch(resourceLoadedEvent(url, data))
return data
}, err => {
dispatch(resourceFailedEvent(url, err))
return Promise.reject(err)
const loadPersonPage = (url) => (dispatch, getState) => {
const fetchResourceSet = (property) => (data) => {
return Promise.resolve(R.prop(property, data))
.then( => dispatch(fetchResource(url))))
.then(promises => Promise.all(promises))
.then(list => R.assoc(property, list, data))
const dispatchPageLoaded = (url) => data => {
dispatch(pageLoadedEvent(url, data))
return data
const dispatchPageFailed = (url) => error => {
dispatch(pageFailedEvent(url, error))
return Promise.reject(error)
// compose a promise to assemble all data for a person
return dispatch(fetchResource(url))
.then(fetchResourceSet('starships')) // just for kicks, not rendered yet
.then(fetchResourceSet('vehicles')) // just for kicks, not rendered yet
.then(dispatchPageLoaded(url), dispatchPageFailed(url))
const pageLoadedEvent = (url, data) => R.assocPath(['pages', key(url)], {
loaded: true,
error: null
const pageFailedEvent = (url, error) => R.assocPath(['pages', key(url)], {
data: {},
loaded: true,
error: error
// Define several helpers to select data from state
// {k: (state -> v), ...} -> state -> {k: v, ...}
const selectSpec = R.applySpec
// [(state -> a), (state -> b), ...] -> ((a, b, ...) -> c) -> state -> c
const select = R.flip(R.converge)
//const select = R.curry((selectors, final) => R.pipe(
// R.of,
// R.ap(selectors),
// R.apply(final)
// ({*} -> Boolean) -> property -> {*} -> {*, property: predicate()}
const assocIf = R.curry((predicate, property) => R.ifElse(predicate, R.assoc(property, true), R.assoc(property, false)))
const characterSelectedEvent = (character) => R.assoc('selectedCharacter', character)
const sameCharacter = c1 => c2 => (c1 && c2 && c1.url && c2.url && key(c1.url) === key(c2.url))
const characterIsSelected = R.pathSatisfies(url => url && url.length > 0, ['selectedCharacter', 'url'])
const selectionIsEmpty = R.complement(characterIsSelected)
const selectedCharacter = R.propOr({url: ''}, 'selectedCharacter')
const emptySelection = selectSpec({
empty: R.always(true),
characters: R.prop('characters')
const selectedSelection = selectSpec({
empty: R.always(false),
characters: select(
[selectedCharacter, R.prop('characters')],
(character, characters) =>, 'selected'), characters)
person: select(
[selectedCharacter, R.prop('pages')],
(character, pages) => R.propOr(resourceInPendingState(), key(character.url), pages)
// final selector for the screen
const characterSelection = R.ifElse(selectionIsEmpty, emptySelection, selectedSelection)
const IconMessage = ({icon, variant, header, message}) => (
<div className={`ui ${variant} icon message`}>
<i className={`${icon} icon`}></i>
<div className="content">
<div className="header">
const LoadingIndicator = ({loaded, error, children}) => {
if (loaded) {
return error ?
<IconMessage icon="warning sign" variant="negative" header="Error" message={error.message}/> :
} else {
return <IconMessage icon="notched circle loading" variant="" header="Just one second" message="We're fetching that content for you."/>
const EmptyList = ({message}) => (
<IconMessage icon="inbox" variant="" header="Empty" message={message}/>
const FilmListing = ({film}) => (
<div className="ui card">
<div className="content">
<div className="header">{film.title}</div>
<div className="meta">
<span>Release date</span>
<div className="description">{film.opening_crawl}</div>
<div className="extra content">
<div><span>Director</span> <span>{film.director}</span></div>
<div><span>Producer</span> <span>{film.producer}</span></div>
const FilmList = ({films}) => (
<div className="ui three stackable cards">
{ => <FilmListing key={film.url} film={film}/>) }
const PersonCard = ({person}) => (
<div className="ui card">
<div className="content">
<div className="header">{}</div>
<div className="meta">
<span>Skin color</span><a>{person.skin_color}</a>
const CharacterMenuItem = ({character, onSelect}) => (
<a className={`${character.selected ? 'active' : ''} item`} onClick={onSelect}>{}</a>
const CharacterMenu = ({characters, onCharacterSelected}) => (
<div className='ui secondary pointing menu'>
{ => <CharacterMenuItem key={key(character.url)} character={character} onSelect={() => onCharacterSelected(character)}/>)}
const SelectedCharacterView = ({person}) => (
<div style={{marginTop: '1rem'}}>
<LoadingIndicator {...person}>
<PersonCard person={}/>
<h3 style={{marginTop: '1rem'}}>Movies starring {}</h3>
{ && > 0
? <FilmList films={}/>
: <EmptyList message={`There are no movies for ${}`}/>
const AppLayout = ({empty, characters, onCharacterSelected, ...props}) => (
<div className='ui container'>
<h1>Star Wars Characters</h1>
? <IconMessage icon="home" variant="" header="Welcome" message="Please select a character from the menu"/>
: <SelectedCharacterView {...props}/>
const App = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
<AppLayout {...characterSelection(this.state)} onCharacterSelected={this.selectCharacter}/>
getInitialState() {
return initialState(this.props.initialData)
componentDidMount() {
// uncomment this line to automatically load first character
// this.selectCharacter(this.state.characters[0])
// patchFn :: state -> patch, where patch is an object with props to be merged on state
updateState(patchFn) {
this.setState(patchFn(this.state), () => {
// for debugging
console.log('state', this.state)
console.log('selection', characterSelection(this.state))
// dispatch:: (state -> state | (dispatch, getState) -> ())
dispatch (fn) {
if (fn.length === 1) {
return Promise.resolve()
} else {
return fn(this.dispatch, () => this.state)
selectCharacter(character) {
this.dispatch(loadPersonPage(character.url)).catch(() => {})
ReactDOM.render(<App initialData={initialData} />, document.getElementById('app'))
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
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