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Created March 15, 2021 20:01
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Blit rotate scale in python
# /*
# Reference:
# "Fast Bitmap Rotation and Scaling" By Steven Mortimer, Dr Dobbs' Journal, July 01, 2001
# See also
# */
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-many-branches, too-many-statements
# This function is provided in case the bitmaptools.rotozoom function is not available
def _blit_rotate_scale(
destination, # destination bitmap
oy=None, # (ox, oy) is the destination point where the source (px,py) is placed
dest_clip1=None, # clip0,1 is (x,y) corners of clip window on the destination bitmap
source=None, # source bitmap
py=None, # (px, py) is the rotation point of the source bitmap
source_clip1=None, # clip0,1 is (x,y) corners of clip window on the source bitmap
angle=0, # in radians, clockwise
scale=1.0, # scale factor (float)
skip_index=None, # color index to ignore
if source is None:
# Check the input limits
if ox is None:
ox = destination.width / 2
if oy is None:
oy = destination.height / 2
if px is None:
px = source.width / 2
if py is None:
py = source.height / 2
if dest_clip0 is None:
dest_clip0 = (0, 0)
if dest_clip1 is None:
dest_clip1 = (destination.width, destination.height)
if source_clip0 is None:
source_clip0 = (0, 0)
if source_clip1 is None:
source_clip1 = (source.width, source.height)
minx = dest_clip1[0]
miny = dest_clip1[1]
maxx = dest_clip0[0]
maxy = dest_clip0[1]
sinAngle = math.sin(angle)
cosAngle = math.cos(angle)
dx = -cosAngle * px * scale + sinAngle * py * scale + ox
dy = -sinAngle * px * scale - cosAngle * py * scale + oy
if dx < minx:
minx = int(round(dx))
if dx > maxx:
maxx = int(round(dx))
if dy < miny:
miny = int(round(dy))
if dy > maxy:
maxy = int(dy)
dx = cosAngle * (source.width - px) * scale + sinAngle * py * scale + ox
dy = sinAngle * (source.width - px) * scale - cosAngle * py * scale + oy
if dx < minx:
minx = int(round(dx))
if dx > maxx:
maxx = int(round(dx))
if dy < miny:
miny = int(round(dy))
if dy > maxy:
maxy = int(round(dy))
dx = (
cosAngle * (source.width - px) * scale
- sinAngle * (source.height - py) * scale
+ ox
dy = (
sinAngle * (source.width - px) * scale
+ cosAngle * (source.height - py) * scale
+ oy
if dx < minx:
minx = int(round(dx))
if dx > maxx:
maxx = int(round(dx))
if dy < miny:
miny = int(round(dy))
if dy > maxy:
maxy = int(round(dy))
dx = -cosAngle * px * scale - sinAngle * (source.height - py) * scale + ox
dy = -sinAngle * px * scale + cosAngle * (source.height - py) * scale + oy
if dx < minx:
minx = int(round(dx))
if dx > maxx:
maxx = int(round(dx))
if dy < miny:
miny = int(round(dy))
if dy > maxy:
maxy = int(round(dy))
# /* Clipping */
if minx < dest_clip0[0]:
minx = dest_clip0[0]
if maxx > dest_clip1[0] - 1:
maxx = dest_clip1[0] - 1
if miny < dest_clip0[1]:
miny = dest_clip0[1]
if maxy > dest_clip1[1] - 1:
maxy = dest_clip1[1] - 1
dvCol = math.cos(angle) / scale
duCol = math.sin(angle) / scale
duRow = dvCol
dvRow = -duCol
startu = px - (ox * dvCol + oy * duCol)
startv = py - (ox * dvRow + oy * duRow)
rowu = startu + miny * duCol
rowv = startv + miny * dvCol
for y in range(miny, maxy + 1): # (y = miny, y <= maxy, y++)
u = rowu + minx * duRow
v = rowv + minx * dvRow
for x in range(minx, maxx + 1): # (x = minx, x <= maxx, x++)
if (source_clip0[0] <= u < source_clip1[0]) and (
source_clip0[1] <= v < source_clip1[1]
# get the pixel color (c) from the source bitmap at (u,v)
c = source[
int(u) + source.width * int(v)
] # direct index into bitmap is faster than tuple
# c = source[int(u), int(v)]
if c != skip_index: # ignore any pixels with skip_index
# place the pixel color (c) into the destination bitmap at (x,y)
x + y * destination.width
] = c # direct index into bitmap is faster than tuple
# destination[x,y] = c
u += duRow
v += dvRow
rowu += duCol
rowv += dvCol
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