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// Add these tests into DssVest.t.sol
uint256 constant WAD = 10**18;
function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
require((z = x + y) >= x);
function testFuzzFail_1() public {
// derived from echidna failure:
// test_init_ids(115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935,100242773934347682338375481833561433633362664707040856359631189992494487309630,10,39080061795132864699069909921915714851660400468839437511646123280429906730201,1524785992,0x20000)
uint256 _amt = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935;
uint256 _bgn = 100242773934347682338375481833561433633362664707040856359631189992494487309630;
uint256 _tau = 10;
uint256 _clf = 39080061795132864699069909921915714851660400468839437511646123280429906730201;
uint256 _pmt = 1524785992;
address _mgr = address(0x20000);
_amt = _amt < WAD ? _amt *= WAD : _amt % uint128(-1);
_bgn = block.timestamp + _bgn % vest.MAX_VEST_PERIOD();
_tau = 1 + _tau % vest.MAX_VEST_PERIOD();
_clf = _clf % _tau;
// added to confirm hypothesis
// assertTrue(_amt > 0);
_pmt = _pmt % _amt;
uint256 prevId = vest.ids();
uint256 id = vest.init(address(this), _amt, _bgn, _tau, _clf, _pmt, _mgr);
assert(vest.ids() == add(prevId, id));
function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) {
require((z = x - y) <= x);
function testFuzzFail_2() public {
// derived from echidna failure:
// test_vest(0,0,1,1,0,0x0)
// test_init_ids(0,0,0,0,0,0x0)
uint256 _amt = 0;
uint256 _bgn = 0;
uint256 _tau = 1;
uint256 _clf = 1;
uint256 _pmt = 0;
address _mgr = address(0);
_amt = _amt % uint128(-1);
if (_amt < WAD) _amt = (1 + _amt) * WAD;
_bgn = block.timestamp + _bgn % vest.MAX_VEST_PERIOD();
_tau = 1 + _tau % vest.MAX_VEST_PERIOD();
_clf = _clf % _tau;
_pmt = _pmt % _amt;
uint256 id = vest.init(address(this), _amt, _bgn, _tau, _clf, _pmt, _mgr);
uint256 ids = vest.ids();
(address usr, uint48 bgn, uint48 clf, uint48 fin, uint128 amt, uint128 rxd, address mgr) = vest.awards(id);
if (block.timestamp >= fin) {
assert (vest.ids() == sub(ids, 1));
} else if (block.timestamp >= clf) {
uint256 t = (block.timestamp - bgn) * WAD / (fin - bgn);
assert(t >= 0);
assert(t < WAD);
uint256 mkr = (amt * t) / WAD;
assert(mkr >= 0);
assert(mkr < amt);
assert(rxd == uint128(mkr));
_amt = 0;
_bgn = 0;
_tau = 0;
_clf = 0;
_pmt = 0;
_mgr = address(0);
_amt = _amt % uint128(-1);
if (_amt < WAD) _amt = (1 + _amt) * WAD;
_bgn = block.timestamp + _bgn % vest.MAX_VEST_PERIOD();
_tau = 1 + _tau % vest.MAX_VEST_PERIOD();
_clf = _clf % _tau;
_pmt = _pmt % _amt;
uint256 prevId = vest.ids();
id = vest.init(address(this), _amt, _bgn, _tau, _clf, _pmt, _mgr);
// added to confirm hypothesis
assertEq(vest.ids(), 2);
assertEq(prevId, 1);
assertEq(id, 2);
assert(vest.ids() == add(prevId, id));
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