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Last active May 27, 2021 17:06
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  • Save kmclaugh/f911598129279c847f228e76070c29ed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kmclaugh/f911598129279c847f228e76070c29ed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Below is the code that needs to be added when the user

  1. Signs up
  2. Logs in
  3. Requests a quote
  4. Request a service

The {{variable}} templates need to be filled in with the actual values.

* action: login
* description: fire whenever a returning user logs in
* url:
* notes:
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
event: "login",
data: {
userInfo: {
userId: "{{userId}}", // The user id
emailAddress: "{{emailAddress}}", // The user's email address
* action: request a quote
* description: fire whenever a user requests a quote
* url:
* notes:
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
event: "quoteRequest",
data: {
quoteInfo: {
services: [
{serviceName: "{{serviceName}}"},
car: {
make: "{{make}}",
model: "{{model}}",
year: "{{year}}"
userInfo: {
userId: "{{userId}}", // The user id
emailAddress: "{{emailAddress}}", // The user's email address
* action: service request
* description: fire whenever a user requests a service
* url: ?
* notes: not sure where this happens
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
event: "serviceRequest",
data: {
serviceInfo: {
totalPrice: "{{servicePrice}}",
services: [
{serviceName: "{{serviceName}}"},
car: {
make: "{{make}}",
model: "{{model}}",
year: "{{year}}"
userInfo: {
userId: "{{userId}}", // The user id
emailAddress: "{{emailAddress}}", // The user's email address
* action: signup
* description: fire whenever a new user signs up for the first time
* url: ?
* notes: not sure where this happens. Is it after they create a quote?
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
event: "signup",
data: {
userInfo: {
userId: "{{userId}}", // The user id
emailAddress: "{{emailAddress}}", // The user's email address
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