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Created September 26, 2013 20:04
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//Given a sorted list that has been transposed (that is, a portion has been removed from one end and attached to the other), write a function to determine if a given number is present in the list. //567812 -> (1) true 1 2 3 4 5 6
class Search {
public static boolean binsearch(int [] a, int value){
int low =0;
int high = arr.length - 1;
int mid = 0;
while(low <= high) { // binsearch(a, 1, 4, 4)
mid = (low+high) / 2; // 4
if(a[mid] > value) {
high = mid - 1;
} else if (a[mid] < value) {
low = mid +1 ;
return mid;
public static int recursiveSearch(int a[], int value, int low, int high) {
if(low > high){
return -1;
low = 0;
high =
int mid = low + high / 2;
if(a[mid] == value){
return 1;
if(a[mid] >= a[low]){
// checking if value is within the subarray
if(value >= a[low] && value < a[middle]){
// sorted array
return binsearch(a, value, low, middle-1);
return recursiveSearch(a, value, middle+1, high);
else if(a[mid] <= a[high]){
// the other range
if(value > a[middle] && value <= a[high]){
// sorted array
return binsearch(a, value, middle+1, high);
return recursiveSearch(a, value, low, middle-1);
// asserting that it should be false;
return -1;
public static void main(String [] args){
int [] arr = { 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2};
System.out.println(recursiveSearch(a,1, 0, arr.length-1)?true:false);
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