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Last active January 12, 2019 02:33
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Save kmhernan/fdc5cef7172bc1e6a5503c0a68c2ee28 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Proof of concept of me playing around with hts-nim via implementing samtools flagstat. This is not production. This was just late night playing around.
# Proof-of-concept test of hts-nim flagstat. Not a production piece.
# Nim Compiler Version 0.19.0
# nim c -d:realease
import hts
import strutils
CountArray = array[0..1, int]
proc main(): int =
# Just hardcoding inputs and the count arrays cause lazy
bam: Bam
ifil = "file.bam"
totals: CountArray = [0, 0]
secondary: CountArray = [0, 0]
supplementary: CountArray = [0, 0]
duplicates: CountArray = [0, 0]
mapped: CountArray = [0, 0]
paired: CountArray = [0, 0]
first: CountArray = [0, 0]
second: CountArray = [0, 0]
proper: CountArray = [0, 0]
singleton: CountArray = [0, 0]
pair_map: CountArray = [0, 0]
mate_chrom: CountArray = [0, 0]
mate_chrom_hq: CountArray = [0, 0]
mapq_cutoff: uint8 = 5
idx = 0
# open bam
open(bam, ifil, threads=4)
# no checking anything here y'all, just diving in
for aln in bam:
# Basically following same ifelse loop of samtools flagstat
if aln.flag.qcfail:
idx = 1
totals[idx] += 1
if aln.flag.secondary:
secondary[idx] += 1
elif aln.flag.supplementary:
supplementary[idx] += 1
elif aln.flag.pair:
paired[idx] += 1
if aln.flag.proper_pair and not aln.flag.unmapped:
proper[idx] += 1
if aln.flag.read1:
first[idx] += 1
if aln.flag.read2:
second[idx] += 1
if aln.flag.mate_unmapped and not aln.flag.unmapped:
singleton[idx] += 1
if not aln.flag.mate_unmapped and not aln.flag.unmapped:
pair_map[idx] += 1
if aln.mate_tid != aln.tid:
mate_chrom[idx] += 1
if aln.mapping_quality >= mapq_cutoff:
mate_chrom_hq[idx] += 1
if not aln.flag.unmapped:
mapped[idx] += 1
if aln.flag.dup:
duplicates[idx] += 1
# Lazy printing
echo format("$1 + $2 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads)", totals[0], totals[1])
echo format("$1 + $2 secondary", secondary[0], secondary[1])
echo format("$1 + $2 supplementary", supplementary[0], supplementary[1])
echo format("$1 + $2 duplicates", duplicates[0], duplicates[1])
echo format("$1 + $2 mapped", mapped[0], mapped[1])
echo format("$1 + $2 paired in sequencing", paired[0], paired[1])
echo format("$1 + $2 read1", first[0], first[1])
echo format("$1 + $2 read2", second[0], second[1])
echo format("$1 + $2 properly paired", proper[0], proper[1])
echo format("$1 + $2 with itself and mate mapped", pair_map[0], pair_map[1])
echo format("$1 + $2 singletons", singleton[0], singleton[1])
echo format("$1 + $2 with mate mapped to a different chr", mate_chrom[0], mate_chrom[1])
echo format("$1 + $2 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5)", mate_chrom_hq[0], mate_chrom_hq[1])
return 0
when isMainModule:
discard main()
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Hey thanks for the comments. I honestly didn’t expect it to leave that folder it was in when I was just playing around but I didn’t know it would initialize to 0? So good to know.

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