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Created February 1, 2024 16:00
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#lang racket
(define l '(2 7 1))
(define l0 (cons 2 (cons 7 (cons 1 '()))))
(define (sum-list-of-length-3 l)
(define x0 (first l))
(define x1 (second l))
(define x2 (third l))
(+ x0 x1 x2))
;; Primitive recursive functions over lists
;; A function that is primitive recursive over a list l
;; is one which can be written using this template:
#;(define (f l)
(if (empty? l)
(let ([recursive-answer (f (cdr l))])
(combine (car l) recursive-answer))))
(define (length l)
(if (empty? l)
(add1 (length (cdr l)))))
;; Using textual reduction to understand how length executes
;; (length '(2 3 8))
;; (add1 (length '(3 8)))
;; ...
;; (add1 (add1 (length (cdr '(3 8)))))
;; ...
;;(add1 (add1 (length '(8))))
;;(add1 (add1 (add1 (length '()))))
;;(add1 (add1 (add1 0)))
(define (sum-list l)
(if (empty? l)
(+ (car l) (sum-list (cdr l)))))
;; you'll have to use append, and your solution will be O(n^2) likely..
(define (reverse l)
(if (empty? l)
(append (reverse (cdr l)) (list (first l)))))
;; (append '() l1) => l1
(define (append l0 l1)
(if (empty? l0)
(cons (first l0) (append (rest l0) l1))))
;; (every-other '()) => '()
;; (every-other '(1)) => '(1)
;; (every-other '(1 2)) => '(1)
;; (every-other '(1 2 3)) => '(1 3)
;; (every-other '(1 2 3 4)) => '(1 3)
(define (every-other l)
(cond [(empty? l) '()]
[(= (length l) 1) (list (first l))]
;; length >= 1
[else (cons (first l) (every-other (rest (rest l))))]))
;; This function takes the first n elements from the list l
;; assume that the length of l is least n
(define (take l n)
(if (equal? n 0)
(cons (first l) (take (rest l) (- n 1)))))
(define (drop l n)
(if (equal? n 0)
(drop (rest l) (- n 1))))
;; This function will take a game board and will return the rows
;; (get-rows '(X O E E E E O E X)) ==> '((X O E) (E E E) (O E X))
(define (get-rows board)
;; Basic approach: recur over board, check if it is empty?
;; If it is empty?, return '().
;; Otherwise, cons the first three elements from the list
;; (using take) to the rest of the rows, which you get
;; via the recursive invocation to get-rows and drop
(if (empty? board)
(cons (take board 3) (get-rows (drop board 3)))))
;; Using a helper function to get the rows
(define (get-rows-k board)
(define (h b)
(if (empty? b)
(cons (take b (sqrt (length board))) (h (drop b (sqrt (length board)))))))
(h board))
(define (get-middle-column board)
(define (h list-of-rows)
(if (empty? list-of-rows)
(cons (second (first list-of-rows)) (h (rest list-of-rows)))))
(h (get-rows-k board)))
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