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Created October 24, 2023 18:55
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#lang racket
;; general direct-style recursive template over lists
#;(define (my-function lst)
(if (empty? lst)
(let ([result-from-rest-of-list (my-function (rest lst))]
[first-list (first lst)])
(f first-list result-from-rest-of-list))))
;; first using if, then using match
#;(define (positives? nums)
(if (empty? nums)
(and (> (first nums) 0)
(positives? (rest nums)))))
(define (positives? nums)
(match nums
['() #t]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (and (> hd 0) (positives? tl))]))
(define (n-positives lst n)
(match lst
['() (<= n 0)]
[`(,hd . ,tl)
(if (> hd 0)
(n-positives tl (- n 1))
(n-positives tl n))]))
;; Problem 2 -- Tail calls and tail recursion
#;(define (f lst acc)
(if (empty? lst)
(* (first lst)
(f (rest lst) (* acc (first lst))))))
;; not tail recursive, direct-style recursion is used
;; I will underline in this solution because it's hard
;; to circle in ascii...
#;(define (f g) (g (g x)))
#;(define (foo x)
(if (= x 3) ;; not a tail call
((f sub1) x)
((f add1) x)
(define (g-again lst)
(define (h lst acc)
(if (empty? lst)
(h (rest lst) (+ (* 2 (first lst)) acc))))
(h lst 3))
(define (g-using-foldl lst)
(foldl (λ (x acc) (+ (* 2 x) acc)) 3 lst))
;; what foldr is doing...
#;(cons x0 (cons x1 (cons x2 (cons x3 '()))))
;; foldr is like replacing each cons with reducer
;; and replacing '() with the initial value
(foldl (lambda (x acc)
(if (string? x) (string-append acc x) (string-append acc "bar")))
'("foo" 1 "baz"))
;; acc0 = ""
;; acc1 = (string-append "" "foo") = "foo"
;; acc2 = (string-append "foo" "bar") = "foobar"
;; acc3 = (string-append "foobar" "baz") = "foobarbaz"
(define (sum-negatives lst)
(foldr (λ (x acc) (cond [(and (number? x) (< x 0)) (+ acc x)]
[else acc]))
;; Question 4 -- λ-calculus
;; Part (a)
;; X (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (z)))
;; • ((lambda (z) (z (lambda (y) (y k)))) (lambda (x) x)) -- NO X
;; X (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (x y y)))
;; Part (b)
((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (z) (λ (y) y)))
⟶β (x x) [ x ↦ (λ (z) (λ (y) y)) ]
= ((λ (z) (λ (y) y)) (λ (z) (λ (y) y)))
⟶β (λ (y) y)
;; Part (c), α-conversion
((λ (y) (y y)) (λ (z) (λ (y) y)))
;; Notes from real exam...
;; problem 1 -- two small functions 5+5 that involve recursion over lists..
;; problem 2 -- circle tail calls, underling direct-style calls. and a tail-recursive
;; function that accumulates a list
;; problem 3 -- result of using foldr / r also asks about the difference between foldl
;; and foldr.
;; Problem 4 -- identify redexes and perform reduction to a β-normal form and identify
;; whether a specific term may be reduced to β-normal form...
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