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Created February 22, 2024 17:14
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;; Exercise 2
;; CIS 352 -- Spring 2024
#lang racket
(provide (all-defined-out))
;; Maps
;; map the function f over each element of lst
(define (map f lst)
(if (empty? lst)
(cons (f (first lst)) (map f (rest lst)))))
;; Racket
(map - '(1 2 3)) ;; ‘(-1 -2 -3)
;; equivalent to (via “η-extenstionality”)
(map (lambda (x) (- x)) '(1 2 3))
;; (add-n n lst) adds n to each element of the list lst.
;; write the function using *direct* style recursion
;; (i.e., follow the template).
(define (add-n lst n)
(if (empty? lst)
(cons (+ n (first lst)) (add-n (rest lst) n))))
;; define add-n again, but this time using map. Your function should
;; not use recursion (directly, although it will indirectly be using
;; recursion in that `map` is recursive), but should instead simply
;; use `map`.
(define (add-n-using-map lst n)
(map (lambda (x) (+ n x)) lst))
(define (foo x)
(match x
[(? number?) (* 2 x)]
[`(,e0 ,e1 ,_) `(,e0 ,e1)]
[_ "error"]))
;; practice with matches and quasiquotes
;; return only elements of lst that satisfy f
(define (filter f lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) '()]
[(f (first lst)) (cons (first lst) (filter f (rest lst)))]
[else (filter f (rest lst))]))
(define (fac n)
(if (= n 0)
(begin (displayln "here") 1)
(* n (fac (- n 1)))))
;; I want to write this function to use tail recursion
;; what that means is that every recursive call must be
;; "the last thing to happen"
(define (fac-again n)
;; n is going to get smaller (by 1)
;; acc is going get bigger
(define (h n acc)
(displayln n)
(displayln acc)
(if (equal? n 0)
(h (- n 1) (* acc n))))
(h n 1))
(define (fib n)
(match n
[0 1]
[1 1]
[_ (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))]))
;; Exam problem candidate
;; Circle all of the callsites that are tail calls
;; and underline all of the callsites that are
;; direct-style calls
#;(define (length-dir l)
(pretty-print l)
(pretty-print n)
(if (null? l)
(+ 1 (length-dir (rest l))))) ;; (+ 1 ....) circled
;; ________
;; claim: we can rewrite length-dir like this
#;(define (length-dir l)
(pretty-print l)
(pretty-print n)
(if (null? l)
(let ([x (rest l)])
(let ([r (length-dir x)])
(+ 1 r)))))
(define (length-tail l)
(define (h l n)
(pretty-print l)
(pretty-print n)
(if (null? l)
(h (cdr l) (+ n 1)))) ;; the call to h is in tail position, it is a tail call
(h l 0)) ;; this call to h is a tail call, too
#;(define (filter f lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) '()]
[(f (first lst))
(cons (first lst)
(filter f (rest lst)))]
[else (filter f (rest lst))]))
(define (filter-tl f lst)
(define (reverse l)
(define (rev lst0 lst1)
(match lst0
['() lst1]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (rev tl (cons hd lst))]))
(rev l '()))
(define (h0 lst acc)
(match lst
['() acc]
[`(,hd . ,tl)
(if (f hd)
(h0 tl (cons hd acc))
(h0 tl acc))]))
(define (h1 lst acc)
(match lst
['() acc]
[`(,hd . ,tl)
(if (f hd)
(h1 tl (append acc (list hd)))
(h1 tl acc))]))
;; fix 1
(reverse (h0 lst '()))
;; fix 2
#;(h1 lst '()))
;; acc = 1
;; for(i in range(n)):
;; acc = acc * n
;; Define using match patterns: (filter f l) selects the elements in
;; the list l which satisfy the predicate f, omitting those elements x
;; for which (f x) is false
(define (filter-again f lst)
(match lst
['() '()]
[`(,hd . ,tl) #:when (f hd) (cons hd (filter-again f tl))]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (filter-again f tl)]))
;; select the maximum element from the list lst, assume lst is a list
;; of numbers.
(define (maxof lst)
(match lst
['() (error "can't take the max of an empty list")]
[`(,only) only]
[`(,fst . ,rest)
(max fst (maxof rest))]))
;; andmap test cases
;; > (andmap list? ‘((1 2) () (3)))
;; #t
;; > (andmap list? ‘((1 . 2) ()))
;; #f
;; > (andmap list? ‘(1 2 3))
;; #f
(define (andmap f lst)
(match lst
['() #t]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (if (f hd) (andmap f tl) #f)]))
;; practice with hashes and sets
;; hashes in racket are key / value dictionaries
;; add / lookup / etc... are amortized O(1)
(define hsh (hash 'x 1 'y 2 'z 4))
;; important functions on hashes
(hash-keys (hash 'x 1 'y 2 'z 3))
;; returns a list of the keys of the hash
;; in *no specific order*
;; pass in a list of elements
(define (my-set lst)
;; make a hash of key/value associations from
;; each element of lst (which will be keys in our hash)
;; to the dummy value "dummy"
(define (h lst)
(match lst
['() (hash)]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (hash-set (h tl) hd "dummy")]))
(h lst))
;; hashes are generalized *sets*
;; a hash-set (degenerate hash) can be constructed using
(define st (set 1 2 3))
;; print out a hash in a canonical order
(define (render-hash h)
(for ([key (sort (hash-keys h) symbol<?)])
(displayln (format "~a,~a" key (hash-ref h key)))))
;; produce a map from each element in lst to the number zero
;; (zeroes '(x y)) = (hash-set (hash-set 'y 0) 'x 0)
;; note that hashes are *unordered*
;; aka (hash 'x 0 'y 0)
(define (zeroes lst)
(match lst
['() (hash)]
;; hint: use hash-set and recursion
[`(,hd . ,tl)
(hash-set (zeroes tl) hd 0)]))
(define (zeroes-tl lst)
(define (h lst hsh)
(match lst
['() hsh]
[`(,hd . ,tl)
(h tl (hash-set hsh hd 0))]))
(h lst (hash)))
(define (foldr reducer init lst)
(match lst
['() init]
[`(,hd . ,tl)
(reducer hd (foldr reducer init tl))]))
(define (sum-list lst)
(foldr (λ (next-element-in-list current-accumulator)
(+ next-element-in-list current-accumulator))
(define (filter-using-foldr f lst)
;; e is next element in the list
;; acc is an accumulated list of elements
;; principle: return type from the reducer function is
;; the return type of the foldr as a whole
(foldr (λ (e acc)
(if (f e)
(cons e acc)
(define (filter-using-foldl f lst)
;; e is next element in the list
;; acc is an accumulated list of elements
;; principle: return type from the reducer function is
;; the return type of the foldr as a whole
(foldl (λ (e acc)
(if (f e)
(cons e acc)
;; Project 2
;; We need to accumulate a graph:
;; - For all n0 ∈ Node(graph):
;; - For all n1 s.t. there's an edge n0 ↦ n1 ∈ Edges(graph):
;; - For all n2 s.t. there's an edge n1 ↦ n2 ∈ Edges(graph):
;; Add n0 ↦ n2 to Edges(graph)
;; Insight is that each "for all in" translates into a fold
;; Fact: if the reducer commutes then you can use either foldr or foldl
;; Because we're walking over the keys of a hash--which are unordered--
;; we can use either foldl or foldr to process a hash key by key
#;(define (one-step-transitive graph)
;; For all n0 ∈ Node(graph)
(foldl (λ (n0 graph)
(foldl (λ (n1 graph)
;; For all n2 s.t. there's an edge n1 ↦ n2 ∈ Edges(graph):
;; Add n0 ↦ n2 to Edges(graph)
;; all of the n1s, gives us a set, which we can transform to a list...
(set->list (hash-ref graph n0))))
;; this will get me the set of nodes as a list
(hash-keys graph)))
(define (map-using-foldr f l)
;; acc is a list
(foldr (λ (x acc) (cons (f x) acc)) '() l))
;; no matter what l is ...
;; (foldl + 0 l) = (foldr + 0 l)
;; same thing for ...
;; (foldr * 1 l) = (foldr * 1 l)
(foldr cons '() '(1 2 3))
(foldl cons '() '(1 2 3))
;; acc = '()
;; for e in lst:
;; acc = (if (f e) (cons e acc) acc)
#;(define (sum-list l)
(match l
['() 0]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (+ hd (sum-list tl))]))
(define (sum-set st)
(sum-list (set->list st)))
;; Set data structure in Racket
;; Use `set` as a constructor
;; - (set) or (set 'x 'y ...) or (set e0 e1 ...)
;; (set-add st element) O(1) -- returns a new set
;; that includes everything in st and also element
;; (set-union st0 st1) O(n) or faster -- return
;; a new set that includes everything in st0 and st1
;; (set-remove st element) O(1) -- return a set
;; containing everything in st minus element
;; add n to each value of the hash, for each of its keys. Hint: write
;; a recursive function (or foldl, if you know / would like to use it)
;; to walk over each of the keys in `hash-keys`.
(define (add-to-each h n)
(define (f keys)
(match keys
['() (hash)]
[`(,first-key . ,rest-keys) (hash-set (f rest-keys)
(+ (hash-ref h first-key) n))]))
(f (hash-keys h)))
(define (add-to-each-using-foldr h n)
;; use foldr to walk over the hash keys, and accumulate a hash
;; for each key, retrieve its value, add n, and then set the
;; key to that value in the accumulator
(foldr (λ (next-element acc) (hash-set acc next-element (+ n (hash-ref h next-element))))
(hash-keys h)))
(define (hash-map hsh f)
(define (h keys)
(match keys
['() (hash)]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (hash-set (h tl) hd (f (hash-ref hsh hd)))]))
(h (hash-keys hsh)))
;; IfArith
(define (expr? e)
(match e
[(? integer? n) #t]
[`(plus ,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1)) #t]
[`(div ,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1)) #t]
[`(not ,(? expr? e-guard)) #t]
[`(if ,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1) ,(? expr? e2)) #t]
[_ #f]))
(define (evaluate e)
;; e satisfies expr?, return a number?
(match e
[(? integer? n) n]
[`(plus ,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1)) (+ (evaluate e0) (evaluate e1))]
[`(div ,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1)) (/ (evaluate e0) (evaluate e1))]
;; remember: 0 is "false", anything nonzero is "true"
[`(not ,(? expr? e-guard))
(if (equal? 0 (evaluate e-guard))
;; it is 0, return something nonzero
;; it is nonzero, return 0
[`(if ,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1) ,(? expr? e2))
(if (equal? 0 (evaluate e0))
;; it is false, evaluate the false branch
(evaluate e2)
;; it is true, evaluate the true branch
(evaluate e1))]
[_ #f]))
(define (command? c)
(match c
;; swap x and y's value
[`(swap ,(? symbol? x) ,(? symbol? y)) #t]
;; assign x to the value of y
[`(assign ,(? symbol? x) ,(? number? y)) #t]
;; assign x to the value of y+z
[`(add ,(? symbol? x) ,(? symbol? y) ,(? symbol? z)) #t]
[_ #f]))
;; "interpret" a single command: return the resulting hash. Swap
;; should swap the values in x and y. Assign should assign to the
;; value x. Add should assign to the value x with the value of y plus
;; the value of z.
(define (interpret-command e h)
(match e
[`(swap ,x ,y)
(hash-set (hash-set h x (hash-ref h y)) y (hash-ref h x))]
[`(assign ,x ,y)
(hash-set h x y)]
[`(add ,x ,y ,z)
(hash-set h x (+ (hash-ref h y) (hash-ref h z)))]))
;; interpret each command one at a time
(define (interpret-commands es)
(define (h hsh lst)
(match lst
['() hsh]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (h (interpret-command hd hsh) tl)]))
(h (hash) es))
(define (interpret-commands-again-using-foldl es)
(foldl (λ (next-cmd h) (interpret-command next-cmd h))
(define (newlines n)
[(equal? n 0) ""]
[(not (equal? n 0)) (string-append "\n" (newlines (- n 1)))]))
#;(define (newlines n)
(match n
[0 ""]
[n (string-append "\n" (newlines (- n 1)))]))
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