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Created December 5, 2023 18:15
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#lang racket
;; Class 1 -- Type Checking
;; In this exercise we will check fully-annotated terms
;; In the next project we will look at synthesis
;; We will build a type system based on the
;; Simply-Typed λ-calculus (STLC)
(provide (all-defined-out))
;; Type Checking
;; Primitive literals
(define bool-lit? boolean?)
(define int-lit? integer?)
;; Expressions are ifarith, with several special builtins
(define (expr? e)
(match e
;; Variables
[(? symbol? x) #t]
;; Literals
[(? bool-lit? b) #t]
[(? int-lit? i) #t]
;; Applications
[`(,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1)) #t]
;; Annotated expressions
[`(,(? expr? e) : ,(? type? t)) #t]
;; Anotated lambdas
[`(lambda (,(? symbol? x) : ,(? type? t)) ,(? expr? e)) #t]))
;; Types for STLC
(define (type? t)
(match t
;; Base types: int and bool
['int #t]
['bool #t]
;; Arrow types: t0 -> t1
[`(,(? type? t0) -> ,(? type? t1)) #t]
[_ #f]))
;; Synthesize a type for e in the environment env
;; Returns a type
;; Note: synthesis in this setting is *syntax directed*, because
;; the type of the lambda's argument is forced to be annotated.
;; Annotations on arguments are the primary source of nondeterminism
;; when we think about reconstructing a type's proof
(define (synthesize-type env e)
(match e
;; Literals
[(? integer? i) 'int]
[(? boolean? b) 'bool]
;; Look up a type variable in an environment
[(? symbol? x) (hash-ref env x)]
;; Lambda w/ annotation
[`(lambda (,x : ,A) ,e)
`(,A -> ,(synthesize-type (hash-set env x A) e))]
;; Arbitrary expression
[`(,e : ,t) (let ([e-t (synthesize-type env e)])
(if (equal? e-t t)
(error (format "types ~a and ~a are different" e-t t))))]
;; Application
[`(,e1 ,e2)
(match (synthesize-type env e1)
[`(,A -> ,B)
(let ([t-2 (synthesize-type env e2)])
(if (equal? t-2 A)
(error (format "types ~a and ~a are different" A t-2))))])]))
;; To synthesize an STLC type, synthesize a type with a starting environment
(define (synthesize-stlc-type e)
(synthesize-type (hash '+ '(int -> (int -> int))
'is-zero? '(int -> bool))
;; Tests 1: public-synthesize
#;(synthesize-stlc-type '((lambda (x : int) x) 23))
#;(synthesize-stlc-type '(lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : bool) (lambda (z : int) x))))
#;(synthesize-stlc-type '(lambda (x : (int -> int)) (lambda (y : bool) (lambda (z : int) (x (13 : int))))))
;; To type check: synthesize then match
;; Check that, in an environment env, e's type is t
;; Returns a bool
(define (check-stlc-type e t)
(equal? (synthesize-stlc-type e) t))
;; Tests 2: public-typecheck
#;(check-stlc-type '((lambda (x : int) x) 23) 'int)
#;(check-stlc-type '(lambda (x : int) (lambda (y : bool) (lambda (z : int) x)))
'(int -> (bool -> (int -> int))))
'(lambda (x : (int -> int)) (lambda (y : bool) (lambda (z : int) (x (13 : int)))))
'((int -> int) -> (bool -> (int -> int))))
;; Erase types: transform to Racket code
(define (erase-types e)
(match e
[`((+ ,e0) ,e1) `(+ ,(erase-types e0) ,(erase-types e1))]
[`(lambda (,x : ,t) ,e) `(lambda (,x) ,(erase-types e))]
[(? symbol? x) x]
[(? bool-lit? b) b]
[(? int-lit? i) i]
[`(,e : ,t) (erase-types e)]
[`(,e0 ,e1) `(,(erase-types e0) ,(erase-types e1))]))
;; returns either 'type-error or the expression
;; Converting STLC to Racket means first (a) run the typechecker and
;; (b) then erase the types
(define (stlc->racket e)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (exn) 'type-error)])
(synthesize-stlc-type e)
(erase-types e)))
;; Tests 3: type erasure
#;(stlc->racket '(lambda (x : (int -> int)) (lambda (y : bool) (lambda (z : int) (x y)))))
;; Constraint-Based Type Inference
;; Full expresssions also include unannotated lambdas
(define (full-expr? e)
(match e
[(? expr?) #t]
[`(lambda ,(? symbol? x) ,(? full-expr? e)) #t]))
;; Generate a pair of the *resulting type* and a *set of constraints*
(define (build-constraints env e)
(match e
;; Literals
[(? integer? i) (cons 'int (set))]
[(? boolean? b) (cons 'bool (set))]
;; Look up a type variable in an environment
[(? symbol? x) (cons (hash-ref env x) (set))]
;; Lambda w/o annotation
[`(lambda (,x) ,e)
;; Generate a new type variable using gensym
;; gensym creates a unique symbol
(define T1 (gensym 'ty-var))
(match (build-constraints (hash-set env x T1) e)
[(cons T2 s) (cons `(,T1 -> ,T2) s)])]
[`(,e1 ,e2)
(match (build-constraints env e1)
[(cons T1 C1)
(match (build-constraints env e2)
[(cons T2 C2)
(define X (gensym 'ty-var))
(cons X (set-union C1 C2 (set `(= ,T1 (,T2 -> ,X)))))])])]
[`(,e : ,t)
(match (build-constraints env e)
[(cons T C)
(define X (gensym 'ty-var))
(cons X (set-add C `(= ,X ,T)))])]
;; Application
[`(if ,e1 ,e2 ,e3)
(match-define (cons T1 C1) (build-constraints env e1))
(match-define (cons T2 C2) (build-constraints env e2))
(match-define (cons T3 C3) (build-constraints env e3))
(cons T2 (set-union C1 C2 C3 (set `(= ,T1 'bool) `(= ,T2 ,T3))))]))
;; Test 4
#;(build-constraints (hash))
'((((lambda (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) (x 13))))
(lambda (x) 5))
(lambda (y) (#t : bool)))
(lambda (z) 3)))
(define (unify constraints)
;; Free (type) variables of a type
(define (free-vars T)
(match T
[(? symbol? X) (set X)]
[`(,T1 -> ,T2) (set-union (free-vars T1) (free-vars T2))]))
;; within the constraint constr, substitute S for T
(define (ty-subst ty X T)
(match ty
[(? symbol? Y) #:when (equal? X Y) T]
[(? symbol? Y) Y]
['bool 'bool]
['int 'int]
[`(,T0 -> ,T1) `(,(ty-subst T0 X T) -> ,(ty-subst T1 X T))]))
(define (constr-subst constr S T)
(match constr
[`(= ,C0 ,C1) `(= ,(ty-subst C0 S T) ,(ty-subst C1 S T))]))
;; Walk over constraints one at a time
(define (for-each constraints)
(match constraints
['() (hash)]
[`((= ,S ,T) . ,rest)
(cond [(equal? S T)
(for-each constraints)]
[(and (symbol? S) (not (set-member? (free-vars T) S)))
(hash-set (unify (map (lambda (constr) (constr-subst constr S T)) rest)) S T)]
[(and (symbol? T) (not (set-member? (free-vars S) T)))
(hash-set (unify (map (lambda (constr) (constr-subst constr S T)) rest)) T S)]
(match-define `(,S1 -> ,S2) S)
(match-define `(,T1 -> ,T2) T)
(unify (cons `(= ,S1 ,T1) (cons `(= ,S2 ,T2) rest)))])]))
;; Turn it into a list of constraints to walk over
(define constrs (set->list constraints))
(for-each constrs))
(define (elaborate-types expr)
(match (build-constraints (hash) expr)
[(cons ty constraints)
(define assignment (unify constraints))
(displayln ty)
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