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Created March 22, 2024 01:48
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#lang racket
;; CIS352 -- 3/19/2024
;; Exam Solutions
;; Version A
;; (1a)
(define (count-n lst n)
(match lst
['() 0]
[`(,hd . ,tl) #:when (equal? hd n)
(+ 1 (count-n tl n))]
[`(,hd . ,tl) (count-n tl n)]))
#;(define (count-n lst n)
[(empty? lst) 0]
[(equal? n (first lst))
(add1 (count-n (rest lst) n))]
[else (count-n (rest lst) n)]))
;; (1b)
(define (zip l0 l1)
(if (or (empty? l0) (empty? l1))
(cons (cons (first l0) (first l1))
(zip (rest l0) (rest l1)))))
;; Version B
;; (1a)
(define (count-even lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) 0]
[(even? (first lst)) (+ 1 (count-even (rest lst)))]
[else (count-even (rest lst))]))
;; (1b)
(define (interleave l0 l1)
(if (or (empty? l0) (empty? l1))
(cons (first l0)
(cons (first l1)
(interleave (rest l0)
(rest l1))))))
;; Version A
;; (2a)
(define (foo x y)
(if (equal? x 1)
(+ 1 (foo y y)) ;; call to + should be circled
;; (2b) False
;; (2c)
(define (reverse lst)
(define (h lst acc) (if (empty? lst)
(h (rest lst)
(cons (first lst) acc))))
(h lst '()))
(define (filter lst f)
(define (h lst acc)
(cond [(empty? lst) (reverse acc)]
[(f (first lst))
(h (rest lst) (cons (first lst) acc))]
(h (rest lst) acc)]))
(h lst '()))
;; Version B
;; (2a)
#;(define (foo x y)
(if (equal? x 1)
(foo 5 (+ y y)) ;; call to foo circled
;; (2b) False
;; (2c) Same as (2c) on Version A
;; Version A
;; Problem 3
;; (3a)
;; acc0 = ""
;; acc1 = ",world"
;; acc2 = ",world,hello" << ANSWER
;; (3b)
(define (mul-by-k lst k)
(foldr (λ (x acc) (cons (* k x) acc)) '() lst))
;; Version B
;; (3a)
;; acc0 = ""
;; acc1 = ",world"
;; acc2 = ",world,hello"
;; (3b)
(define (add-k-to-lst lst k)
(foldr (λ (x acc) (cons (+ k x) acc)) '() lst))
;; Problem 4
;; Version A
((λ (x) ((λ (x) x) x)) (λ (z) z))
;; there are *two* redexes
;; - the whole expression is a reducible expression
;; - the subordinate application ((λ (x) x) x)
;; for the whole expression
;; ((λ (x) x) x) [ x ↦ (λ (z) z)]
;; ((λ (x) x) (λ (z) z))
;; for the second one, we reduce ((λ (x) x) x)) ⟶β x
;; within the context of ((λ (x) ·) (λ (z) z))
;; so the answer is ((λ (x) x) (λ (z) z))
;; (4c)
;; ((λ (x) (λ (z) z)) Ω)
;; if I repeatedly try to β reduce Ω...
;; ⟶ ((λ (x) (λ (z) z)) Ω) ⟶ ((λ (x) (λ (z) z)) Ω) ...
;; If I do the outer application (λ (z) z)
;; Version B
;; (4a)
;; I have two reducible expressions here...
((λ (z) ((λ (y) y) z)) (λ (k) k))
;; the whole thing is a redex
;; the inner application of ((λ (y) y) z)
;; (4b)
;; doing the outer application
((λ (y) y) (λ (k) k))
;; doing the inner application
((λ (z) z) (λ (k) k))
;; (4c)
;; Yes, it can reduce to k, even though there's another
;; occurrence of Ω, you can always do the outer
;; application and make progress.
;; In general, a term of size O(n) can have O(n) β redexes...
((λ (x) ((λ (x) (λ (x) x) (λ (x) x)) (λ (x) (λ (x) x) (λ (x) x))))
(λ (x) ((λ (x) (λ (x) x) (λ (x) x)) (λ (x) (λ (x) x) (λ (x) x)))))
;; The free variables of a term are variables which don't have a
;; definition (binder)
(define (fv exp)
(match exp
[(? symbol? x) (set x)]
[`(λ (,x) ,e-b)
(set-remove (fv e-b) x)]
[`(,e-f ,e-a)
(set-union (fv e-f) (fv e-a))]))
;; CIS352 -- Mar 21, 2024
#lang racket
;; Reduction Strategies
;; Consider the term
;; ((λ (x) k) ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x))))
;; There are two β redexes
;; one β redex says you can reduce the term to itself
;; ((λ (x) k) ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x))))
;; another says you can reduce the term to just k
;; k
;; In the λ calculus, the only way to introduce a variable
;; is to bind it via a λ
;; In Racket
(let ([x (λ (y) y)])
(x x))
;; The λ calculus doesn't have let...
;; We can translate lets as "left-left" lambdas
;; Here is an equivalent expression
((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (y) y))
;; α conversion says I can change (λ (x) e)
;; to (λ (y) e [ x ↦ y ]) *provided* that
;; e doesn't contain any free instances of y
;; Why is this important? Because I shouldn't be able to change
;; the meaning of the term by doing the conversion
;; Everything in the λ calculus is a function. And functions
;; f and g are equal when their extensions are equal
;; i.e., they agree on all points of their domain
;; In math, f ≡ g (f and g functions) whenever ∀x. f(x) = g(x)
;; In λ-calculus, terms e and e+ are equal whenever
;; they behave the same way for all arguments (i.e., I can
;; compute the same set of reductions from them).
(λ (x) (add1 x)) ;; can be α converted to
(λ (y) (add1 y))
;; But NOT to
#;((λ (add1) (add1 add1)) 5) ;; breaks!
;; but this if fine
;; ((λ (y) (add1 y)) 5)
;; In general, I need to be very careful not to change the
;; meaning of the terms (during reductions) by capturing
;; otherwise-free variables. If I do, I'm forbidding the
;; user from later substituting those free variables
;; for the value they intend, because I've captured
;; (i.e., redefined) those variables.
;; Capture-avoiding substitution
;; The role of capture-avoiding substitution
;; is to formalize our thought process for substitution
;; being thoughtful about the fact that λs create new
;; bindings. We need to be careful not to change the
;; meaning of term by substituting.
;; Ω = ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
;; ((λ (x) (λ (x) x)) Ω)
;; (λ (x) x) [ x ↦ Ω ]
;; ≡ (λ (x) x) ;; by the fourth case in capture-avoiding substitution
;; Reduction strategies
;; At any point in time, there may be a number of potential
;; β redexes. How do we pick which one to do?
;; Racket is call by value:
;; - Before a function body is entered, the arguments to that
;; function *must* be reduced to values. *Even* when those
;; arguments are never used, dropped on the ground, etc...
;; This will *never* terminate in Racket
;; ((λ (x) (λ (y) y)) ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x))))
;; Because Racket uses call-by-value, i.e., applicative
;; order.
;; η-reduction and expansion observe that λ calculus
;; terms are equal when they produce equal behavior
;; on all of their arguments
;; (λ (x) (e x)) ⟶η e ;; provided x ∉ FV(e)
;; e ⟶η (λ (x) (e x)) ;; provided x ∉ FV(e)
;; In our languages, we never reduce under a λ
;; because we don't want the body of functions
;; to run, until those functions are *actually called*
;; So I can write (λ (x) ....) and it doesn't matter
;; how bad (i.e., what the consequences of) the body
;; is, until I actually execute it.
(define div-0 (λ (x) (/ 1 0)))
;; You *never* want to execute a function's body
;; until you *call* that function.
;; In terms of the λ calculus: we never want to
;; do reduction (α, β, or η) until we get to
;; the function *call*.
;; Weak Head Normal Form (WHNF):
;; Once you get to a λ, you *stop* until that
;; λ is actually applied.
;; A λ-calculus term is in WHNF whenever it
;; is a λ.
;; Exercise:
;; Use call-by-name (i.e., normal order, but under λs)
;; reduction to reduce the following to WHNF
((λ (x) (λ (y) y)) ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x))))
;; Call by *name* immediately terminates, because it "lazily"
;; reduces the expression, skipping β reduction of arguments
;; until they're truly needed.
;; CBN β ⟶ (λ (y) y)
;; CBV β ⟶ ((λ (x) (λ (y) y)) ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x))))
;; CBV β ⟶ ((λ (x) (λ (y) y)) ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x))))
;; CBV β ⟶ ((λ (x) (λ (y) y)) ((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x))))
;; ... and so on...
;; Use CBN and CBV to reduce the following to WHNF
;; ((lambda (x) x) ((lambda (y) y) (lambda (y) y)))
;; ⟶CBN β
;; ((lambda (y) y) (lambda (y) y))
;; ⟶CBN β
;; (lambda (y) y) <<- in WHNF
;; ((lambda (x) x) ((lambda (y) y) (lambda (y) y)))
;; ⟶CBV β
;; ((lambda (x) x) (lambda (y) y))
;; ⟶CBV β
;; (lambda (y) y) <<- in WHNF
;; and the Church Rosser theorem tells me that these
;; must be the same, up to α equivalence.
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