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Created September 14, 2023 19:19
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#lang racket
;; Recursion over lists
(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 '()))))
;; more laboriously as ...
(let ([last-link (cons 4 '())])
(let ([second-to-last-link (cons 3 last-link)])
(let ([third-to-last-link (cons 2 second-to-last-link)])
(cons 1 third-to-last-link))))
;; write '(4 3), equivalently (list 4 3), using the cons syntax only...
(cons 4 (cons 3 '()))
;; Primitive recursive functions over lists all have the following "recipe"
;; All primitive recursive functions--recursive over just a list--follow this recipe
(define (f lst)
(if (empty? lst)
;; the inductive case will extract the cdr and will call f on the cdr to obtain
;; a "partial" result--that partial result will then be combined with the car
;; of lst (i.e., the first element of lst) to obtain the desired result
;; some facts about primitive recursive functions:
;; - they always terminate. Why?
;; -> Because any time the computer can hold a list, materialized in RAM, the list is finite
;; -> So by the template above, every to f operates on a "smaller" subordinate list.
;; -> Eventually, you "bottom out" (i.e., hit the base case)
;; - some functions--even useful functions--are *not* primitive recursive
;; some examples of primitive recursive functions
;; first--I always have to copy the template, i.e., the (design) recipe
;; extracts the maximum value from a list
(define (max-lst lst)
(if (empty? lst)
;; for the base case, how do I handle it?
;; if someone asks me for the maximum value of a list, what is a sensible
;; return value?
;; what about the inductive case?
(let ([rest-lst (cdr lst)])
;; now--call max on rest-lst, and combine it with (car lst) to obtain the result
(max (car lst) (max-lst rest-lst)))))
;; the following is an equality
;; whenever you have a piece of code
;;(let ([x expr])
;; (... x))
;; you could always instead write
;;(... expr)
;; for example
;;(let ([x (+ 1 2)])
;; (* x x))
;; this is the same as
;;(* (+ 1 2) (+ 1 2))
;; and in fact, this is how textual reduction works for let
;; multiply all of the elements in lst together
;; (product-lst '(1 3 4)) => 12
(define (product-lst lst)
(if (empty? lst)
(* (car lst) (product-lst (cdr lst)))))
;; don't use racket's built-in member
;; return #t iff e in the list lst
;; use equal? for structural equality
(define (check-member? lst e)
(if (empty? lst)
(if (equal? (first lst) e)
(check-member? (rest lst) e))))
;; filter takes two arguments:
;; - a list lst
;; - a function f, which is a predicte that can be applied to each element of the list lst
;; (filter lst f) returns each element of lst--in order--which satisfies f, all other
;; elements which do not satisfy f (i.e., which return false for f) are dropped out
(define (filter lst f)
(if (empty? lst)
;; the inductive case will extract the cdr and will call f on the cdr to obtain
;; a "partial" result--that partial result will then be combined with the car
;; of lst (i.e., the first element of lst) to obtain the desired result
;; hint: use cons, call filter on the tail of lst with f
(if (f (car lst))
(cons (first lst) (filter (cdr lst) f))
;; drop (car lst) from the list lst
(filter (cdr lst) f))))
;; assertion: this is the identity function
;; proof: induction on lst..
(define (regurgitate-list lst)
(if (empty? lst)
(cons (car lst) (regurgitate-list (cdr lst)))))
;; zip is a function that takes two lists, lst0 and lst1
;; assume lst0 and lst1 are the same size
;; it will return one list of cons cells, the length of both
;; lst0/lst1 (same by assumption) where each nth element is
;; the cons of the corresponding elements of lst0 and lst1
(define (zip lst0 lst1)
;; assume that you can check either lst0 or lst1 for empty?
;; because by assumption they are the same size--and so
;; (empty? lst0) iff (empty? lst1)
(if (empty? lst0)
(cons (cons (car lst0) (car lst1))
(zip (cdr lst0) (cdr lst1)))))
(define (argmax f l)
;; let's write a helper function to surmise the maximum value attained by f
;; from each element in l
(define (max-of-f-in-l lst)
(if (= (length lst) 1)
(f (first lst))
(max (f (first l)) (max-of-f-in-l (rest lst)))))
;; maximum value attained by f(e) for e ∈ l
;; currently wrong.. need more...
;; now let's write a helper function that takes this value and
;; finds the value e in l such that (f e) is equal to this
;; maximized value
(define (find-element lst max-val)
(if (empty? lst)
(error "I assumed the value max-val is maximezed in the lst lst")
(if (equal? (f (first lst)) max-val)
;; I found it!
(first lst)
;; otherwise, keep looking--I won't hit the base case, because
;; by assumption, the number that maximizes max-val *exists
;; in the list*.
(find-element (cdr lst) max-val))))
(find-element l (max-of-f-in-l l)))
;; tests for argmax
(argmax add1 '(5 -3 1 2)) ;; 5
(define (g x) (* (- x 2) (- x 2)))
(argmax g '(-5 -3 -2 0 2 4 5 8))
(argmax-again g '(-5 -3 -2 0 2 4 5 8))
;; write a function that returns #t iff the board is full of only
;; 'X, 'O, or 'E
(define (check-valid-xoe lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) #t]
[(equal? (first lst) 'X) (check-valid-xoe (rest lst))]
[(equal? (first lst) 'O) (check-valid-xoe (rest lst))]
[(equal? (first lst) 'E) (check-valid-xoe (rest lst))]
[else #f]))
(define (get-value-at lst row col)
(define size (sqrt (length lst))) ;; you need to know this is integral
;; but you do assuming board?
(list-ref lst (+ (* size row) col)))
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