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Created September 27, 2023 18:50
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#lang racket
;; CIS352 Office hours code -- 9/27/2023
;; matching and type predicates
;; Direct-style length
(define (length lst)
(if (empty? lst)
(add1 (length (rest lst)))))
(define (list? d)
(if (equal? d '())
(and (cons? d) (list? (rest d)))))
;; using matching
(define (length-again lst)
(match lst
['() 0]
[(cons hd tl)
;; within the body of the match, hd and tl are bound
;; in the previous function, I had to use (rest lst)
;; to get tl, rather than matching
(add1 (length-again tl))]))
;; using match
(define (fib n)
(match n
[0 1]
[1 1]
[_ (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))]))
;; if we hadn't used match, we'd have to use cond or something similar
#;(define (fib n)
[(= n 0) 1]
[(= n 1) 1]
[else (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))]))
;; matching can be used to extract pieces from complex structured
;; expressions (S-expressions)
(match '(if (= 4 4) 2 3) ; '(if (= 3 (+ 1 2)) "hello" "goodbye")
[`(if (= ,e0 ,e1) ,e-true ,e-false)
(pretty-print e0)
(pretty-print e1)
(if (= e0 e1) e-true e-false)])
;; A "type predicate" that characterizes the shape of trees
;; any recursive function you write that recurs over the structure
;; of trees, should roughly follow this template
(define (tree? t)
(match t
['empty #t]
[`(node ,n ,(? tree? t0) ,(? tree? t1)) #t]
[_ #f]))
;; some recursive functions on trees
;; calculate the maximum value in t
;; assume t satisfies (i.e., returns #t for) tree? above
(define (tree-max t)
(match t
['empty -inf.0]
[`(node ,n ,t0 ,t1)
(max n (tree-max t0) (tree-max t1))]))
(tree-max '(node 5 (node 15 empty empty) (node 20 (node 12 empty empty) empty)))
;; A tree's height is either 0 for the empty tree or 1+the maximum of its two children
(define (tree-height t)
(match t
['empty 0]
[`(node ,_ ,t0 ,t1) (add1 (max (tree-height t0) (tree-height t1)))]))
;; A tree is balanced when no subtree differs in depth > 1 from the other
(define (tree-balanced? t)
(match t
['empty #t]
[`(node ,_ ,t0 ,t1) (<= (abs (- (tree-height t0) (tree-height t1))) 1)]))
(tree-height '(node 5 (node 15 empty empty) (node 20 (node 12 empty empty) empty)))
(tree-balanced? '(node 5 (node 15 empty empty) (node 20 (node 12 (node 10 empty empty) empty) empty)))
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