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Created April 26, 2023 17:42
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-- see cek.slog
def var := String
-- terms
inductive term : Type where
| Ref : var → term
| Lam : var → term → term
| App : term → term → term
open term
-- values and environments
inductive value : Type where
| Clo : term → environment → value
open value
-- environments, defunctionalized
inductive environment : Type where
| Empty : environment
| Ext_env : environment → var → value → environment
open environment
inductive env_map : environment → var → value → Prop where
| Env_hit : ∀ env x clo, env_map (Ext_env env x clo) x clo
| Env_miss : ∀ env x y clo, x ≠ y → env_map env y v → env_map (Ext_env env x clo) y v
open env_map
-- Continuations
inductive continuation : Type where
| Halt : continuation
| Ar_k : term → environment → continuation → continuation
| Fn_k : value → continuation
open continuation
inductive state : Type where
| Cek : term → environment → continuation → state
| Ret : value → continuation → state
open state
inductive eval : (ς : state) → (v : value) → Prop where
| Eval_ref : ∀ x env kont v, env_map env x v → eval (Ret v kont) v → eval (Cek (Ref x) env kont) v
| Eval_lam : ∀ x e_body env kont v, eval (Ret (Clo (Lam x e_body) env) kont) v → eval (Ret (Clo (Lam x e_body) env) kont) v
| Eval_app : ∀ e_f e_a env kont v, eval (Cek e_f env (Ar-k e_a env kont)) v → eval (Cek (App e_f e_a) env kont) v
| Eval_halt : ∀ v, eval (Ret v Halt) v
open eval
theorem id_ev : eval (Cek Empty (Lam "x" (Ref "x")) Halt) (Clo (Lam "x" (Ref "x")) Empty) :=
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