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Created February 27, 2024 17:21
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;; CIS352 -- Feb 27, 2023
;; Definitional interpreters for Scheme (warmup to e3)
#lang racket
(define (expr? e)
(match e
[(? number? n) #t]
[`(+ ,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1)) #t]
[(? symbol? x) #t]
;; (let ([x (+ y z)]) x)
;; here, x would match to 'x
;; e would match to '(+ y z)
;; e-body would match to 'x
[`(let ([,(? symbol? x) ,(? expr? e)]) ,(? expr? e-body)) #t]
[`(lambda (,(? symbol? x)) ,(? expr? e)) #t]
[`(,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1)) #t]
[_ #f]))
;; we add env to our interp function
;; env is going a hash mapping symbols (how we will represent variables)
;; to values (the runtime representation of objects in our langauge)
(define (interp e env)
(pretty-print e)
(match e
[(? number? n) n]
[(? symbol? x) (hash-ref env x)]
;; another way to implement let -- I will shadow the next definition
[`(let ([,(? symbol? x) ,(? expr? e)]) ,(? expr? e-body))
(interp `((lambda (,x) ,e-body) ,e) env)]
[`(let ([,(? symbol? x) ,(? expr? e)]) ,(? expr? e-body))
;; first evaluate e by calling interp using the current environment env
;; then evalute e-body in a *new* environment, that extends env
;; with a new binding for x to the value of the interpreted expression
;; e
(define v (interp e env))
(define new-env (hash-set env x v))
(interp e-body new-env)]
[`(+ ,e0 ,e1) (+ (interp e0 env) (interp e1 env))]
[`(lambda (,x) ,e-body)
;; this will allocate / build a closure, which will bundle up this code (i.e., the lambda
;; expression), along with the current environment
`(closure ,e ,env)]
;; a function call, we know it wasn't +, so it must be a closure
[`(,e0 ,e1)
;; e0 is the function
(match (interp e0 env)
;; assume this gives me back a closure--if not, something is seriously wrong
;; they tried to call something that was not a function.
[`(closure (lambda (,x) ,e-body) ,env+)
;; here x is the argument of the closure we got after evluating e0
;; e-body is the body of the closure we got after evaluation e0
;; env is environment that was alive when the closure was created.
;; To respect static/lexical scoping, we evaluate e-body in the
;; environment that was alive at the time the lambda was constructed
;; except, we need to add a binding for x
(interp e-body (hash-set env+ x (interp e1 env)))]
[_ (interp '(let ([f 5]) (f 3)) (hash 'z 8))(error "application: not a procedure")])]
[_ (error "can't process this (yet?)")]))
;; ((lambda (x) (lambda (y) x)) 5)
;; let's say we call the return value
;; (lambda (y) x)
;; Issue: if you use an explicit environment, and not substitution
;; then you "forget" the values of bound variables when lambdas
;; escape and return from calls.
;; A "closure" is a representation of code + data, more specifically,
;; it's a lambda plus the environment that existed when that lambda
;; was created
;; Let can be thought of as a "left-left lambda" which is a lambda
;; that is immediately applied
(let ([x 5]) (let ([y (+ x 2)]) (+ y x)))
;; translate every binder to a lambda, and then take the thing being
;; bound and make that the argument to the lambda which is immediately applied
((lambda (x) ((lambda (y) (+ x 2)) (+ x 2))) 5)
#lang racket
;; Exercise 3: A CE (Control and Environment) interpreter for Scheme
;; NOTE: You *MAY* collaborate with other students on this exercise,
;; but *not* the later project. Feel free to work with up to two other
;; students (groups of three) and submit the same code as them. Use
;; that code to begin your solution for p3.
;; Name: ________________________________
;; Collaborator 1: ________________________________
;; Collaborator 2: ________________________________
(provide interp-ce)
; Interp-ce must correctly interpret any valid scheme-ir program and yield the same value
; as DrRacket, except for closures which must be represented as `(closure ,lambda ,environment).
; (+ 1 2) can return 3 and (cons 1 (cons 2 '())) can yield '(1 2). For programs that result in a
; runtime error, you should return `(error ,message)---giving some reasonable string error message.
; Handling errors and some trickier cases will give bonus points.
(define (interp-ce exp)
(define (interp env exp)
(match exp
[(or (? number?) (? boolean?)) exp]
[`(let ([,x ,rhs]) ,body)
(interp (hash-set env x (interp env rhs)) body)]
[`(lambda (,arg) ,body)
`(closure (lambda (,x) ,body) ,env)] ;; closures have a lambda + environment
[(? symbol? x)
(hash-ref env x)]
[`(if ,ge ,te ,fe)
(if (interp env ge)
(interp env te)
(interp env fe))]
;; not required, but you may want to add this
#;[`(apply-prim ,op ,x)
[`(,ef ,earg)
(match (interp env ef)
[`(closure (lambda (,x) ,e-body) ,env+)
(define v-a (interp env earg))
(interp e-body (hash-set env+ x v-a))])]))
;; TODO: update?
(define starting-env (hash))
(interp starting-env exp))
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