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Created October 12, 2023 19:21
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;; CIS352 -- Fall 2023
;; Closure-Creating Interpreters
#lang racket
(define (expr? e)
(match e
[(? symbol? x) #t] ;; variables
[(? number? n) #t]
;; single-variable let binding
[`(let ([,(? symbol? x) ,(? expr? e-let-binding)]) ,(? expr? e-body)) #t]
;; single-variable lambdas
[`(lambda (,(? symbol? x)) ,(? expr? e-body)) #t]
;; application of a lambda (or something that computes to a lambda) to a value e1
[`(,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1)) #t]
[`(+ ,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1)) #t]
[`(* ,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1)) #t]
[`(- ,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1)) #t]
[`(/ ,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1)) #t]
[`(if0 ,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1) ,(? expr? e2)) #t]
[_ #f]))
(expr? '(if0 ((lambda (x) (let ([y 3]) (+ x y))) (+ 5 2))
(((lambda (y) y) (lambda (x) x)) 5)
((lambda (z) (+ z 3)) 6)))
;; Now this is a valid expression
;; '(if0 (+ x y) (* y 2) (- y 3))
;; this is a valid expr?, but it should crash at runtime
;; because there is no binding for x
;; What form could I use to bind x to some value?
;; values are either numbers or closures
;; a closure is the result of interpreting a lambda
(define (value? v)
(match v
[(? number? n) #t] ;; numbers are values
;; closures are the interpreter's runtime representation of lambdas
[`(closure (lambda (,(? symbol? x)) ,(? expr? e-body)) ,(? environment? env)) #t]))
;; Environments are hashes which map variables to values
;; I.e., environments are "finite maps" from variables
;; to values
(define (environment? env)
(and (andmap symbol? (hash-keys env))
(andmap value? (hash-values env))))
;; Examples
(environment? (hash 'x 5 'y 8))
;; let's say that lambdas evaluate to themselves
((lambda (x) x) 5)
;; then, (lambda (x) x) evaluates to itself, (lambda (x) x)
;; and callsites first evaluate the function position
;; down to lambda, and then extend the environment to bind
;; the variable x
;; this seems good, but what about this?
;; (((lambda (x) ((lambda (y) x))) 7) 5)
;; if we try evaluating this, we end up with
;; ((lambda (y) x) 5)
;; x ERR -- no binding for x
;; Lesson: lambdas can't just evaluate to themselves
;; We will use a *closure*, which is essentially a pair
;; of the lambda along with an environment used to define
;; the lambda, which gives bindings to the free variables
;; In the environment env, e evaluates to the value v
;; env, e ⇓ v
;; Input is expr?
;; Output is a value?
(define (⇓ e env)
(match e
[(? symbol? x) (hash-ref env x)] ;; to evaluate a symbol, look up its value in the environment
[`(lambda (,x) ,e-body)
;; how do I evaluate a lambda?
`(closure (lambda (,x) ,e-body) ,env)]
;; application of functions
;; ((lambda (x) 5) 7)
;; (((lambda (x) x) (lambda (x) x)) 8)
[`(,e0 ,e1)
;; e0 has to evaluate to a function (i.e., a lambda)
;; how does the interpreter evaluate lambdas?
(match (⇓ e0 env)
;; this must evaluate to a closure--if it doesn't, then the user
;; was applying something that wasn't a function, and thus
;; they made a type error
[`(closure (lambda (,x) ,e-body) ,env+)
;; the environment env+ is the environment that gives bindings
;; to the free variables in e-body. When I evaluate e-body
;; I *must use* the environment env+, *not* the current env,
;; which may have *different* values for variables than env+
(define v (⇓ e1 env))
;; evaluate the closure's body in an environment which extends
;; env+ (i.e., the environment *stored by the closure*) with
;; a new binding for x ↦ v
(⇓ e-body (hash-set env+ x v))]
;; user tried to apply something that was *not* a lambda
[_ (error "tried to apply a non-closure value")])]
[`(let ([,x ,e]) ,e-body)
;; first, evaluate e using the current environment
;; then, build a new environment which extends the current environment
;; with a binding for x to its new value (i.e., the value you got by
;; evaluating e). Then, use that new environment to evaluate e-body
(⇓ e-body (hash-set env x (⇓ e env)))]
;; Handling arbitrary numbers of bindings
[`(let ([,xs ,es] ...) ,e-body)
(⇓ e-body (foldl (λ (x e env+) (hash-set env+ x (⇓ e env))) env xs es))]
[(? number? n) n] ;; Const rule
[`(+ ,e0 ,e1) (+ (⇓ e0 env) (⇓ e1 env))]
[`(* ,e0 ,e1) (* (⇓ e0 env) (⇓ e1 env))]
[`(- ,e0 ,e1) (- (⇓ e0 env) (⇓ e1 env))]
[`(/ ,e0 ,e1) (/ (⇓ e0 env) (⇓ e1 env))]
[`(if0 ,e-guard ,e-then ,e-else)
(if (equal? 0 (⇓ e-guard env))
(⇓ e-then env)
(⇓ e-else env))]))
(⇓ '(let ([fac ((lambda (x) (x x))
(lambda (f)
(lambda (x)
(if0 x
(* ((f f) (- x 1)) x)))))])
(fac 20))
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