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A constructive proof of the cantor diagonalization argument: there is
no bijection between a set and its powerset. Since Lean is based on
type theory, we use a type α rather than a set, and for convenience we
use (α → bool) to represent the powerset, i.e. indicator functions on α.
import data.equiv.basic
open function
inductive binary_tree : Type
| root : binary_tree
| tree : binary_tree → binary_tree → binary_tree
namespace binary_tree
def mirror : binary_tree → binary_tree
| root := root
| (tree a b) := tree (mirror b) (mirror a)
This is an analysis of
like in
Input: n A
1. M1 + A -> M2 + 10 B
2 M1 -> M2 + A
3. M2 + A + Div -> M1 + B
4. M2 + 4 B + Div -> M1 + A
5. M2 -> Count
This is a description of Anders Kaseorg's solution to the code golf problem of making a program in FRACTRAN
that detects whether or not the Collatz sequence starting from the given number eventually reaches 1.
FRACTRAN programs can be thought of as being a list of chemical reactions with no catalysts (chemical
species that appear as both reagents and products). Given a fraction c/d, the prime factors present
in d (with multiplicity) are the reagent species, and the prime factors present in c (with
multiplicity) are the product species. Since fractions are reduced, a species is only ever either a
reagent or a product in a given reaction.
$parts = explode("\n", $_POST['msg'], 2);
$msg = $parts[0];
if (strlen($msg) > 0) {
$f = fopen("messages.txt", "a") or die("Unable to open file");
fwrite($f, $msg . "\n");
echo "Success";
^Did you know that (the (fall|spring) equinox|the (winter|summer) (solstice|Olympics)|the (earliest|latest) (sunrise|sunset)|daylight savings? time|leap (day|year)|Easter|the (harvest|super|blood) moon|Toyota truck month|shark week) (happens (earlier|later|at the wrong time) every year|drifts out of sync with the (sun|moon|zodiac|(Gregorian|Mayan|lunar|iPhone) calendar|atomic clock in Colorado)|might (not happen|happen twice) this year) because of (time zone legislation in (Indiana|Arizona|Russia)|a decree by the pope in the 1500s|(precession|libration|nutation|libation|eccentricity|obliquity) of the (moon|sun|Earth's axis|equator|prime meridian|(international date|Mason-Dixon) line)|magnetic field reversal|an arbitray decision by (Benjamin Franklin|Isaac Newton|FDR))\? Apparently (it causes a predictable increase in car accidents|that's why we have leap seconds|scientists are really worried|it was even more extreme during the (bronze age|ice age|Cretaceous|1990s)|there's a proposal to fix it, but it (will ne
kmill /
Created September 1, 2016 05:51
# Example of Todd-Coxeter to compute S_3 from relations
idents = []
neighbors = []
to_visit = 0
ngens = 2
def op_dir(d):
return d+1-2*(d%2)
kmill /
Created September 1, 2016 02:47
# Example of Todd-Coxeter to compute S_3 from relations
idents = []
neighbors = []
to_visit = []
visited = set()
op_dir = [1, 0, 3, 2]
def find(c):
num = 1
while True:
rems = (num % 3, num % 4, num % 5, num % 6)
print num, rems
if rems == (1, 2, 3, 4):
print num
num += 1
num = 1
while True:
if num % 3 == 1 and num % 4 == 2 and num % 5 == 3 and num % 6 == 4:
print num
num += 1